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Pumping progress

Pumping progress

I was wondering if anyone more experience than myself in pumping could evaluate my routine and performance please? Would be most grateful.

I’ve been pumping for nearly three months now, pumping 4.7 days per week on average. It went a little something like this:

I’m using a 1.75” LA tube with LA brass pump with gauge.

1st month:

Followed Avocet’s pumping 101 routine mainly, didn’t go above 5 in/hg. By the end of the month saw some vascularity increase, and was packing an inch of the tube.

2nd month:

Routine was either 1 x 15 minute of 4-5 in/hg or 2 x 8 minute 4-5 in/hg. Now packing 2 inches of the tube. More vascularity increases.

3rd month (this month): Going for 5 on, 2 off. Doing 2 x 10 minute sessions, preceded by some squeezes. I have however not moved at all in the tube packing department lately.

Have seen some improvement from zero morning erections to occasional although the CS gets little engorgement. Bizarrely I usually get spontaneous erections frequently during the day (though not 100%, partly through fear).

I was just wondering whether any of the more knowledgible among us could see a problem with what I’ve been doing, perhaps provide some tips? I don’t think I’ve been overtraining but lately my erections look a lot and a feel worse than they did a year ago; less head engorgement and less CS engorgement.

My glans fully packs the tube, which I still feel reduces the lateral pull on the shaft.

I feel that my poor erections and general listlessness are due to depression about size. I’m happy with my length but my girth bothers me. Thus, my routine is all for girth. Any tips there?

Thanks for your time.

Edit: Another thing, my unit can feel quite cool after a pumping session sometimes. Is this bad? I correct this with jelqing typically.

I will guess that you haven’t gone to three 10 minutes sets, because your head is fully packing the tube and you feel the pressure is not reaching the rest of your shaft?

With your amount of pumping time now, I think you can start looking at pumping at 5-6 inhg and going for 3X10 minutes sets with massage or jelqing in between pump sets and finish with an erect massage with cock ring.

If the head packing is restricting you, go ahead and order the 2.0 diameter cylinder and begin using both tubes in your routine. Start with the 1.75 and when you feel the head packing has maxed you out, switch over to the 2.0 cylinder and finish your pump sets. Remember, go for 3 sets now and bump the pressure a bit. Remember also to milk the tube and kegel while pumping.


I saw you were online and was certain of at least one good reply, thank you. :)

I’ve really been wanting to go for the 2” tube, but my 5.25” base girth and 4.75” midshaft girth will be quite lost in it I am sure. Whatever bad things I may say about my girth, the head does have a crazy capacity. It packs the tube for about 1.5” and it packs it tight. I shall definately order the 2” tube as I don’t feel much in the shaft once the head has packed, and milking becomes uncomfortable after a few minutes. Your guess as to why I don’t pump for extended periods of time is correct.

I will move up to three sessions, and kegel more (I already kegel a bit). I look forward to the freedom that a 2” tube will give. Is my situation not rather uncommon? I haven’t read about such a tube upgrade before.

As for the cockring suggestion, I went to a hardware store and bought the largest they had (a paltry selection) but it was still too small. So I’m still on the lookout.

Thanks gprent.

Tube upgrades are pretty common for guys that stick with pumping. I have 2 tubes and I am sure avocet and peforeal have at least 2. If you do tube staging by starting with your 1.75 and then moving on to the 2.0, I don’t think you will have any problems adjusting to the bigger tube.

One thing I did want to clarify about going to higher pressures. Don’t just start right off in your session and go directly to 6 inhg. I would spend say the first 5 minutes at your regular 4-5 pressure that you are used to and then start increasing up to the 6 for say the final 5 minutes of the set. And in the subsequent sets, do the same. I always increase pressure slowly in all my routines as quick pressure changes or sudden jumps are a sure way to bust a couple of capillaries.

Now for the final problem. lapdist is still off line!!! Some people have said they are having server problems, but give me a break. I hope they will be back for business soon, or at least that we can find out who their distributer is.

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