Originally Posted by seekhung
I agree with you, most of us are not conditioned to go for high pressure pumping which can be potentially dangerous for some. I have been pumping for 5 months, usually between 5-6 hg and I have seen gains in girth and length.
At some moments during the session I do increase to 8-9 hg. At that pressure it doesnt hurt or feel uncomfortable, maybe I will try going higher one day.
I have a LeLuv última pump with gauge and I use a heating pad the whole one hour session, one single session with no breaks
I think most guys here could handle 10-12Hg for 10 minutes with an appropriate amount of time for conditioning. It’s when you get above 12Hg, closing on 15Hg and above where it really starts to test you. I started at 5Hg and probably two and a half weeks later or so I was up to 10Hg. But from 10Hg to 15Hg took about a month, and from 15Hg to 20 took over a month. I’m up to 22Hg now, and that’s as high as my electric vacuum pump will go.
So basically, the higher the pressure, the more difficult the conditioning becomes. Also, another factor that is just as import as conditioning is recovery rate. High vacuum pressure will deconstruct the penile tissues at a much faster rate, which makes the unit more susceptible to stress, injury and fatigue. If you have a slow recovery rate, then your unit will be stuck in constant repair mode and if you can’t make a full recovery on your off days, the chance that you will suffer a catastrophic injury increases dramatically. Also, your EQ will suffer greatly as well.
That’s why I always advise men to only attempt high vacuum pressures if their recovery rate is very fast, because that’s the only way it’s worth it.