Personally I cannot think of an advantage to the tapered cylinders. I would never buy one.On the connector question, my cylinder and my cylinder.
As to oval cylinder, if I had the extra cash I would probably get it. My penis is oval shaped. It doesn’t seem like a gimmick to me. I have quoted a couple "mini-reviews" from another forum here:
OOPS — I see you have already seen that thread.
Wouldn’t a tapered tube make sense if your dick is tapered? Mine is (6" base girth tapering to 5.25" below glans) so I got a Kaplan tube, which for the record definitely tapers. However, it does fit my penis better. My first tube was 2" from LA and I can pack the tube at the base, but I have a lot of room starting mid-shaft towards the tip. Before I got the Kaplan I thought about getting a LA 1.75" but I honestly think my base girth is too wide. I am interested in the wide mouth cylinders, but want to hear more feedback before spending $90.