"Milking the Tube" Pumping with a flexible DIY Silicone base
I thought I would share this with the pumpers. I know some of you enjoy the DIY stuff! :)
I build a silicone base for my elliptical pump. (as per pics below)
It has enough give/flexibility to allow me to easily “milk the tube”. If you search the forum you will find a lot of posts about this technique.
Basically it allows to change hg/pressure fast when you pull and press the pump up and down into or away from the pubic bone.
It creates more circulation. It can feel stimulating and helps maintain an erection inside the pump. I once edged before and entered close to PONR and did the milking and came.(not recommended at high hg!)
I never liked just letting the pump sit at the same pressure for long time. Creates stall blood and discoloration for me.
I can go 20+ minutes milking the tube and exit erect which I couldn’t do before. It feels a bit like expanded edging.
The silicone base allows a good seal while pulling the tube away(increasing pressure). And it allows to push the pump down to lower the pressure.
Around 5 hg I can pull up to 8hg and push down to 2.5hg. The range gets narrower the higher the hg.
The up and down of pressure seems to exercise the smooth muscle and I like to push the boundaries of the tunica for the short pull up.
Around 10 HG I feel quiet a stretch but wouldn’t like to stay there for many minutes. So I pump up to around 7 hg and then “milk the tube” which puts the gauge at 10 hg for a short time.
I shaped the base so that the CS/down side is higher to allow the erection to stand and not squash the head against the tube while “milking” it.
It was quiet a hassle to create it so I wont produce more for the time being but can help with Q’s for other DIY pumpers! I also think some pump producers might have similar products available already..
(I have some pics with an erection inside in my log and might make a vid or gif soon to showcase the “milking”)
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