Thunder's Place

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Pump then jelq or vice versa

Pump then jelq or vice versa

This one goes out to the veterans. Especially the pumpers. Do you feel you would have better gains pumping before jelqing or jelqing before pumping ? I tried to post this in the pumpers forum but the site wouldn’t let me. Thanks for any help guys

Jelq, pump, jelq, pump, jelq, pump.

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I don’t know what is better for gains.

Sometimes I jelq first to get loosened up and plump for the pump.
I usually jelq between pumping sets to stretch out. I think the pumped condition makes jelqing more effective.

I don’t think the order is important. Just get a good workout but don’t overdo it. Too little is better than too much.

I have been jelqing in between my pumps being that pumping yields more expansion. So, I begin with pumping and end with jelqing. Just my preference and opinion.

I’m transferring it to the Pumpers Forum for you 66.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

It depends on how much fluid buildup you get during pumping. As a safety measure, I would not jelq after you start to notice any fluid buildup on your penis from pumping.

I jelq first to get everything warmed up & stretched out. Then pump to hold it in this state. After pumping, an ADS can hold it in an elongated state for the remainder of the day.

PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!

One need only leave the surface of the planet to realize we are all one people.

When you say fluid buildup are you speaking of turkey neck or?

Fluid buildup is generally through the whole penis, including shaft and glans. It can be more pronounced just behind the glans, on the distal end of the shaft, and is sometimes referred to as a ‘donut’ in that particular form.

‘Turkey neck’ is something else entirely: penoscrotal webbing. It’s when the skin of the scrotum extends up the base of the penis to varying degree.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Ok. I was asking because I jelq in between my pumps. After my erection goes down, I seem to have turkey neck for a few hours. It always goes away but I believe the culprit is the fact that I am jelqing. I am going to pump without jelqing and see what happens. I have not had any fluid buildup myself.

It appears that jelqing after I pump is what has caused the turkey neck. Do any of you all know if it ever becomes permanent or does it always disappear as I have observed?

Originally Posted by samson66
This one goes out to the veterans. Especially the pumpers. Do you feel you would have better gains pumping before jelqing or jelqing before pumping ? I tried to post this in the pumpers forum but the site wouldn’t let me. Thanks for any help guys

I;m afraid that you may get as many answere for one as for the other.

Realy the best thing to do is try both and see what workd for you. Give it a month each try and measure for any gains at the end of each series

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I do this:

-5 min. Warm up
-2.5 min. Jelq
-Pump Routine
-2.5 min. Jelq
-5 min. Warm down

And the best advice is it just pay attention to your body, it will tell you what to do. :)

Expand your MIND! :)

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