Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Taking a pump on a plane

A pump is a pump, not a weapon. Put it in your checked luggage. Also your cock rings, as the x-ray guys think they are handcuffs and want to take a look, x-ray chicks too, and you have to tell your Mum to go ahead to the departure lounge.

Weapons of ass destruction.

Anyways, all joking aside. I’m going to put it in the checked luggage.

As far as embarrassment, I think it would be far more embarrassing not being able to perform than to explain such to a bunch of strangers that you will never see again.

I use the pump for minor ED.

ED is now minor because of using the pump, which I shied away from due to the garbage spewed out by Dr.Lin (moron).

I took Avocet’s advice and I may actually not need the pump much anymore (ED for 10+ years, almost gone in 2 months with pumping!) I want to take it as a precautionary measure.

I have taken dildos, handcuffs, cockrings, lubes, lotions, you name it, without any worries. The pump, with the pipe attached, may look a little odd on the xray though.

I was just wondering about it cracking as well, hence all the questions.

I only take my 12” X 8” cylinder in my carry on luggage. When queried, I respond loudly that it’s an insulated “man-sock.” I then look around to see who’s gawking. It always gets me extra peanuts and chatted up by the stewardesses during the flight. :D

October 2006: BPEL - 7", EG - 6"

January 2007: BPEL - 7.25", EG - 6.25"

August 2007: BPEL - 7.5", EG - 6.25"

I’d go with checked luggage. But then I’d probably wrap a piece of paper around it saying “yea, it’s a penis pump; I gave it a rinse but didn’t sterilise it”.

Why? Because the first question they would ask themselves is ‘what is it’?, or if they knew; ‘I hope they cleaned it before putting it in here’.

Originally Posted by phantasm

I have taken dildos, handcuffs, cockrings, lubes, lotions, you name it, without any worries.

I tried that coming back from Amsterdam once. They still searched every inch of my luggage for ‘other’ stuff. Luckily I talked them out of searching every inch of me for other stuff, but it was a close call. :D

Originally Posted by firegoat

I tried that coming back from Amsterdam once. They still searched every inch of my luggage for ‘other’ stuff. Luckily I talked them out of searching every inch of me for other stuff, but it was a close call. :D

Evidently customs agencies all over the world subscribe to the theory that anyone whose sexual activity involves “equipment” is probably also into drugs, money laundering, smuggling antiquities, espionage, race fixing and cruelty to animals.

Even though I have been participating in this thread, when I read the title this morning, I thought it said; “Taking a dump on a plane”.


That is worthy of a whole new discussion!

Horny Bastard

Flying into Miami International I’ve found minor items missing from my bag. Happened a couple of times last year.

I don’t know how much they cost but would you report a stolen penis pump?

Originally Posted by Cock Kent

would you report a stolen penis pump?

Only if I knew it would make the national newspapers!

Not! I wonder if anyone would actually steal a pump?

Originally Posted by mravg
Even though I have been participating in this thread, when I read the title this morning, I thought it said; “Taking a dump on a plane”.

That is worthy of a whole new discussion!

That’s what I read before opening this thread. Imagine my disappointment.. :D

I reported a missing item from my checked-in lugagge (not PE related) once. I was told by the airline employee that it must have fallen out of the bag.

Originally Posted by phantasm
I took Avocet’s advice and I may actually not need the pump much anymore (ED for 10+ years, almost gone in 2 months with pumping!)

Congratulations on your positive experience with pumping!

If your ED has improved as a result of pumping, I would not recommend that you discontinue pumping; you may want to stay on a maintenance routine.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I just returned from another business trip, and oncea gain I just put my cylinder and vacuum hose in my checked luggage. It’s never been a problem. I don’t take the metal pump/gauge with me. Like Ike, I just use mouth suction power to create my vacuum. Easily done and effective.

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

You could always wrap a note inside the bag with the cylinder and pump saying “I am an adult entertainer. This is a tool, for training my tool of the trade” :D

Hey, good for you phantasm! If it was me personally in your shoes, if you really don’t need the pump or the gauge, you can always pack items inside the tubing you’d normally put in plastic bags and just cap the end. Before they check the luggage you can always whisper into a TSA’s ear what it is and they might let it go without a scene, if you are bringing the pump and gauge (which I believe you’re trying to do) with you.

Never had an issue with carrying the tube: I usually throw a couple of spare mags in my cylinder and stash it in my carry-on beside my Glock.



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