Would this be a good routine?
A little background. I am taking it slowly due suffering from hard flaccid but am pumping its positive effect on this condition and am very happy about that.
I started pumping 4 months ago and have been taking it very slowly, adding either a bit of pressure or duration every week. For my warmup routine I do 5 to 10 minutes of AM1.
The routine I am having in mind (which I will reach in a couple of weeks if I gradually add time, pressure or frequency) would be as followed:
3 minutes between 2 and 3 hG
3 minutes between 3 and 4 hG
4 minutes between 4 and 5 hG
20 minutes between 5 and 6 hG
doing this routine for 2 to 3 consecutive days, then taking a day off.
7 inch BPEL and 4.4 inch MSEG as of the 16th of may 2018.