Thunder's Place

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Post warm water pumping icewater cooldown


I would do a 5 minute warm up in the pump, then do my stretches and jelqs, then do my main pumping session followed by the ice water cool down session. That’s me though. I’m not going to say you can’t do something different.

Pumping back up to mostly full expansion directly with cold water

Took yesterday off.

Today I did one approximately 15 minute set with warm water, reaching maybe 192-193 in the tube.

Then five minutes stretching, and five minutes jelqing. At the end of that, my dick was still extended out most of the way it had been right out of the pump, but it had lost most of the plumpness. Next time onwards I think I’ll jelq first to make the best use of the engorgement and then stretch after.

Then filled the tube back up with cold water - as cold as I could get it - and pumped back up to just under 190. Didn’t try to cross that because it was as much as I felt comfortable going to. Held it at that for as long as it took me to shower, maybe five minutes or a little more.

Post pumping, my dick seemed to hold the pumped look for a bit longer, maybe half an hour or so. Right now, post lunch it still looks a little fatter than usual, but if anything it looks a little swollen, like it’s still retaining fluid. Not sure if it’s the cold water or the extra time under tension from the additional set.

I’ll report back either tomorrow or the day after in case I take tomorrow off with the results from the second option - pumping back up with hot water and then using cold water to “cement” that expansion in.

Raybbaby, are you naturally a shower or a grower? I’m wondering if that impacts the results from this cold water finish, since I’m definitely a grower.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Try ice it makes a big difference even to the very cold tap water at my place.

I did today. Literal ice water. Just gonna see next time if gaining the expansion back with hot water before locking it in with cold makes a difference.

I was a grower when I started all this PE stuff. I now hang at around 5 inches but am 7 when erect. Yeah, going from hot water pumped directly to cold will make a difference. Good luck.

Thanks guys.

Didn’t have the time to pump this morning, so my next session is either tonight or tomorrow morning. I’ll report back.

Pumping Back up with Hot And Cementing it with Cold

Sorry I didn’t have the time to update yesterday. This second option did feel better - found it far easier to get back up to full expansion with hot water.

Results: Held the post-pumping expansion several minutes longer. Less edema through the day and SLIGHTLY better hang. By itself nothing much to write home about, but when I tried stretching again in the evening it did feel like the tissues were resisting a little less.

On the flip side, this is about ten minutes more pumping than I’m used to, so I felt a little sore after the session, and it took that much longer (time is at a premium in the mornings because I need to get out and get to work). Also, not sure if the results through the day were due to the cold water or simply the increased time under tension.

All in all, I’ll have to try this for at least a week more before I can tell how well it’s working.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz

You are using cold water or ice water?

Pouring it out of a mug filled with ice cubes.


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