Thunder's Place

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Packing at the head. Need new cylinder?

Packing at the head. Need new cylinder?

I started pumping with a 9 x 1.75 this past week and am packing the tube just below the head. The head is touching the top and sides, but not the underside. Midshaft is not packing and the base is not packing, but the base larger than the midshaft. So my dick looks like an hour glass being biggest at the head end. Some of what is causing the packing is some fluid buildup, but not bad.

Here is what I do. I do a fifteen minute rice sock warmup, get erect while watching porn, put on a condom and lube all correct places and pump at -5 for ten minutes.

My question is; is it time for a new cylinder already??

I’ll post a picture if it will help answer my question.

Stats at bottom.

Thanks All,


Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5

New Tube ???

I am not a senior pumping member but it sounds to me that a 2 X 10 would be in order for your unit.

Unless you want your unit to fill the tube all proportions the same. Then I would keep it for a while and use maybe 4-5 in. until all was even.

Maybe I’m reading your post wrong, but don’t understand how your head is touching the top & sides. Are you 7” bpel and your head is touching the top of a 9” tube? If so, dang!!!


I have been pumping for a long time off and on and have learned a few things that may help. First heat is your friend. I find that a gel pack heated in the microwave can be wraped around the tube and covered with a tea towel to insulate will give you much faster growth during a session. Re-heat as needed. Second, get some theraband and cut a 2inch wide strip about 12 inches long and wrap it tight around the penis head and about 2 inches down the shaft. Use tape to secure it and maybe a couple of wraps around the theraband. This stops to much blood from getting into the tip and last few inches of your dick which allows the base and shaft time to expand. This stops the doughnut effect and ballooning of the end of your dick. You can bassically pump until your base and shaft fill the tube then remove the theraband and pump a little more to fill out the rest of the shaft and head. Dont overdue the pumping after removing the theraband. And be carefull with the heat, too much will cause blisters. You will be totally amazed at how fast you pack the tube throughout your whole dick. Last If you can get ahold of a second tube, I made two from large aquarium cleaners, start pumping with hot water in the tube while you shower. The water adds heat and in my case act like a seal when you pump up.You will be suprized at how 10 min in the morning will help keep you engorged between heavier sessions.

Originally Posted by Stretchin
I started pumping with a 9 x 1.75 this past week and am packing the tube just below the head. The head is touching the top and sides, but not the underside. Midshaft is not packing and the base is not packing, but the base larger than the midshaft. So my dick looks like an hour glass being biggest at the head end. Some of what is causing the packing is some fluid buildup, but not bad.

Here is what I do. I do a fifteen minute rice sock warmup…

If your glans is packing the tube, that is, your coronal ridge is squooshed up against the tube walls, no problem. Just make sure you use a whole lot of lube on the end of your shaft and glans to avoid abraiding your skin.

I think you should stay awhile longer with the cylinder you have in the hope of gradually filling out the hourglass portion in the middle. It doesn’t sound like your glans is actually blocking vacuum reaching the lower part of your shaft.

You can save some time on your routines by cutting down on that 15 min. of rice sock warm up. Even the largest of flaccids heats through in a few minutes. You can add an additional short heat wrap after you pump and jelk, before you go back in the tube or keep your tube warm with some sort of wrap like hogman is suggesting.



Jonathonb, thank you for the suggestion. Any help is always appreciated.

Baz9, I didn’t explain myself very well at all. My head does not go to the end of the 9” tube. The ridge of my head is filling out in girth/circumfrence thereby causing it to touch the tube in three directions.

Hogman, excellent post! Outstanding! Just what I was looking for. I really appreciate you taking the time to help. I can’t thank you enough.

Avocet8, thank you very much too. You saved me alot of warmup time and time is very limited right now. I’m having to choose between sleep and PE. Guess which one wins.

Thanks Again All,


Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5


I hope you understood all that. Please give it a try and post back, would be interested to know if you got the desired results. Also I have givin some thought to posting some pics on how I wrap and different stages of the pump. If there is interest from our fellow pumpers let me know.

Hogman, yes, I understood it. You gave very concise instructions. I will have to use something other than latex theraband for the wrap though.

Tonight while talking with a nurse friend I discovered that an itching problem I am having on my penis is an allergic reaction to latex. :( So I may try some Ace wrap since it’s readily available, but I’m afraid that is going to be too thick. We’ll see. If it is too thick I’ll order some non latex Theraband online.

Your idea of posting pictures would indeed be very helpful. If you do decide to post them let us know here in this thread please.

Thanks Again,


Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5

Hogman, I tried the wrap technique today with a non latex hospital tourniquet. As I was wrapping,
it occurred on me that I didn’t know if you meant while erect or while flaccid. Can you clarify please?

Thank You,


Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5


I am semi erect when I do it. The whole idea is to restrict the amount of size in the last 2 or so inches so that suction can get past to the base. So I do it fairley snug. I’ll work on some pics for you.

Hogman, this is kind of tricky stuff. Keep a boner or semi boner AND wrap. :) , however I did it successfully today and with good results. I will need to wrap a little further down though.

Thank you for helping me with this new PE plan of attack.



Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5

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