A 10 Year Journey Progress Report
I have been a lurker here, on off for years, and I thought I will give you guys a brief overview of my progress over the years. My story, though not over yet, I think will provide some inspiration to those who are looking to grow.
I am an Indian guy, based in UK and for the last 10 years I have been doing PE. When I started PE, I was a virgin and so I never had sex with anyone with my original size dick, (which is probably a good thing).
First time I heard of PE was from some YouTube video of a guy demonstrating jelquing on one of those children’s balloons. I had never measured my dick, it had never crossed my mind, and the huge dicks in porn I presumed were either fake or due to surgery.
My PE Journey begins 2011.
After measuring I found that I was 4.75 inches BPL. 4.75 inches! It was about September time and I began jelquing, religiously, 1000 jelqs a day for a month, using baby oil and doing the circular method, nothing else.
After a month of this, with hardly any rest days, I was at 5.55 inches. I had gained nearly an inch, fuck you, genes I thought. I didn’t measure girth at the time.
But, after the first inch, the easy gains were gone.
Here is a quick break down before the report gets too long.
2011 - continued just jelquing. By Dec got to 5.75 inches BPL
2012 - bought a crappy extender off eBay, noose extender. Very difficult to wear, wore it on off for 3 months. Didn’t gain much as I wasn’t consistent, got to about 5.85 inches. And kind of walked away from PE. Had sex with a girl who said I was big.
2013 : bought a male edge which was easier to use, again sporadic use, got to 6.2 inches. And then I broke it. Middle of 2013 got a bath mate. My mind was blown at how thick my dick looked, reinvigorated I bought another male edge extender. Again, used it sporadically got to 6.5inches BPL and this took forever, I had plateaued on 6.5inches and girth got to 5.5 inches. I broke the male edge again. My new GF, thought I was huge.
I take a break from PE. The only thing I do is bath mate sporadically and jelqs sporadically. I measure and I am 6.62 BPL and 5.65 inches girth.
2020 August
The hangers, extenders were all so expensive, so I used a shirt tie, and hanged some weights off it, 2 kilos. For 5 mins a day for a week I did this for a month, I went up to 6.65.
2020- September
I would not recommend this as it is difficult and can cause Injury if not done correct, but this has given me the most gains since my noob gains. It will probably be difficult for uncut guys more, but again, if you try this be careful.
One football sock, place weights inside the sock or tie weights to it. One zip tie, which allows opening it, do not use ones that you cannot reopen.
After placing the weighted football sock over my glans, I place the zip tie over the sock. I tighten it just above the glans and hang. 10/15 mins day.
This method no one has done, it is the cheapest method. I rarely use anything other than the sock but it can causing chafing and if you can get it to sit then use some soft band around the glans prior to placing the sock and the zip tie.
I have been hanging for 15 mins a day for 2 month, with maybe 7 days total rest. I have gained 0.24inches. I sit at 6.95 inches. The weight has been incrementally increased, I started with 2 kilos, then 3, then 5, then 7, currently I am at 9 kilos. I do not think I will go above this until I plateau. I will double my time hanging for the next month and see if my gains double.
No one has talked about this method. I name this ‘Rahul’s Zip Tie Method.’
If anyone needs pictures, information let me know.
4.75 inches to 6.95 inches. Goal is 8 inches. Peace.