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How does pumping work Physiologically? best session split?

How does pumping work Physiologically? best session split?

First question..
So I’ve been pumping for a few weeks and was just curious as to what happens to the penis to cause “permanent” gains. I realize that during pumping the penis grows with extra blood and lymph fluid but neither the tunica nor ligaments are stretched so how are length gains possible? It would seem that without hanging tunica and ligaments would limit the gains. Does pumping work in the same way as jelqing by forcing blood into the penis and expanding it?

Second question..
I started at 10 minutes per day pumping, then 20, then 30, and now i’m at 40 minutes per day. What is the best schedule of pumping? 3 sessions together or 3 sessions through out the day?




Originally Posted by machtenx
First question..
I realize that during pumping the penis grows with extra blood and lymph fluid but neither the tunica nor ligaments are stretched so how are length gains possible?

I disagree. Pumping will stress your ligs and tunica. Most get gains if they continue pumping.
You have only been pumping for a few weeks. Give it time and don’t worry about it.
Some people have to use higher pressures than recommended for this to happen.

Second question..
I started at 10 minutes per day pumping, then 20, then 30, and now i’m at 40 minutes per day. What is the best schedule of pumping? 3 sessions together or 3 sessions through out the day?

I am sure you have read Pumping 101 by now. I started with that and as I increase my time I have also now gone to a split pumping routine where I will pump some during the day and some during the night. Then sometimes all at once.
I believe you need to mix it up and keep your workouts different.
Some will say all at once is good. But I come from a bodybuilding background where different is better.

IMO; Heat during and manual exercise between pumping sets are a huge benefit. If you don’t use these now, try it out. Good luck and keep on pumping… :)

I’d also like to ask what the optimal pressure to pump at to expand the CC and not just lymphatic fluid introduction? I’m comfortable with higher pressures now so I’d like to start using the optimal.



Originally Posted by GrowingPains
I disagree. Pumping will stress your ligs and tunica. Most get gains if they continue pumping.
You have only been pumping for a few weeks. Give it time and don’t worry about it.
Some people have to use higher pressures than recommended for this to happen.

I guess I overstated what I thought there. I agree it will stress the ligs and tunica somewhat, but maybe just not as much? Anyway I thought that pumping used some other principle.

I am sure you have read Pumping 101 by now. I started with that and as I increase my time I have also now gone to a split pumping routine where I will pump some during the day and some during the night. Then sometimes all at once.
I believe you need to mix it up and keep your workouts different.
Some will say all at once is good. But I come from a bodybuilding background where different is better.

IMO; Heat during and manual exercise between pumping sets are a huge benefit. If you don’t use these now, try it out. Good luck and keep on pumping… :)

2 Questions about heating and manual exercises:

1. I’ve tried wrapping the heating pad around the pump and felt no real difference. What do you use to heat the tube?

2. My goals are strictly for length. Would you say 40% erect jelqing or stretching works better as a manual intermission from pumping? How long is good to spend between pumping sessions for manual?



Originally Posted by machtenx
I guess I overstated what I thought there. I agree it will stress the ligs and tunica somewhat, but maybe just not as much? Anyway I thought that pumping used some other principle.

A normal erection occurs with your blood pressure pushing blood into the corpora cavernosa and expanding them against atmospheric pressure which surrounds your penis. When the CC are filled, your full erection is achieved unless a) your blood pressure goes up (which it does at ejaculation) or b) the crura (“legs”) of the CC, which are surrounded by the ischiocavernosus muscles, are compressed which increases the internal pressure (this also happens at ejaculation). So your maximum erection occurs with your increased blood pressure and the squeezing of the CC by the ischiocavernosus muscles.

In the pump cylinder atmospheric pressure is reduced. This allows the “normal” erection to reach “maximum” erection simply be reducing the outside pressure on the penis. You don’t have to be ejaculating to get the max erection. By allowing you to have a maximum erection for longer than a few seconds (which is the normal amount of time — during ejaculation) you put that little bit of extra stress on the tunica which can cause the microtears and repairs that allow gains.

You don’t need a lot of pressure to do this. Four to six inches of mercury (Hg) and 10 minutes, repeated twice, is enough. Do that daily and you set yourself up for some gains. Going above 6 inches Hg only pulls lymph fluid into the tissues and gives you a donut or those massive, ugly, bloated cocks you can see on the pumpers sites.

The ligs may get a bit of a pull since the whole penis is being sucked into the cylinder, but it isn’t the same stress that hanging will give nor will it give stress in a variety of directions like manual stretching will.

Originally Posted by machtenx
2 Questions about heating and manual exercises:

1. I’ve tried wrapping the heating pad around the pump and felt no real difference. What do you use to heat the tube?

2. My goals are strictly for length. Would you say 40% erect jelqing or stretching works better as a manual intermission from pumping? How long is good to spend between pumping sessions for manual?

1. I also use a heating pad on the “high” setting. Sometimes it takes longer than others but the tube will heat up. Usually I will wrap the tube in the heating pad in the beginning before I even put my penis in. I am doing this “pre heating” while I am performing manual exercises.

Then I will pump my first session leaving the heating pad on the tube. I can feel the tube getting warmer as I go. When the first session is finished I remove the pump for some more manual exercises but leave the heating pad on the tube. By now the tube is pretty warm, sometimes too warm. At times I actually will have to remove the heating pad on my second or third pumping session for a while to cool down.
Be careful!! Some might disagree but I believe getting the tube too hot will lead to an increased possibility of spotting and bruising.
Some others have used an oven preheated to say 125-150 and put the tube in there. Others have used an hot water bath. For ease of use you will can not beat the heating pad

2. If you are going for length pumping may not be for you for the simple fact that most see a good girth gain before length. However if you are able to pack the tube you can work more on length then.
You will get both length and girth just keep working it.

Personally I use jelqing between pumping sets. Most here agree that 5 minutes or so is good for new blood, etc while out of the tube between sets. You will need to tailor the workout to fit your needs. I used to exclusively jelq a while back then I went to exclusively pumping for a while to checkout the differences. All I can say is that using both is way better than using only one method. Some guys even hang or use an ADS before pumping all the while using manual exercises in between pumping sets. Mix and match to your liking.

3. Westla pretty much nailed the theory of pumping pressure verses blood in penis. Myself I have to go to almost 12 hg before my penis will not move forward anymore. However I use 5 -7 hg when I pump. Yes my penis expands more at the higher pressures but this is not a race. I had to learn that the lower pressures are much better. I was over expanding and trying to get faster results. Wrong answer!! Do a search and read Plasticman’s post and you’ll find he was getting immediate gains with higher pressures but ultimately paid a price for it.

4. Also keep in mind that some days will be better than others. There have been days when my penis would just not do anything and it was very disappointing. IE could not even get a good pump in the tube. That told me it was time to rest a bit. Stay the course work through those.

Good Luck :)


Originally Posted by westla90069
In the pump cylinder atmospheric pressure is reduced. This allows the “normal” erection to reach “maximum” erection simply be reducing the outside pressure on the penis. You don’t have to be ejaculating to get the max erection. By allowing you to have a maximum erection for longer than a few seconds (which is the normal amount of time — during ejaculation) you put that little bit of extra stress on the tunica which can cause the microtears and repairs that allow gains.

So does this mean that pumping should be excellent for people with low LOT’s who can’t realize as many gains from ligament stretches?



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