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Lymphatic Fluid Produced By Vacuum Ads


Lymphatic Fluid Produced By Vacuum Ads

Hello friends of the english forum, before anything say, that my english is very bad, becouse i speak spanish, for that reason it´s very very difficult to me to write this thread, i help of this web to translate it to english: http://babelfis …

My question is: can be harmful to short or long term, to accumulate lymphatic fluid in the head of the penis during hours, for the use of a vacuum head to ads.?.

How many hours may be put it, to don´t make a damage in penis, if put it it´s bad for long hours.?.

please answered me in a very very simple English, equal to which the children of 7 or 8 years speaks, ;) :) :)


Soy feo, no hay quien me quiera hace años que solo toco el conejo de mi chistera no os riais, que es muy trágico, quiero una buena barita, con la que hechar polvos mágicos Si lo consigo, aunque se que asusto me querrán por mi tranca y por matarlas de gusto. Fdo.: Juan Tamariz.

Hello, Thunderdick. (Are you with me so far?) :)

The only problem with accumulation of lymphatic fluid is where it accumulates.

If the fluid accumulates just below the glans creating a “donut” (doughnut), each time that happens, the tissue in that area can become weaker and this makes a future “donut” more likely to happen. After many, many times of making the donut, the donut can become a permanent feature on your penis. Some men do not mind this at all. Some men do not like it.




he is talking about wearing a device he invented himself to wear all day long as a kind of a “vacuum ADS”, at low pressures and only in the glans. I don’t really know the device nor have any idea of what he means by low pressures (vacuum).


What I believe is that keeping blood stagnated for a long period (and to me more than 20 minutes is a long period) is potentially harmful. I would advise against doing it.

Take care,

Thanks, Hog. I did not understand what he is doing. You are absolutely correct. Could you write him back in Spanish and tell him that if he continues this he may not have a cock to enlarge through PE?



Developing lymphatic fluid on the head of your penis, especially if it takes on the form of blisters, can be very bad, and if the blisters break, very painful. It should always be avoided.

Well, Avocet,

I didn’t exactly make a translation of what he wrote here, I remembered a post by him on the subject in the Spanish Forum. I advised against it in that occasion, but he persists with his idea of using that “Vacuum ADS” technique.

I think he’s completely able to read your expert opinion and I’d appreciate it. It would help others with similar ideas, also.

Thank you,

Avocet a pleasure to speak with pumper so respected and experimented as your.

Hog, Saludos como veo que también me contestas por aquí :) , serías tan amable de traducirle esto a los amigos ingleses, (en el foro español ya lo dije pero por aquí no).

Mi aparato no corta la circulación, si acaso la dificulta un poco (en mayor proporción cuanto mas vacío se meta y mas fuerte se pueda tirar del pene por lo tanto). Hay que decir que no es una bomba como las de pumping para todo el el pene, si no sólo para el glande y por tanto permite tener erecciones oxigenando el pene desde dentro con sangre nueva durante estas, incluso la sangre del glande se renueva ya que veo que este aumenta con el aparato puesto, pero en menor medida que la del resto del pene claro.

Imagino que al igual que con la circulación sanguína ocurrirá con la circulación linfática, con la diferencia que con la sudoración interior dentro del aparato creo que también se expulsa parte del agua de esta, siendo beneficioso para el buen funcionamiento del sistema linfático, solo que no se si puede ser nocivo tener edemas linfáticos o linfoedemas por un tiempo prolongado hasta que se quite el aparato, devido a las propias sustancias de las cuales se compone la linfa o a que se cronifique el edema en el futuro, esto es lo que realmente me preocupa, ya que veo que la circulación sanguínea no queda rescindida.

