Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I Command You To Grow - DP - 4000 Electric Pump Progress Log


Day 1

- DP 4000 machine
- Tubes
- Connectors X 2
- Cylinder (Free for Thunder’s Members)
- CD Software
- Manual

Morning Routine

DMSO/PABA/IODINE Topical Solution - 12 minutes
Warm Up - Rice Sock 10 Minutes
Manual 30 Kegel Hold Stretches - Left, Right, SO, V-Stretch
Pump 1.75’ Tube - 4 HCG - 5 Minutes then 5 HCG - 7 Minutes then 4 HCG 5 Minutes then 5 HCG - 2 Minutes
Total pump - 19 minutes 32 seconds
Jelq - 3 Minutes
Silicone Cock Ring - 13 minutes
Edging - Random time

-There was fluid build up on the foreskin at the frenulum area, the pressure in the DP 4000 does not seem as strong compared to my hand pump even though its the same HCG. Now, its most likely that I will experience some days I can go higher and some I can barely hit 5 HCG without feeling some discomfort. I will be playing around with the suction settings by allowing the down time of the HCG to be lower (i.e. 3 HCG then back up to 5 HCG then back to 3 HCG so on and so on) I should be moving up in the tube size as little air bubbles seem to like pop within the tube as my shaft hugs the wall of the tube, giving me that itch feeling. My glands of my penis also is packing the tube by the end of this so when I figure a proper HCG setting and time I will look to go up in the tube size.
- 7 Minutes at the height of my HCG is the sweet spot to stay in as it was the same time frame I used when I made some gains using my Bathmate. I will use 2 - 4 minutes at low HCG to allow new blood to circulate within the shaft.

Post Measurements
Post Pump MEG - 5.25’

I did not do any other measurements as I was distracted from watching the markets.

Current: BPEL - (Before 6.8' - 7') (Now 7' - 7.25')

Current: MSEG - 4.80' - 5.2'

Goal: 9x6

Hi, congrats on the new machine! :)

Don’t be in too much of a rush to go up tube sizes, give it some time to settle in and see what happens there. You can still get girth gains in that tube size and length will come easier if the tube is snug. Good luck with the new equipment!

PS, it’s Hg not HCG.

Day 4 (I think, my excel notes is on my laptop at home)

- I thought I would give my update so far and nothing new since its too early but for those who are using pumps and have bought crappy cylinder tubes that were either too big, too small, or it leaks or couldn’t hold a seal for whatever reason, this is what I’ve done. The 2’ Tube is what I want to be using as the 1.75’ tube really makes my shaft really itch when I completely pack the tube however, the cylinder that was provided by CTC, it does not have a female connector so for my set up I use a cylinder that has a female connector but the tube that was giving from CTC does not so it makes swapping between tubes very difficult. The tubing that connects from the machine to the cylinder was quite generous is length and have does provide 2 male connectors one on each end but it doesn’t makes sense why he would not carry cylinders that are not designed for the DP 4000. Anyways, that was the only complain so far which is the switch between my own cylinders from other purchases versus what was given from CTC.

Current Routine
Program Set Up On The DP 4000
3 HG for 2 Minutes then 5 HG for 4 Minutes (This goes on for about 2 - 3 sets)

Current: BPEL - (Before 6.8' - 7') (Now 7' - 7.25')

Current: MSEG - 4.80' - 5.2'

Goal: 9x6

Originally Posted by sta-kool
How’s it going?


You’ve beaten me to the punch, I’m on Day 26 on the program and wanted to want closer to Day 30 but so far there are no gains to report. My post MSEG varies between 5.25’ to 5.5’. However, because of the programming abilities of the machine I’m going to just focus on the following programming settings.

4HG - 5 Minutes
5HG - 2 Minutes
6HG - 2 Minutes
7HG - 2 Minutes
8HG - 2 Minutes
9HG - 2 Minutes
10HG - 2 Minutes
11 HG - 2 Minutes
This is for the first set and its based on how I feel. I normally had to stop at 8HG. If I can I would start the second set based on how I feel.

Challenges So Far
- Cylinder tubes that I currently have shows there is a little leak which makes my DP machine constantly have to readjust the HG every 2 seconds.
- The machine is quite loud and gets louder as you increase the HG settings

Well I will be back on to post around close to 30 days or if I manage to make some gains by then.

Current: BPEL - (Before 6.8' - 7') (Now 7' - 7.25')

Current: MSEG - 4.80' - 5.2'

Goal: 9x6

Thanks for the report!

