Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



New to PE. What would be the most recommended pump currently? I’ve seen folks say they work for long term gains and others say they don’t. What are current thoughts on pumps for long term gains? Many thanks.

Hey, BigT!

Welcome to thunders!
Lots of good folks and tons of useful info here.

Straight to pumping? Don’t overlook manual routines. They condition your dick for what you’re about to do to it, and also speed recovery for what you have done to it. They’re integral, and have a use, throughout all stages of PE.

Overlook the name, it’s not an insult. It’s the foundation of everything here.
START HERE ——-> NEWBIE ROUTINE <——- Important Newbie Info


Newbie Routine

I’ll assume you’re asking about the whole bit of kit, and not just the pump.

Far as cylinders, as a whole, there isn’t much difference from brand to brand. They’re basically just straight acrylic tubes with varied style flanges. I’d suggest a flared, double, or wide flange.

Whether or not you use a matching sleeve, is up to you and your comfort. A sleeve goes between you and the tube, aids in creating a seal, and disperses the pressure on your pubic area. They’re ideal, for me, during extended times under pump. I don’t ever -not- use one. Some guys don’t use one at all.

Regardless of flange or sleeve, cylinder size is most important. Gprent has a great thread on that here. Selecting Your Cylinder Size

The most common "pump" is the "mityvac". Which can be found at harbor freight for about $50. The mityvac is generally pedaled by tube retailers at $70+. Comes with a guage, and lasts a long time if you take care of it.
Mityvac Vacuum Pump - Save on Mityvac Pumps at Harbor Freight!

The little sex shop style tube/pump combo’s that you see for $20 on ebay or amazon, should be avoided. Their acrylics are thin, brittle, and usually tinted making it difficult to monitor your status in the pump.

What I will try to steer you from is anything Bathmate or Hydromax or the sort… some guys love em. I’ve read about more problems with them than I do praises and accolades. Tube and pump style action in one device. Expensive. Must be used with water. No way to guage vacuum either.

Immediate pump gains of course fade in a few hours, as your dick again equalizes to the pressure in your body. It’s the consistent and repetitive restructuring of cells and making what’s abnormal, normal; that will make the gains permanent. Same concept, regardless if you’re manually exercising, pumping, extending, or hanging.

Do consider a progress thread! It’s helpful to others and yourself, looking back on what you’ve done. Keeping track of what works and doesn’t work for you as an individual. If you ever intend to upload pictures, be mindful there’s a members only section for that. Pictures of that nature can’t be uploaded to the Public section.

Public - /newthread.html?f=117

Members only - /newthread.html?f=18

Any more questions feel free to ask. Make it big!


Thank you for the generous response. It was everything I hoped for. I’m not going straight to pumping. Been using the newbie routine. Just taking a look into the future.

Actually did PE about a decade ago for a few months but got sidetracked and stopped. Really want to stick with it this time. Impressive gains. I guess I’m still in the stage where gains “could never happen to me” stage. Appreciate the advice.

Originally Posted by BigT1234

Thank you for the generous response. It was everything I hoped for. I’m not going straight to pumping. Been using the newbie routine. Just taking a look into the future.

Actually did PE about a decade ago for a few months but got sidetracked and stopped. Really want to stick with it this time. Impressive gains. I guess I’m still in the stage where gains “could never happen to me” stage. Appreciate the advice.

Great to hear you’re going about it the safe way and sticking with it this time!

Newbie gains are quite common, actually. The improvements in vascularity and erection quality from the newbie routine alone, are probably going to be the easiest gains you’ll ever have, and they won’t cost you a dime. Besides, it gives you a real reason to play with yourself, free entertainment and a reward!

Patience and consistency will get you there. Just don’t get too excited and over train. There’s gonna be days you don’t feel like doing it, you gotta push through and do it anyway. Just keep on keeping on.

Looking forward to see how things go. Don’t be afraid to use the search function, there’s always something interesting to read. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, everybody here is really helpful.

Glad to have you on the forum!

Excellent. Thank you much.


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