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"Milking the Tube" Pumping with a flexible DIY Silicone base


"Milking the Tube" Pumping with a flexible DIY Silicone base

I thought I would share this with the pumpers. I know some of you enjoy the DIY stuff! :)

I build a silicone base for my elliptical pump. (as per pics below)

It has enough give/flexibility to allow me to easily “milk the tube”. If you search the forum you will find a lot of posts about this technique.

Basically it allows to change hg/pressure fast when you pull and press the pump up and down into or away from the pubic bone.
It creates more circulation. It can feel stimulating and helps maintain an erection inside the pump. I once edged before and entered close to PONR and did the milking and came.(not recommended at high hg!)

I never liked just letting the pump sit at the same pressure for long time. Creates stall blood and discoloration for me.
I can go 20+ minutes milking the tube and exit erect which I couldn’t do before. It feels a bit like expanded edging.

The silicone base allows a good seal while pulling the tube away(increasing pressure). And it allows to push the pump down to lower the pressure.
Around 5 hg I can pull up to 8hg and push down to 2.5hg. The range gets narrower the higher the hg.
The up and down of pressure seems to exercise the smooth muscle and I like to push the boundaries of the tunica for the short pull up.
Around 10 HG I feel quiet a stretch but wouldn’t like to stay there for many minutes. So I pump up to around 7 hg and then “milk the tube” which puts the gauge at 10 hg for a short time.

I shaped the base so that the CS/down side is higher to allow the erection to stand and not squash the head against the tube while “milking” it.
It was quiet a hassle to create it so I wont produce more for the time being but can help with Q’s for other DIY pumpers! I also think some pump producers might have similar products available already..
(I have some pics with an erection inside in my log and might make a vid or gif soon to showcase the “milking”)

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Love it. I do this a little bit but without any kind of additional base, I do feel like it helps keep blood moving around.

Looks like a good Cylinder-extension . Well crafted too .

So , basically , the technique could be described as ‘fucking’ the tube with a minimal motion , am I correct?

What did You use as raw material for the sleeve ? , and what kind of stores ( hardware?) sells this ?

Also edging here , then entering the pump,.. I believe it’s the best work out for a penis that is used to some advanced pumping.

Nice project.
Just bought a juicy cockring by oxballs for 30 euro.
I don’t pump at moment, but I didn’t want to risk that it will be discontinued.
Will use it for my Fröhle Hodenkondom (my fav cylinder non pe related).

Btw I am thinking of buying a 3d printer next year and produce my own pe-tools using silicone and acryl.
Would really love a custom made cylinder with a upward angle.

Maybe a 3d printer is option for you too as the prices are going down atm (entry level 100-200 euro).

" PE is a helluva drug. "

Originally Posted by Grotepik
So , basically , the technique could be described as ‘fucking’ the tube with a minimal motion , am I correct?
What did You use as raw material for the sleeve ? , and what kind of stores ( hardware?) sells this ?
Also edging here , then entering the pump,.. I believe it’s the best work out for a penis that is used to some advanced pumping.

Actually I would compare it to a fleshlight. I dont move my pelvis.
I use my hands to pull the tube away from my pubic bone which increases pressure inside.
Then I push it back into my pubic which through the silicone base has some give. This decreases pressure.

Pull away can give up to 3 hg more pressure. Push down around 1-2hg less pressure.
I can move the pump fast up and down for fluctuating the pressure up and down… ..or pull it for some seconds to add pressure.

Originally Posted by pe_pe
Btw I am thinking of buying a 3d printer next year and produce my own pe-tools using silicone and acryl.
Would really love a custom made cylinder with a upward angle.

Maybe a 3d printer is option for you too as the prices are going down atm (entry level 100-200 euro).

I checked the Hodencondom. Interesting. How does it expand the balls when the dick is blocking the air to be able to be sucked out?

3D printer is interesting. It could be very useful to create molds for the silicone. My base to build was a pain in the ass to build.

How to build

The end product Im satisfied with but it was a pain in the ass to build.

I used modeling clay(no sulfur in it or mixes with the silicone) for the form.
The silicone is ecoflex 50. But I guess one could use other not so expensive silicone.

I put the clay as a block on a piece of plywood and angled the plywood about 90 degrees. This is done to mimic the pelvis shape.
The highest point (CS side) of the silicone to be 7cm to make up the longer CS side of the erect dick.
The top line is straight plane.

Then you push the cylinder into the clay halfway straight down.
Then you need to carve out the clay where the silicone will be put in. Creating a negative so to say. I use the cylinder to know where to cut.
In the end I needed to put the tube in after I poured the silicone to create the negative space where it later can fit in.

I realize its fucking hard to explain. I mean you have to think it through logically. I think it can be made easier like with a 3D printer to make the silicone form.

I just add a pic which might explain it.

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Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
I checked the Hodencondom. Interesting. How does it expand the balls when the dick is blocking the air to be able to be sucked out?

This can happen ;) So high pressure pumper be aware.
Haven’t used it in awhile (unconditioned atm and don’t want to go for long sessions because my balls aren’t used to any pressure anymore).

So I don’t know what will happen with my current size.
Got both sizes of the Hodenkondom. I don’t see a blockage happening with the larger size as it is a really big tube to fill up without fluid build up.

In the beginning I hated the tube (cheap material), but with time it became my favorite tube.
I liked to full package pump from time time to increase the bulge effect after pumping.

What I like most is the pull that is created by the whole package pump.
Moreover the ball size is limited due to its design in comparison to a long jonny, montertube or bullmaster.
Therefore it produces a much better natural and proportional look. I hate when the proportions get distorted ;)

You can get them pretty cheap as they are not quality products (both sizes each about 30 euro).

" PE is a helluva drug. "

I find this concept intriguing.

Milking the tube is an old technique favoured here for a long time. I find that it helps stay erect and I’m sure it’s beneficial compared to static pressure.

Does this ring simply work such that you’ll able to move the tube more up and down than you would with a regular tube? And as a consequence you’ll able to get bigger variations in pressure?

I wonder if any commercial rings could be used to produce a similar effect as I’m not sure if I’m up for building one myself. :)

Originally Posted by Renholder
Does this ring simply work such that you’ll able to move the tube more up and down than you would with a regular tube? And as a consequence you’ll able to get bigger variations in pressure?

Yes! At around 5 hg without moving I can get up to +3 hg pulling and -2 pushing down.
Commercial silicone seals I saw some and they will help with milking the tube and keeping a seal during it.(if you pull too much you loose the seal)
What is special with mine is that CS/ball side is higher. So you have better placement in the tube similar to how an erect dick points. And I have more give when pushing down(lowering the pressure shortly while staying at higher pressure static)

Mostly I pump to 3 hg. milk up down for 30 seconds. Then add 1 HG and milk for 30 sec. and repeat that until I arrive at around 10-12 hg.
From there I do the same but release HG until Im at 0hg. Then I exit, do some jelqs and many times I exit completely erect which I do not with static.
Still static has its benefits too!

Very cool.

Any idea where to get commercial rings? It’s certainly better than nothing. Since it seems like I’m going to be pumping for a while now, I might be interested in trying it.

DS: good thread - thanks for taking the time to post your idea and pics.

How long are you holding the push in and how long are you holding the pull out?

I change it up. Sometimes really fast as if I wank like a maniac. Or slow up and down.
Then I often pump near my max like 8hg and pull it up for some moments above 10hg where you really notice the tension.

The push down gets less effectice at some point as the vacuum pushes it down by itself.
I had plans to include some springs in the base to allow even better milking. Would be a blast..

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