Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mushroom Head Pumping and increased sensitivity

Originally Posted by kingpole
My head is to damn big to put in that thing, darn!

Oh, what a horrible problem you have. I feel sooooooooo sorry for you! :)

Originally Posted by sixinchman
Dr Kaplan has just a head tube for $40USD, I haven’t got one, but you might be able to get the same results at a cheaper price<SNIP>
“The internal diameter of the penis head enlarger is 1.5 inches. To get a airtight seal, your penis shaft aft of your penis head must be at least 1.5 inches in diameter.”

I talked to Kaplan about this — the rep I spoke to said that the website is wrong, that it is actually a 1.75 diameter. So that might make this a real possibility for some of you.

At any rate, that’s what he said. I am assuming he had it right.

Originally Posted by vkn1
The sensitivity improvements sound awesome. How about the size increases though? Is it actually making you more of a mushroom?

I pump with the regular cylinder every other day. However, I have only been pumping with the MHM for a little over a month now, and then only twice a week. So, it is a bit early to really see any gains due to the MHM, as yet.

When I use the MHM, I pump between 3Hg and 5 Hg for about 15 minutes. I then rest for about 30 minutes and then repeat for another 15 minutes. Sometimes I split the sessions between the morning and the evening, or do both in one session.

After the pumping, the glans is quite “plump” and remains so for more than a day. This “plumpness” does not seem to be from any fluid buildup, but it is indeed larger. So, I have high hopes that a permanent “Mushroom Head” will eventually be looked for outcome!

Started 4/9/07: Bpel 4.438 Eg 3.750 - Fl 3.750 Fg 3.500

Now 07/08/09: Bpel 5.625 Eg 5.875 Fl 4.625 Fg 5.813....Goal: Bpel 7.500 Eg 6.500 - Fl 5.500 Fg 6.000

"PE inorder to give more Happiness & Joy to yourself AND others!" Panos *** "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" Eleanor Roosevelt.

Originally Posted by shaguar

Glad to hear you have made good gains with the mushroom head cylinder, I also purchased this a few months back although I wont be using it until I’ve packed my current 2” cylinder first.

Could you please tell us your routine with this particular pump As I’m sure alot of people would also like to experience the benefits you have described.

Keep up the good work!

Check out my reply to vkn1 about my present routine. Good Luck.

Started 4/9/07: Bpel 4.438 Eg 3.750 - Fl 3.750 Fg 3.500

Now 07/08/09: Bpel 5.625 Eg 5.875 Fl 4.625 Fg 5.813....Goal: Bpel 7.500 Eg 6.500 - Fl 5.500 Fg 6.000

"PE inorder to give more Happiness & Joy to yourself AND others!" Panos *** "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" Eleanor Roosevelt.

Originally Posted by Phenyo
Kalinishta Panos,

Thank you for sharing of your interesting experiences, I have something called retarded edjucalation syndrome and so forth, however I am working on it and thanks to Avocet and Zaneblue’s advice I have made a hell of a lot of progress. Some of the matters are definitely sensitivity matters, however as I said which is why I have looked into this Mushroom Head Maker with interesting finding. It could prove worthwhile and I have made note of some of that which you have shared in my journal. I may look into getting one for my next birthday or who knows Christmas we will see.

Worry not about the PM’s I know we all have busy lives outside of Thunders but its all good that all of us still link up and share that which we do here.Thus 2 years later and I am wiser (thanks to the vets) and have a cock which seems to be growing. ;-)

Continue keeping us posted with your progress.

Yahsou Phenyo…
Sorry I have been so tardy with my PMs. Had computer problems and also eye
problems and so haven’t been around very much lately. Glad things are going
well for you and will try to be better at messaging.
Take care. Panos

Started 4/9/07: Bpel 4.438 Eg 3.750 - Fl 3.750 Fg 3.500

Now 07/08/09: Bpel 5.625 Eg 5.875 Fl 4.625 Fg 5.813....Goal: Bpel 7.500 Eg 6.500 - Fl 5.500 Fg 6.000

"PE inorder to give more Happiness & Joy to yourself AND others!" Panos *** "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" Eleanor Roosevelt.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Hello Panos — I’d like to hear about your routine with the mushroom head cylinder too. Bumping the thread in hopes you’ll see it!

Hi sta-kool.
See my reply to vkn1. Good Luck. May we all end up with Beautiful Mushrooms!

Started 4/9/07: Bpel 4.438 Eg 3.750 - Fl 3.750 Fg 3.500

Now 07/08/09: Bpel 5.625 Eg 5.875 Fl 4.625 Fg 5.813....Goal: Bpel 7.500 Eg 6.500 - Fl 5.500 Fg 6.000

"PE inorder to give more Happiness & Joy to yourself AND others!" Panos *** "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" Eleanor Roosevelt.

I love mushrooms, yummy!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
I love mushrooms, yummy!

Hey Kingpole…
I don’t know if you already have a mushroom head or not, but if not, why
not join me in trying to get one?

Started 4/9/07: Bpel 4.438 Eg 3.750 - Fl 3.750 Fg 3.500

Now 07/08/09: Bpel 5.625 Eg 5.875 Fl 4.625 Fg 5.813....Goal: Bpel 7.500 Eg 6.500 - Fl 5.500 Fg 6.000

"PE inorder to give more Happiness & Joy to yourself AND others!" Panos *** "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" Eleanor Roosevelt.

My mushroom head goes from 5.9” to 6” if I do a lot of erect kegels. It seems smaller because the shaft got thicker, but in reality it to got thicker to.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by sixinchman
Dr Kaplan has just a head tube for $40USD, I haven’t got one, but you might be able to get the same results at a cheaper price.. Unfortunately you don’t seem to be able to choose the size, which means it probably won’t fit everyone

“The internal diameter of the penis head enlarger is 1.5 inches. To get a airtight seal, your penis shaft aft of your penis head must be at least 1.5 inches in diameter.”
Which isn’t good, if your penis is much bigger then 1.5inches diameter (4.6 girth) and you get an erection, I think it could cause a fair bit of pain, and possibly take the head of your cock clean off (no not really :P )

I have on of these tubes and I don’t like it.
I don’t care how good of a seal you get, it always sucks your entire shaft in. Although it seems, at least to me, that the tube from lapdist would be more difficult to size accurately. It looks like the best product by far.

Naab: I found an internet tip on how to “size down” the kaplan head enlarger, using one of those silicone cylinder cushions — maybe this would help:

Penis Head Enlarger Size Reduction - Tips n Tricks

Wow, I’m going to have to look into getting one of these. I’ve always wanted a bigger head than my shaft AND increased sensitivity. Thanks for all the links guys.

10/07: BPEL: 7.5" EG: 5.5" Now:BPEL: 8.5" EG: 5.6" Mid Girth Goal: BPEL: 8.5" EG: 6" Early Pics Latest Pics

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Naab: I found an internet tip on how to “size down” the kaplan head enlarger, using one of those silicone cylinder cushions — maybe this would help:

Penis Head Enlarger Size Reduction - Tips n Tricks

I’ll have to look into that sta-kool. Thanks.

Phenyo, can you give a link to the pump you speak of? I’ve seen a gland pump on eBay.

Phenyo, (or anyone else) would you be so kind as to look at the eBay link below and tell me what you think? Do you think it will also help with sensitivity? Thanks

Item number: 310028149583


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