Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

AndyJ's Body Enhancement Thread

For most of the last year I’ve been doing pumping (mostly at 3 to 5” Hg) and vacuum hanging with a Size Doctor. The pumping kept the ring scar stretched out; missing even a few days would let it contract enough to crack next time I pumped. I had removed the vacuum bell from the Size Doctor and rigged it with some paracord and a pulley to use it as an extender; I worked up from 1/2 to 1-1/4 pounds. My glans was not particularly happy about the vacuum. It felt like raw meat until it got to where it was only mildly irritated, and then I’d bump the tension up again.

I retired the Size Doctor a couple of months ago and went to a conventional vacuum extender. My glans liked that a bit better than the Size Doctor; the vacuum still caused irritation, but I didn’t have the gasket of the Size Doctor raking over the corona when trying to remove it.

After injuring myself a few weeks ago I took a break from PE, other than some edging. Both the glans and ring scar healed up completely; I could wank around as forcefully as I wanted with no pain. Then I resumed pumping. This time, I felt some tension around the scar, but it didn’t crack. Yay!, this was the main reason I’ve been doing all the pumping, trying to get the scar to stay stretched out. My glans seemed fine too. My new aquarium pump will only make 3.5” of vacuum; I adjusted the bleeder valve to a nice round 3” and resumed 20-minute sessions.

Everything was fine for a few days, until I wrapped the tube in the heating pad again. After half a dozen sessions my glans started becoming tender again, and minor irritation from the ring scar.


The other thing I noticed was my EQ, which has been excellent the last month or so, went to shit when I started using the heating pad. Night and morning wood also disappeared. I haven’t read about anyone else running into this.

At the moment, Plan A is to take a few days off to recover, then resume pumping without heat and see what happens.

Are you overheating your balls?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I don’t think so; they’re below the pad and the tube.

I’m wondering if the heating pad might be getting too hot. Sometimes it just feels warm, sometimes it’s so hot I have to turn it off, and when I remove it, the tube feels uncomfortably hot to touch. Even after “too damned hot, stop now” my shaft doesn’t seem distressed, at least not at the time.

A year or so I bought a nice digital thermometer with a thermocouple. I need to remember where I put it. It’s actually part of a temp controller system I bought for the pad, since the pad is unregulated, but I needed to build an enclosure for the controller bits, and it all sort of fell off the to-do list.

Three months ago I could shake my shaft around a bit in the 2-1/8” tube. Now I’m packing it up past the circumcision scar. Which has been a bit sting-y the last few days. I didn’t think much of it until I saw Dan Logan mention the circumference of his 2-1/8” tube is 6.675”.

Well, yeah. I’d completely forgotten that. I’d gone for the 2-1/8” tube to get more “overstretch” for the scar, but it was a year and a half ago and the circumference had slipped my mind.

I can *just barely* work a wide 1.25” ring down near the base of my shaft now. Unfortunately not completely, since I have a large flare at the base, but close enough. The ring fits tightly enough that it makes maintaining an erection for edging easy. Today, I was able to maintain “110%” for several 10-minute edging sessions with no sign of flagging. After stopping, I was flaccid enough to remove the ring after five or ten minutes.

I got a selection of rings in from eBay, to fit in the sulcus behind the glans. I was trying to determine the correct sizes for flaccid and erect, so I ordered rubber ones. They’re not stretchy, but they were cheaper than ordering a bunch of stainless steel ones that didn’t fit. I don’t expect any PE benefits; I intend the steel rings to be jewelry.

There was an entirely unexpected result when wearing the rings: edging became *much* less irritating to the area around the sulcus/corona. I guess the shape changes enough there that it puts a lot of pressure across the corona, and it gets unhappy about that after a while. With a glans ring, my hand skips right over the sensitive area, plus there’s just enough compression for some glans expansion while I’m erect, which holds the ring in place. The glans is soft enough I can still pull the ring off if needed, but it stays put just fine during edging.

I’m pretty happy about both results. That was well worth the $10 or so for the rings.

All good stuff Andy! I like that idea using one behind the head. I have clamped up there it is not that pleasant. I might use those things in combo. Thanks 😊

This is a great thread. Congrats on your progress on your journey thus far Andy. Cheers.

Hanging low till I'm hanging low.

Originally Posted by BigFinisher
All good stuff Andy! I like that idea using one behind the head. I have clamped up there it is not that pleasant. I might use those things in combo. Thanks 😊

Rubber or silicone rings are cheap; I’m having some fun playing around.

Kegeling with the glans ring on is a unique sensation. I’ve also been pumping with the glans ring. There’s a definite feeling of pressure as my unit expands around the ring, but it hasn’t injured anything. I do fit my tube fairly closely, though. It might not be a good idea in an oversize tube.

I’m still pumping at 3”. When I restarted a few weeks ago I was doing 20 minutes of pumping, 10 minutes of edging, and another 20 minutes of pumping. I stretched that to 30/10/20 and 30/10/30 with no edema.

Last night I did 40/10 successfully. (too sleepy for second session) My shaft felt “full” but not squishy, and it was still that way when I woke up in the morning. Technically it’s still edema, but that’s fine. I slapped the tube on this morning and had another successful 40 minute session, 10 minutes of edging, and… not paying attention to what I was doing, ran the pump for another 40 minutes instead of the 20 I intended. No discomfort in the tube, but a medium-size donut. Rats!

Well, at least I know a single 40 minute session is OK. I may switch from two 20s to one 40 now.

12 hours now since pulling the donut, and it’s still about half there… after edging, trying to massage it out, and four hours in a silicone sleeve.

