Newbie can't get a perfect seal -- is continually pumping the pump ok?
I’m about 2 or 3 weeks into pumping. I still can’t quite master getting a good seal. That means the pressure goes down after a second or two. So I find myself continuously squeezing the pump handles during the session to bring it back up to 2.5 to 3HG.
Is this fluctuating pressure like this ok? Obviously continuous pressure would be better. Should I compensate by spending more time in the tube? I am doing 10 minute sessions now.
I am working on getting my pubic hair a little more under control, so maybe that will help.
Additionally I realized that my Harbor Freight brass pump is “water pumping safe” since it has that little reservoir for capturing fluid. Would water pumping be better/easier?
History — I have trimmed my pubic hair short. The first few times I pumped I went into the cylinder hard — I have a 1.75 inch cylinder and my base erect girth is a little over 5, so this meant I got a perfect seal.
Then Lampwick pointed out to me that the current thinking is that the tunica is best stretched in an “unloaded” state — So now I go in at around 60 to 70% erect.
So my base no longer completely fills the entrance. That’s when getting the seal became dicey. I have trimmed my pubes further and lubed the base of the cylinder more, which has helped. Over the next few days I am going to get rid of all the hair on my shaft, so hopefully that will help too.