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Pump losing vacuum

Pump losing vacuum


I am using a Kaplan trigger pump with gauge, and recently have begun to lose vacuum over -4. I think that I may have washed off some of the internal lube that seals the vacuum as some water may have been introduced.

How do I re-lube my trigger handle?

There is a little hole opposite the air intake hole [where the hose connects to the handle]- would a drop of household oil there do the trick?

Any help much appreciated.

Girth and glee.


PS- Sorry if this dupes other threads- I can’t think how to word a search for this that won’t come back with tons of stuff on basic vacuum pump with a variety of lubes, I.e. Astroglide et alia.

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"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

If I understand you right, it is the pump that leakes so that to pressure drops. You can always just suck on the hose instead of using the pump.

I bought me a lowpricepump just a few days ago. I leaked extremely much. I removed the pump en kept the cylinder, hose and backventil(the thing that makes the air only go one way). Now my cylinder is 100% free of leaks.

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

Originally Posted by androNYC

I am using a Kaplan trigger pump with gauge, and recently have begun to lose vacuum over -4. I think that I may have washed off some of the internal lube that seals the vacuum as some water may have been introduced.

I recently bought a larger 2 inch cylinder since I tend to press against the cylinder walls at the base in my 1 and 3/4 (LA Pump cylinder). After trying the 2, I determined I am not yet ready for it because it leaks like crazy. I think the reason I don’t leak much in the 1 and 3/4 is because the shaft fills the tube snugly after a minute or so. But I see there being this difficult transition to the 2 when I am ready, with this extra leakage I experience.

I don’t believe this is really your problem since it sounds like your pump was working and then started leaking but I wanted to throw my leak issue in the ring for possible suggestions to overcome it. I may need to use a thera-p wrap or something at the base for a while?? I tried extra vaseline for sealing but it didn’t seem to help.

Targetten- I haven’t seen a LA cylinder, so I don’t know how it interfaces to your unit. The Kaplan has a rounded lip/ flange. I understand that some Kaplan [and other brand] users trim/ shave in addition to lubing up to promote a better seal.

Why don’t you just go back to the 1.75” until you fill up the base of the 2” for a sufficient seal?

Skitola- thanks, but part of the beauty of pumping for me is that I can multi-task. The pump has a locking female connector that I can disconnect to maintain the vacuum, so the issue is rather that I can’t get above the ~-4 mark, which I occasionally like to do as my unit gets warm and loose- just ‘cause I like how it feels.

Anyone have any help to offer on “re-sealing” the Kaplan trigger pump?

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Originally Posted by androNYC
Targetten- I haven’t seen a LA cylinder, so I don’t know how it interfaces to your unit. The Kaplan has a rounded lip/ flange..

Why don’t you just go back to the 1.75” until you fill up the base of the 2” for a sufficient seal?

Sounds like the LA Pump cylinder and Kaplan are similar with the flange. I do primarily still use the 1.75 inch cylinder since I discovered I’m not yet ready for the 2 (patience.. :)

But I’m glad I got the 2 to have at least tried it instead of wondering if I have the correct size for my unit. It’s just that at first, I was wondering if the seal at the top where the pump tube interfaces with the cylinder was somehow faulty but you can remove them easily from one cylinder and place it on the other. After trying that, I discovered that the 2 inch still leaked a lot and determined it was simply because I was not plugging the cylinder with my unit like I was in the 1.75. So, I will know I’ve made good progress when I someday plug into the 2 and it keeps it’s seal :-)

Are you sure it is the pump leaking and not the cylinder? What happens when you pump to the desired pressure and detach the hose? For me the main ways to eliminate the loss of pressure is shaving, using a thick lube such as vaseline, and using a cylinder which isn’t too big.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

It’s the pump. Cylinder is still just fine, and has been fine for a bit. I haven’t done anything substantively different.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

It apparently isn’t what’s happening to you, Andro, but others should know that leakage can also occur where the female valve screws into the tube. I remedied it by smooshing a little aquarium silicone into the threads of the valve and then screwing it back in.

I screwed up my mity vac with water last year when I was experimenting with water pumping.

I had to take it apart and re-lube the o-rings with vasaline or white lithium grease ( either will work).

Now it works good as new.

As far as the Kaplan…can’t help you with exact directions.

The problem with some of these things is once you take them apart…you may not be able to get them back together.

What I can say is that if you do take it apart, make small drawings to help you remember what went where.

Also take it apart very slowly so you don’t get a nasty surprise like a spring shooting across the room and not being able to find it or figure out where it fits in.

You might try just detaching the pump from the cylinder during the pumping session. That should eliminate the leaking if the cylinder is good. You can re-attach the pump periodically to check the pressure.

I have the same pump and the same problem. That’s my solution.

I am having the same problem with my pump.

I have shaved,used different lubes etc. but it is obvious that the problem is with the pump and/or cylinder.

No matter what I pump up to,the pressure leaves.I can even pump up to a high pressure like 10hg,and the pointer will start going down somewhat slow, but not very slow.I try to keep it at 4-5hg, and pump repump once or twice every 15-20 seconds.

I have tried water pump once or twice,and truthfully never had these problems with the pump until then.I am starting to wonder if this is the problem or not.

Any suggestions?

For the record,I have a pump from northwest pumpworks with a gauge on it,and I beleive it was one of,it not there best model pump, so its not a cheapo pump.

Don’t use household oil in the pump. It probably has a plastic internal washer, which won’t be a problem, but if it is a rubber washer; household or any lubricating oil will rot the rubber. Vegetable oil, or the stuff you use to lubricate your dick will be OK. But use oil after you have discounted any other possibility

Are you sure the connector at the top is properly screwed in. Again some veggie oil can be used to help the seal, just put some thick oil there and rescrew it in It does have to be fairly (finger) tight. ie. NO pliers

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