Thunder's Place

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squeezing into smaller tube for length


Originally Posted by sta-kool
Personally I cannot think of an advantage to the tapered cylinders. I would never buy one.

On the connector question, my cylinder and my cylinder.

As to oval cylinder, if I had the extra cash I would probably get it. My penis is oval shaped. It doesn’t seem like a gimmick to me. I have quoted a couple "mini-reviews" from another forum here:

Wide Mouth/Oval Cylinder

OOPS — I see you have already seen that thread.

Wouldn’t a tapered tube make sense if your dick is tapered? Mine is (6" base girth tapering to 5.25" below glans) so I got a Kaplan tube, which for the record definitely tapers. However, it does fit my penis better. My first tube was 2" from LA and I can pack the tube at the base, but I have a lot of room starting mid-shaft towards the tip. Before I got the Kaplan I thought about getting a LA 1.75" but I honestly think my base girth is too wide. I am interested in the wide mouth cylinders, but want to hear more feedback before spending $90.

My penis is tapered too, but I prefer to work on it not being tapered! Hence no tapered cylinder for me.

(It is still tapered after a year of PE, but the taper is not as extreme now, especially from circ scar to glans. That makes me happy. On the other hand I believe it will always have a taper, which is cool and I believe desirable. I just like that it is even-ing out some)

My dick is an oval, narrowest part viewed from above. So the widemouth is appealing to me as I am interested in more side-to-side width.

Yeah, $90.00 holds me back too!

This is all purely my humble opinion, nothing more. It may even sound contradictory. Vets might tell me my thinking is wrong, So take it for what it is worth!

Good points! FYI, I’m pretty sure the wide mouth cylinders are sized based on the short width of the oval. So, if you ordered a 1.75” tube, the width from top to bottom (assuming the widest part is going side to side) will be 1.75” and the “longer” side will be 2” (always 1/4” wider). Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
I’d write Lapdist to be sure. Thinking hard about doing it myself.

I did. I wasn’t totally clear on the response I got. I’m pretty sure I’m understanding correctly though.


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