Is this a good routine
I have been doing pumping for about 2-3 months, and while I can’t say I haven’t seen any results at all since flaccid size seems noticeably improved, I haven’t noticed any erection improvements. Originally I didn’t want to do jelqing since I couldn’t get a good technique down, but I think I’ve figured it out, and besides, since pumping has improved flaccid size that does give me a better, uh - ‘handle’ for jelqing, lol:
Monday Wednesday Friday :
In shower-
Straight out, down, up, left and right stretches 30 secs each with 30 sec V stretch in between, then do jelqs. Right now, I’ve done 50 and I’m planning to add 5 jelqs each time working up to 200.
Tuesday Thursday:
5 min heat pad
10 minutes in pump at about 4 Hg
2 min break
5 more minutes
And I’d add 1 minute each session until the 2nd session gets to 10 minutes, then add a 3rd session for 1 minute and so on until I have a 4 X 10 minute pumping session.
And then, Saturday and Sunday are off.
Is this program strenuous enough? At least to start with? After a couple months should I be merging both the jelqing and pumping session into a single workout on all 5 days?
And at least to start with, is 5 on 2 off OK, or should I do like 3 on 1 off?