How does this look?
I have just started using a pump a week ago and am starting off very slow to be safe. I just would like to know if this routine is enough to get any kind of gains. Here is what I have been doing.
Mon, Wed, Fri
5-10 minute warmup with water or a rice sock
two sets of 30 second stretches (5 directions using vacextender for a better grip) On the second set I use my arm to get a better stretch
7 minutes pumping at around 2-4
5 minutes wet jelqs with a few holds here and there
7 minutes pumping at around 2-4
5 minutes wet jelqs
2 minutes of holds
10 minute warmdown which is just my daily shower
After I get out of the shower I use the vacextender for about 2-3 hours. I wear it with decently low tension. I don’t think it will do much for erect gains but it does for a fact improve my flaccid length.
I also wear the vacextender for about 2-3 hours on tues and thurs
Any help would be appreciated
Thanks in advance