Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

UK Pump Supplier


UK Pump Supplier

Hi all

Apologies, I can’t post this in the pumps section .

Is anyone able to recommend a good online retailer in the UK where I can by a 2inch cylinder/ pump from please.

I have a small window where the wife is away , and as she is against PE I need to get fast delivery.


Originally Posted by Table Lamp

Just got one from them, very happy with my purchase

Gents, thanks for the responses.

My pump should arrive in 2 days.
Very excited.

I can’t start my own threads, but I wanted to piggy back onto this one.

I’m moving to Mexico soon, and instead of taking my pump with me, I wanted to know if there are any Mexico dwelling members who could point me to a pump source that either ships to Mexico or is in Mexico itself.

Currently (10/2019): 7.75bpX5.75eg

9/26/21: 8.125x5.75

Goal: 9.5bpX6.5mseg

Originally Posted by Table Lamp

Hi I have a question about UK Thick-wall’s pumps. They have a metal and a plastic pump. Can they be used in both air and water?

For the OP if you are still participating in the forum: How did it go? Would you recommend this company/product?

Originally Posted by unhung1

I’m from the USA and got my pump from thickwall and so far so good (7 months).

Mines is plastic but feels like glass. Very good product.

About the pump itself: Does it work in air and water?

Cylinders work everywhere. You need something like a brake bleeder pump (check amazon) for water pumping.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Their metal pump is a standard brake bleeder pump which can be found much cheaper on eBay etc. This can’t be used with water unless there is a water trap in between - there are threads here on Thundersplace about that. I don’t know about the plastic one.

Heat + Time

Originally Posted by Kiwi1985
Hi I have a question about UK Thick-wall’s pumps. They have a metal and a plastic pump. Can they be used in both air and water?

For the OP if you are still participating in the forum: How did it go? Would you recommend this company/product?

I have 2 different Thickwall cylinders, I’m very happy with them although with age, they have crazed somewhat.
I use them for hydropumping. At first I used the Thickwall cyclinders supplied plastic pump for that with a water trap but it didn’t work very well and the gauge stopped working correctly.

So to answer your question, neither is suitable due to the pressure gauge.

I bought a similar ‘Minivac’ pump without the gauge for hydropumping; VACUUM HAND PUMP NO PRESSURE GAUGE MINIVAC ® MINI VAC | eBay

Instead of setting the pressure by looking at the gauge, you go by how it feels, you soon learn to set the correct pressure.

Originally Posted by Table Lamp

Their metal pump is a standard brake bleeder pump which can be found much cheaper on eBay etc. This can’t be used with water unless there is a water trap in between - there are threads here on Thunders place about that. I don’t know about the plastic one.

Thank you this is very helpful. I see the amazon pumps are identical, cheaper, and come with a fluid trap. Also I can keep it in plain sight.

Originally Posted by dongalong
I have 2 different Thickwall cylinders, I’m very happy with them although with age, they have crazed somewhat.
I use them for hydropumping. At first I used the Thickwall cyclinders supplied plastic pump for that with a water trap but it didn’t work very well and the gauge stopped working correctly.

So to answer your question, neither is suitable due to the pressure gauge.

I bought a similar ‘Minivac’ pump without the gauge for hydropumping; VACUUM HAND PUMP NO PRESSURE GAUGE MINIVAC ® MINI VAC | eBay

Instead of setting the pressure by looking at the gauge, you go by how it feels, you soon learn to set the correct pressure.

If you do not have a gauge then you have no idea what pressure you are pumping at. The purpose of a gauge is to allow you to have consistent, repeatable pump sessions. Going by “feel” does not do this.

If pumping with pressure gauge on the pump and using water, make sure there is a water trap in line between the cylinder and the pump, and always keep the pump higher than the cylinder. Having a much longer vac line between water trap and pump is helpful. If the pump drops lower than the cylinder the water trap will overfill and water will enter the pump which will likely damage the pump and/or the gauge.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
If you do not have a gauge then you have no idea what pressure you are pumping at. The purpose of a gauge is to allow you to have consistent, repeatable pump sessions. Going by “feel” does not do this.

Actually this is possible, there is an accurate and consistent indicator - the pain threshold.
If you start to feel pain from the vacuum then it is too high, if you feel a comfortable stretch with no pain then it is just right and will give you gains.
It obviously takes a bit of practice and familiarisation with how different pressures feel by doing normal air pumping with a pressure gauge. Once the sensations are memorised, hydropumping can reach the expanded state a little quicker, there is usually a very good seal between the cylinder and the skin so only tiny squeezes on the pump trigger are required to maintain the sweet spot pressure.

I would have liked to have a pump gauge that works with water but I didn’t have any luck with mine. Hydropumping is less forgiving and I have had a few pressure related injuries, I was testing to see if I could increase the vacuum but most of the time I didn’t have any issues.

Originally Posted by unhung1

I’m from the USA and got my pump from thickwall and so far so good (7 months).

Mines is plastic but feels like glass. Very good product.

Mines broke the other day, 7 months in, so I retract this original post.

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