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Using Epsom Salts while Pumping


Using Epsom Salts while Pumping

I’ve been using Epsom Salts MgSO4 mixed with hot water and a heating pad while pumping with good results. I use this heating pad, as it is essential for good heat while pumping:

I just put enough MgSO4 to mix in with 3 inches of water in a cylinder with 2 inches of diameter. I think it helps prevent injury and increases gains because elemental Mg improves penis health and healing. I’ve been using it for the last few months.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Well, I was thinking that the Epsom Salts would increase the “specific gravity” (weight) of the water as well, like how sea water has more buoyancy than fresh water does, and people float better in the ocean. I believe that Water Pumping is more effective than air pumping due to the S.G, of water being higher than air. This would also make “salt water pumping” a bit more effective than regular water pumping, along with the reasons you listed. Great Topic, hope that others jump in and add to it! I need to learn more of pumping, I have done it for years, but the vast majority was air (vacuum) pumping.

Correct me if I am wrong, but does water pumping in general reduce fluid buildup from air pumping? :confused:

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How is your heating pad? Would you say it had the ability to get and stay too hot?

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

Originally Posted by TonyThaTyga
How is your heating pad? Would you say it had the ability to get and stay too hot?

I have been recommending the 6”X12” Thermipaq for years. It is under 10 bucks at Walmart and after one and a half minutes in the microwave it easily stays hot for my 30 minute pumping session where I keep it wrapped around the tube.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I would think a significant amount of moisture would be removed from the skin. I think a post pump follow up with a nice moisturizer would be in order.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by gprent
I have been recommending the 6”X12” Thermipaq for years. It is under 10 bucks at Walmart and after one and a half minutes in the microwave it easily stays hot for my 30 minute pumping session where I keep it wrapped around the tube.

I was looking more for an electonic one I could adjust the heating levels to that could get too hot. Need guidance though, there are alot of heating pads out there and the one I brought from CVS was garbage for this purpose lol.

If anyone knows of a pad like that please share?

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

Originally Posted by TonyThaTyga
I was looking more for an electonic one I could adjust the heating levels to that could get too hot. Need guidance though, there are alot of heating pads out there and the one I brought from CVS was garbage for this purpose lol.

If anyone knows of a pad like that please share?

Walmart has quite a few that are adjustable with an auto off feature.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

I have used many electric pads in the past and the reason for many is because they break. That is why I switched to and now prefer the Thermipaq microwave heat pad.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Nothing gets hotter than the Thermipaq, microwavable heating pad. I’ve been recommending it for years as well, as it is the best for staying nice and toasty in the cylinder. And yes, to answer the question, it can get way too hot. You can also destroy the heating pad because if it gets too hot in the microwave, the clay will melt the plastic. The heating pad has clay in it and it is very malleable. It will wrap around a cylinder and mold tightly around. If it gets too hot I take the heating pad off. Sometimes, if it gets too hot, you will get hot spots and this will cause your penis to get uncomfortably hot. A good fix for this is to place the palm of your hand on the hot spot on the cylinder, and the heat will absorb in your hand in seconds, and will prevent any discomfort quickly.

Titleist, what’s up brother…I use this lotion (everyone lotion for every body 3 in 1, unscented, made with coconut oil and aloe). I use it to lube up, the inside-bottom of my cylinder and the base and bottom half of my penis, before adding the Epsom Salts solution. So, any quality lotion should solve this “drying out problem”. You are right though, I just never experienced it because of my pumping system, since I always put the fucking lotion in the basket.

I really think the Mg potentially, may be of real benefit, since it has been clinically proven to absorb well into the skin. Mg is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It is really important for nerve support and vascularity, and many other things.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

I think you two just sold me on the thermipaq when I get my pump set up.

Well I will buy one mainly for when jelq/pump time comes around, try it out whilst doing traction right now. My question is since, no one seems to know of a precisely adjustable electric heating pad that can get too hot/as hot as one might like, can it get wet safely? Doubt a electric one could… Also, could you tell me if the temperature that they would get would to depend on the amount of time that they were microwaved?

I guess I would get the one provided in the link, prolly will be lazy and order it lol. I can’t wait haha.

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

Just follow the instructions that come with the Thermipaq. All microwaves are a little different, but for mine, 1 ½ minutes does the trick. It makes the pad way too hot for bare skin, but works nice when wrapped around the tube. Even then, the tube should be felt every so often to make sure it doesn’t feel too hot. My cock has a hard time feeling if it is too hot, so feel the outside of the tube with your hand and just remove the pad for a short while.

If you microwave the pad too long, it will start to blow up like a balloon. I have never had it rupture, but I think it could make a mess inside your microwave. No worries though, it is easy to figure out, and your cock will love being pumped while nice and warm.

It won’t get hurt if it gets wet. The clay like core is sealed in plastic and then you put a blue cloth cover over that.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Last edited by gprent : 09-29-2015 at .

I tried epsom salts for about a month a while ago, can’t say I noticed any diffference at all.

Also it caused a build up of residue in my tubes.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
I tried epsom salts for about a month a while ago, can’t say I noticed any diffference at all.
Also it caused a build up of residue in my tubes.

You definitely need to rinse your cylinder with hot water, and work a towel in the cylinder and wipe it down well, and maybe use soap. I stopped using soap but haven’t notice any salt residue. The key is a lot of water pressure; I use the bath tub to rinse my cylinder because of all the water pressure. If you are talking about the tube that connects to the actual pump, it doesn’t matter.
I have residue from regular water in there from five years ago.

Epsom Salts will make a difference, but not in a month. It is more for injury prevention and penis health in general, but probably will not speed up gains dramatically. I just think it is a good thing to add to your water for pumping, and maybe, since elemental Mg is involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions, including chemical reactions involved in healing; and the Mg in Epsom Salts, gets absorbed well, it might be a good idea to use it.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

capernicus1, you got me thinking. I’ve been using well water for pumping. I figure why not, since it has ground water in it, which is loaded with minerals. I have this portable induction cook top, the Nuwave Precision Cooktop, maybe I can come up with an alchemist brew of some sorts that may make cocks grow faster. That would be nice.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

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