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thera-p wrist wrap

thera-p wrist wrap

I have searched on this but cannot find much info….does anyone have a link on it. I’m looking to use it to keep my pumped up bulge longer, I was advised by another member that this works well,but I don’t know what the stuff is or have any idea how to use it.any info would be much help.

Here’s a pretty long link:


I just bought one at Wal-Mart for like 8 bucks. It worked poorly once and worked good once. I think it’s probably best if you are at least average size. It is pretty wide at 2 inches so it is a little bulky and I would think especially so if you are under 6 inches in length.

There seem to be 2 ways of wearing the TheraP strap. One has it behind the balls and one has it in front. What is the difference in effect?

thanks gprent,

I’m a little over 6 nbp , and it does come highly recommended so I am now on my way to walmart ( gotta love working from home and the freedom it brings). I’m wondering though how to use it.some say its a full package wrap and others like alreadybig in the pics are using it on the dick only like a 2 inch wide cock ring…….any thoughts on the best use here.

Just putting the wrap around the shaft is awkward for me unless I am going to clamp and am already hard.

Very easy, though, around the whole package when you are hard or in any state below.

Remember that the effect is cummulative. You don’t put this on the first time and look like a giant among men all day. You are slowly (_very_ slowly) building up size by letting your cock heal microtears in a larger state of engorgement than would be normal for you.



This is one of those things that, like anything else, a little practice goes a long way.

I’ve been wearing mine just for bulge augmentation for almost a year now, and it took me a while to figure out what worked best. Stretching first helps, and not just a little. I wear mine at the shaft base (not behind base) and it’s snug but not too tight; you can give yourself ugly little zit/cysts if you pinch the skin and trap it that way for hours at a time. Also, you may want to practice the bathroom unwrap/rewrap so you don’t re-tighten too much or too little when you go pee.

Incidentally, I’m also not huge- just under 6” ENBPL, about 5.25 EG lately. I can’t put it on and make it stay on when hard, has to be flaccid.

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