Con bajas presiones me refiero al rededor de 5 hg. para colgar de 3 a 5 kg de tensión, y si soy obstinado en mi idea es por que he leido acerca del PHALLOSAN cuyo funcionamiento es similar, esta avalado por médicos como uno de los mejores sistemas de agarre y dicen que puede llevarse 12 horas puesto, aparte de en los testimonios de la web también he leido estos periodos de tiempo en testimonios reales, incluso en el foro español, aquí en el foro inglés hay gente que lo usa también, quizá me decida a mandarles un mensaje si no contestan a este thread, ya que nunca nadie dice nada del fluido.

Un abrazo Hog y Gracias de corazón por tu preocupación.

Soy feo, no hay quien me quiera hace años que solo toco el conejo de mi chistera no os riais, que es muy trágico, quiero una buena barita, con la que hechar polvos mágicos Si lo consigo, aunque se que asusto me querrán por mi tranca y por matarlas de gusto. Fdo.: Juan Tamariz.

friends of the English forum my excuses by the post in Spanish, but yours know that my level of English are very low.

I hope that Hog, translate it to yours, gratefulness of all Hog ;) .

Soy feo, no hay quien me quiera hace años que solo toco el conejo de mi chistera no os riais, que es muy trágico, quiero una buena barita, con la que hechar polvos mágicos Si lo consigo, aunque se que asusto me querrán por mi tranca y por matarlas de gusto. Fdo.: Juan Tamariz.

We trust that Hog did a good job in the translation. No need for him to convert what he said back into English.



Originally Posted by gprent
Developing lymphatic fluid on the head of your penis, especially if it takes on the form of blisters, can be very bad, and if the blisters break, very painful. It should always be avoided.

What are the risks involved? What could happen? Why is it bad? I’m using the Phallosan stretcher and as it is painless to increase the stretch it is often tempting to increase the stretch to a level that gives a buildup of fluid - it is easy to get rid of through massage or a hard on. But risking my dickhead doesn’t sound like fun!

A vacuum head attachment doesn’t seem to inhibit circulation much with small wts. ( up to 1-2 lbs).

I do find though the more wt/ time, you do start getting lymph accumulation.

If you check every 30 minutes at first, and find your response to the wt used, you will begin to see what you can safely do.

If I use one Montys wts, and a vacuum glans attachment…I can go hours very safely.

If I use 4 of Montys wts, I will get quite a bit of lymph accumulation. So much so in fact that one time I could hardly get my unit out of the vacuum attachment I had made ( it had a smaller neck that the bottle itself)…scared me!

If accumulation is a problem, then you just need to take a break occasionally and massage the lymph out, and it will be fine.

The only other problem I have had (several times) is a lymph vessel can get congested and trap lymph fluid.

If you don’t drain it…it can lead to a permanent problem.

I have found that if I get a congested vessel, I just massage it FIRMLY toward my abdomen, all the way to the furthest congested part of it I can feel ( nearest my body).

I have found if I do this, it will drain away within about 30 seconds. If I don’t do this when it is congested, it will many times become a problem that may last for weeks or more.

Thanks Sparkyx!

I already massage, but not until after a few hours - not that easy at work etc. I have never experienced congestion -sounds scary! I will cut down vacuum/stretch to reduce/avoid fluid build up.

I try to take my LegXtender off every 1½-2 hours to check while going to bathroom. Sometimes the shape of the glans has taken on a slight “coke-can” shape that dissapears in no time, other times I’ve gotten a “white tip” on the glans, when I’ve pulled too hard/too long or my unit has slipped backwards through the seal (damn texture on the dishgloves!) and lymp has accumulated on the non-compressed area = glans.

Seems to do no harm, but I try to avoid it.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

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Originally Posted by MrDick
Thanks Sparkyx!

I already massage, but not until after a few hours - not that easy at work etc. I have never experienced congestion -sounds scary! I will cut down vacuum/stretch to reduce/avoid fluid build up.

Just make sure you don’t cut back to a non productive amount.

I find for me, productive vacuum comes fairly close to a level that states to cause trouble…its a fine line for me.

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