Normally a donut - even a larger one - will go away in two or three hours. It looks like I’ve toughened up to where it’s harder to get a donut in the first place, but conversely the donut now takes longer to go away.

[notes another ‘learning experience’ in the PE log…]

Ime, the donut effect only happens from using lube. I don’t recommend using baby powder if you’re really into pumping with lube, but that’s what works for me for now. I still get edema but it gets more uniformly distributed along the shaft.

Wearing a ring around the glans was a tricky thing for me because of how uncomfortable it used to be. The frenulum snapped twice on me, hurt everytime I pissed when it happened, healed quick and hasn’t happened since. I gained both some uppershaft gains and some glans gains, but I don’t feel like enough PE has been done to cement them.

I eventually bought many metal rings and the smallest one I use for the glans feels the most comfortable so far, I wear it while pumping too and it works to swell up the glans more than usual. Any other small silicone ring or even made out of a different material would hurt, I have a few nice toe shields that are basically perfect sized for a glans ring, the metal one is still the best choice for now.

Originally Posted by train spot
Ime, the donut effect only happens from using lube.

I’m generous with the lube since I’m trying to stretch the skin all the way down to the base.

I eventually bought many metal rings and the smallest one I use for the glans feels the most comfortable so far

I have a thin 25mm steel ring and a thick 25mm rubber ring. They’re the largest rings that will still stay on when flaccid. I can pump with them on; there’s noticeable tension, but it doesn’t actually hurt. But if I pump without a ring, the smallest I can get on is 30mm, and it takes a bit of work to get one on.

I spent two hours pushing the lawnmower with the ADS bell hooked to a 1-pound weight hanging down my pants leg. I had expected to have to remove it after a half hour or so due to discomfort, swinging around down there, but there was no problem. I don’t have a leg strap setup, so I just went with the weight instead. I had to take a leak an hour or so after I finished mowing, otherwise it could have stayed on longer.

There is always some slight discomfort from the bell and sleeve, whether as an ADS or hanger. I’m not sure why. I bought a deeper bell, thinking the end of the bell might be irritating the spot just behind the corona, but the new bell didn’t feel much different. There might be some subdermal scar tissue getting tugged on or something. Usually I can leave it on until I need to pee, but sometimes the discomfort is enough that I’ll take it off early.

One thing I find odd is that even thought the bell fits snugly, I always get some edema, or sometimes even a small donut, on the part of the shaft just outside the bell. I don’t understand the mechanism of that; there’s not only no vacuum there, but the sleeve is compressing the area. A few minutes after taking the ADS off, there it is, though.

I had planned to wear the ADS more, but the limit of my PE efforts seems to be my glans, and more than a small amount of vacuum makes it sore. I’m still hoping it will eventually toughen up.

PE day 629
keto day 135

Follow-up doctor visit, mainly for blood pressure. As usual I had a brightly-colored folder full of printouts for him:

- what I was there for
- last few days of detailed medical logs
- a month of blood pressure readings, averaged daily
- list of prescription meds, why I’m taking them, any noticed side effects
- list of dietary supplements and why I’m taking them
- copy of the very detailed lab report from the endocrinologist

My blood pressure bounces around all over the place, from low 1-teens to low 140s. The average is 125 +/- 10. He said that was OK.

I had found a warning that long-term use of Lisinopril could cause liver damage and asked him if it would be an appropriate time to run a test. He checked my insurance coverage and said they probably wouldn’t authorize a liver function test without other signs of liver problems, but since I had a long history of obesity, they’d have no problem with the test for that reason. He took some blood for that.

We had a longish discussion about Vitamin D levels; he took some blood for that, and noted he needed to get another test for himself.

I briefly described my diet and my concerns about high-oxalate vegetables with my history of kidney stones. He scheduled me for an oxalate test.

I had found some ancient stuff about Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin; in the early days they had been marketed for a whole bunch of ailments, among them autoimmune disorder. Now they’re marketed for a much narrower range of ailments. I asked if he could get one of the drug salesmen to see if he could find anything about their use for autoimmune, since any web searches are thoroughly spammed with COVID propaganda. He said he’d ask next time a drug salesman showed up.

He was interested in the PE supplement and the nootropic supplement stacks.

We discussed the endocrinologist’s TRT prescription; he always passes that sort of thing off to specialists, so he didn’t have direct experience with it. He’s planning to start TRT himself soon. He approved of my splitting the doses in half and shooting up twice as often.

The first blood pressure prescription he gave me was for a diuretic called Bumex, which worked quite well, but I couldn’t be more than a few steps away from a toilet for about eight hours, and it made my kidneys hurt. He put me on Lisinopril after I told him that it wasn’t practical for me to take Bumex all the time. I aske him if there was a less-aggressive diuretic I could try. He picked one and sent in a prescription.

For the first four or five months I was on Lisinopril, my blood pressure would sometimes start running back up, and stay there until I knocked it down with Bumex. That hasn’t happened in the last few months, though.

I weighed 309 pounds, fully dressed, on his old-school weight-balance scale. My eBay electronic scale at home said 310 in my underwear. That’s within allowable range of error.

We spent just over an hour on a ten-minute visit. I was his last patient of the day and he wanted to chat. He doesn’t see many patients who have much interest in their treatment, and none that provide the data I do.

Like the saying says, “Without data, you’re just another guy with an opinion.”

A few visits ago I asked if I could email him a summary after each visit because I’m mostly deaf and he speaks quietly. Sometimes things go cockeyed when I fill in gaps, and I wanted to make sure we didn’t have a major miscommunication. He gave me his personal email address after I suggested he might not want his staff filing any “WTF where did the crazy patient get *that* from?” messages in with the office records. No problems so far, though.


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