Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The lady at sex shop said to me. penis pump can't.

How does this pump compare to buying a glass tube from pump toys & using a brake bleeder/ whatever? I just saw that these pumps are pretty cheap on so I am tempted…

I wonder if the cheap price means lower quality in this case, or whether these are decent.

crazyone, I’d also recommend that you keep doing the newbie routine for a few more months. Actually, I’d say keep doing it as long as you’re gaining.

Re: the pump, The biggest issue with it is the lack of gauge. It’s really not a pump for serious PE, IMO.

:_pump: :donatecar

OK, that is a very cheap pump and it will not last long. Don’t worry, my first pump was similar.

The best thing that can happen from using that pump will be to find out if you think pumping is right for you and if you will like it or not.

If you do find you like pumping then you should start researching professional pumps that will have a long life and also come with a pressure gauge so you can pump safely. Yes, they will cost a lot more money then the junk pump you just bought, but if you like pumping they are well worth the price.

The deluxe package from lapdist is one example of a quality set up: | LA Pump

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Last edited by gprent : 09-10-2010 at .

Just looked at that link gprent and there’s some crazy shit on there! Anal pump? Breast pump? Pumpers cock ring looks scary. Mushroom head maker looks interesting though.

Along the lines of pumping though, will it provide skin stretch so I don’t develop a turkey neck when making gains?

There is a hell of a lot of info on here about which pump to buy. You should have checked around.

I’m pretty sure Clubber uses the same type of pump and he’s had plenty of good results.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Originally Posted by gprent
OK, that is a very cheap pump and it will not last long. Don’t worry, my first pump was similar.

The best thing that can happen from using that pump will be to find out if you think pumping is right for you and if you will like it or not.

If you do find you like pumping then you should start researching professional pumps that will have a long life and also come with a pressure gauge so you can pump safely. Yes, they will cost a lot more money then the junk pump you just bought, but if you like pumping they are well worth the price.

The deluxe package from lapdist is one example of a quality set up: | LA Pump

Actually, that looks like an extremely reasonable price for a pump set up.

I know some guys spend $400 on pumps which made me more reluctant to try it.

Women are also threatened by the sort of activity that can make our dicks bigger.

This may be seen as a controversial comment, but many women aren`t comfortable with uncontrolled male sexuality.

They need to feel that a man`s sexual behaviour goes through them, and so would see the ability for a man to make his dick bigger as a direct threat to her.

This is a generalisation, and isn`t necessarily true in that woman`s case, or in any woman that disagrees with you making your dick bigger, but it may be a factor in how a woman you know or come into contact with reacts to your desire and actions to make your dick bigger.

Many don`t tell their wives or girlfriends because they will not be supportive.

I know that my wife would turn it around until it was because I didn`t find her attractive enough or some such.

Good luck with your PE and don`t let anything detract you from your goals.

Try using it but pump very slowly and stop at the first sign of discomfort and hold it at that level for ten minutes and then release the vacuum. If you like the feel and increased size of your unit, pump in some blood and try the same thing again ten minutes later. That should be enough for the first day. Repeat this same procedure on subsequent days. After a week, increase your routine to three 10 minute sets. Never increase the vacuum beyond slight discomfort until you have a pump with a gauge. If you replace this pump with a “professional” pump you can use this one in the future for water pumping or more advanced routines such as ball pumping, etc. Once you have worked with a pump with a gauge, you will know how to pump by feel and can use this as an alternative pump.

If you have never pumped before, you will need to remember that you should lube the rim and press the cylinder tightly against your fat pad or you will not be able to hold the vacuum. I forgot to do this my first time and assumed I had a defective pump.

She sounds like a really shitty salesperson. Was she trying to get fired or something?

Wow, thanks everyone for the replies, and I really appreciate it.

Gprent, thanks for the link, all I can say is wow. Haha, My size right now is 7.3 by 5.1

My starting size was 7.1 by 4.8 in case anyone was wondering.

Of, course a-unit, I havent told any girls about P.E. I will never do, I’m going take this secret to the grave. I told my best friend, once, and he looked at me like I am freak, told me everyone on this forums is a troll. From there and on, I never shared about this with anyone. Beside, I don’t want everyone to know.the reason to have a huge cock is so we can stand out.

Dtwarren, Your advice is great. All, I need to know is.Should I pump with 100% erection or 75% or just flaccid?

Thats my only question.

Originally Posted by blink2000
I know some guys spend $400 on pumps which made me more reluctant to try it.

Which guys?????

Here is my setup:

Harbor Freight Break Bleeder Pump - $19.95
Brake Bleeder and Vacuum Pump Kit

Boston Pump Standard Design Cylinder - $55.00

Male Connector and tubing from McMaster - $6.00

Excellent well constructed set up.

gprent was kind enough to provide the McMaster part numbers a page or so in on this thread:

Lap pump = harbor freight tools pump

Of course shipping adding some costs to it.

If a guy wants an all in one turnkey out-of-the-box solution, LapDist, BostonPump etc offer that at a reasonable price.

Last edited by sta-kool : 09-11-2010 at .

crazyone - I did the newbie routine for at least 3 months before starting pumping. So maybe hold off a little longer.

Get as much as you can out of the newbie routine.

Sounds like you are growing with the newbie routine - “if it ain't broke, don't fix it.”

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Here is my setup:

Harbor Freight Break Bleeder Pump - $19.95
Brake Bleeder and Vacuum Pump Kit

Boston Pump Standard Design Cylinder - $55.00

Male Connector and tubing from McMaster - $6.00

Excellent well constructed set up.

gprent was kind enough to provide the McMaster part numbers a page or so in on this thread:

Lap pump = harbor freight tools pump

Of course shipping adding some costs to it.

If a guy wants an all in one turnkey out-of-the-box solution, LapDist, BostonPump etc offer that at a reasonable price.

Thanks sta-kool! I’ll have to add this to my list of favorite links.

I’ve enjoyed reading your advice on pumping (here & in other threads—Gprent, Avocet8 & others have been helpful as well). About the cost of pumping, I had the wrong impression, but you’ve cleared that up!

Originally Posted by a-unit
Women are also threatened by the sort of activity that can make our dicks bigger.

This may be seen as a controversial comment, but many women aren`t comfortable with uncontrolled male sexuality.

They need to feel that a man`s sexual behaviour goes through them, and so would see the ability for a man to make his dick bigger as a direct threat to her.

This is a generalisation, and isn`t necessarily true in that woman`s case, or in any woman that disagrees with you making your dick bigger, but it may be a factor in how a woman you know or come into contact with reacts to your desire and actions to make your dick bigger.

Many don`t tell their wives or girlfriends because they will not be supportive.

I know that my wife would turn it around until it was because I didn`t find her attractive enough or some such.

Good luck with your PE and don`t let anything detract you from your goals.

Very sharply observed a-unit - this is just so true!


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