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Length gains with pumping...


Length gains with pumping...

Hey guys, I was curious. For the pumpers out there…

I know that pumping is supposed to not give permanent gains but I had an interesting idea. Lets say your erect girth is 6.25” and your flaccid is 5.25”. That means that the tube you use on your dick if you were fully hard would need to be over 2” diameter to expand girth right? Well what if you bought a tube that was less diameter than your full erection but bigger than your flaccid so that in the tube, and while pumping, your erect girth was never maxed so that the only expanding you got would be length? If you put your dick in there and pumped on medium prerssure and left it in for 15-20 minutes at 3 sets would you see some permanent length gains? Just curious.

Makes sense in theory. I have yet to venture in pumping though.

Good idea to get blisters, IMHO.

Last edited by marinera : 12-23-2009 at .

It sounds good in theory, but the problem is that you dramatically increase the risk of blisters since mostly all pressure is concentrated on the head.

You could however choose to use a tube that you pack quite quickly, but using a tube that does not even fit your normal erection sounds a bit extreme.


You can damage your penis by using too much vacuum and over-swelling your penis. this can lead to ED and cold flaccids.

It is not recommended that you use too much vacuum.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Last edited by petitfaun : 12-31-2009 at .

Good info, petitfaun. Not to question you necessarily but where did that information come from?

Originally Posted by toofpick
Good info, petitfaun. Not to question you necessarily but where did that information come from?

It’s all featured regularly in the posts in this forum I’m sorry to say.

And in my early days I had a small problem by overzealous vacuum.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Interesting. I do have to say that I used to over-pump myself back in the day. Something like 10inHg. The thing I didn’t like and the reason why I reduced pressure was simply because of the fact that I would get a huge blister under my gland. Sure the expansion was good but the blister was quite sensitive at times.

Is Vegetagd correct in saying that pumping does not result in permanent gains? I’m new to pumping and no one has disproved this statement however I imagine it’s incorrect.

Originally Posted by itsgrowtime

Is Vegetagd correct in saying that pumping does not result in permanent gains? I’m new to pumping and no one has disproved this statement however I imagine it’s incorrect.

You’ve got alot of reading to do brother. Read, read, read and utilize the search function. You WILL find the answer to your question and answers to and future questions that you may have. If you are a newbie, stick with the newbie routine to save your unit.

I tried pumping back in the day, pre-internet days when information on PE was VERY hard to come by, and I gained good length from it considering what I did. (It was a pump without a gauge and no safety valve, go figure.) It probably gave me more girth than length but I didn’t care about girth back then so I have no measurements to tell me if I gained or not. Back then I only jelqed and pumped, not a stretch in sight.

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]

Regarding length gains and pumping, I’m wondering if any guys who pump regularly notice what their max expanded length is when inside the pump, and when using a cylinder that you're not “packing” yet?

I’m in my 8th week, doing the “avocet8 routine” of pumping and jelqing. I usually hit max length in the tube at around 4 - 4.5 hg, and it seems to be consistently 1/4” above my normal non-pumpted erect length. Is this typical or do some guys see more or less expanded length?

I have been pumping for three months - air and water. My length and girth inside the cylinder expand about 1/2 inch above un-pumped measurements. Once removed, length returns to normal, but girth remains at least 1/4 in. more than normal for up to an hour. If I place a constricting band around my unit, girth remains between 1/4 in to 1/2 in. bigger than normal for up to 2 hours. I am packed about 2 inches up the shaft.

No noticeable permanent gains after 12 hours.

Been pumping for about a month and am .75” longer in the cylinder. I pack it about 1.5” up.

There was about 2 weeks where I was just doing stretching for 15 mins 5 days a week. Then I got my pump.
Just got up to 3 x 10min sessions and have gained .25” length and possibly some girth.

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