Did you come up with that routine yourself or was it recommended by CTC?

Any changes to your erection quality?

That’s a shame about the leak in the cylinder. Is it a CTC cylinder? I understand the owner of the company is great at customer support.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Thanks for the report!

Did you come up with that routine yourself or was it recommended by CTC?

Any changes to your erection quality?

That’s a shame about the leak in the cylinder. Is it a CTC cylinder? I understand the owner of the company is great at customer support.

No worries,

The routine is my own since any levels below 5HG does not feel like its working. My erection quality is around 6-7 out of 10 when I’m out of the tube. This is all mental stimulation, if its aided with Porn, then its a 10/10.

FYI - The cylinder provided by CTC is not your usual cylinder. It does not come with a female or male connecter for the tube itself. So its not much of a discount since I do not use the tube itself.

The reason for the routine is because I want to pack my wide mouth 1.75’ tube from top to bottom. When I was doing the 5HG or less program with heat, after 20 mins X 2, only the bottom of my shaft is packed. So I’m going to test this out and report back.

Current: BPEL - (Before 6.8' - 7') (Now 7' - 7.25')

Current: MSEG - 4.80' - 5.2'

Goal: 9x6

Are you using heat while in the pump?

Originally Posted by Lilhelp
Are you using heat while in the pump?

Yes I am, sometimes the tube burns my skin a bit so I need to cool the tube sometimes.

Current: BPEL - (Before 6.8' - 7') (Now 7' - 7.25')

Current: MSEG - 4.80' - 5.2'

Goal: 9x6

Day 60

Wanted to give an update so far. I have yet to measure but I still go somewhat PE everyday. My challenges so far in the last month were due to the following:

1. Crazy storms which caused a few leaks inside my home
2. Financial loss as of late (93K loss in April alone)

With those that has happened, I can feel the cortisol being elevated during my PE session. Like I can feel the erection just dissipate. So the last 30 days of PE was not the most productive and I can already assume that I have zero gains from it. Right now I’m dealing with the city in terms of some property line issue which can add to my financial loss this year so yeah…. Anyways, wanted to give this update to let everyone know that I’m still in this and still finding ways to press forward.

Current: BPEL - (Before 6.8' - 7') (Now 7' - 7.25')

Current: MSEG - 4.80' - 5.2'

Goal: 9x6


So its like day 65ish I think and I was not in the PE mood but I felt that I should just at least measure my EL. So basically I’m sitting at 7’ EL and I didn’t check my girth since I was aiming for length. The last time I was at 7’ inch was about a year ago so not sure if its from the weather being all warm again or if its what I’m doing. During the day my flaccid does feel fuller but again on other days it shrinks back up. The true test is when I slam my girlfriend in the next couple of weeks so will give updates.

Now, my challenge is that the current 1.75’ wide mouth tube, I pack it from the mid shaft all the way down to the base. I’m not sure if I should up my tube size at this point or try to really pack the tube from the mid shaft all the way up to the glands?

Anyways, this next phase I’m going to play around with the tube sizing. I did add back the injection of PGE1 and DMSO but only 20 MCG at a time and spaced out roughly every 2 - 3 days. I’m hoping that the collagen unlinking properties will be beneficial for me during this whole process. Again, the injection is not the main focus and the risk with this is that the plaque build up within the shaft is a major risk so I will be monitoring closely.

Be back in a few.

Current: BPEL - (Before 6.8' - 7') (Now 7' - 7.25')

Current: MSEG - 4.80' - 5.2'

Goal: 9x6


It has been a while since I’ve posted in regards to the DP Pump. So as of late, I’ve been focusing on my financial stress in life at the moment. I took a hit of 250K and I’ve been focusing on rebuilding my financial situation. 98% of my routine is done in the morning before I go to work (my own business) so I work every single day and it looks like I will be working for the next few years.

So, it leads to the issue that I had maintain a positive attitude during my morning session which then leads to poor sessions overall. So what I’ve decided to do is to focus on my hanging career again at the BTC angle and just try to condition my soft tissue for the next 3 months. Hopefully I can report back with some positive news.

Current: BPEL - (Before 6.8' - 7') (Now 7' - 7.25')

Current: MSEG - 4.80' - 5.2'

Goal: 9x6

How’s everything going (financial situation and all)?

Then (sometime in April 2024) - BPEL : 7; MEG : 5.3 ~

Now - BPEL : 7 - 7 1/4 not sure; MEG : 5.8



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