Back a couple years ago when all this started, I had been left with a deformed meatus after a bad staph infection. The urologist said urology had nothing to offer, I should try to find a plastic surgeon. I was having no luck with that - they either wanted nothing to do with anything other than noses, breasts, and liposuction, or they wanted me to make an appointment for $300 or more, just so they could take a look, since my insurance wouldn’t cover plastic surgery. About that time the entire medical industry shut down due to the ‘rona.
Left hanging, I decided to DIY; I found that “hollow penis plugs” existed, and used those to stretch and reshape my meatal opening. After around a thousand hours, this was extremely successful - the opening was expanded back out and reshaped to “normal”, and would stay that way for two or three weeks at a time before needing a day or two of re-stretching.
I would have just kept using the plugs - after a while, I got used to it and my dick felt odd without one - but the meatus is stretchy. It’s difficult and often painful to get the next size up inserted, it stays a day or two, then the opening stretches enough it falls out on its own.
I decided to move on to “penis enlargement” since I’d been pumping and extending already, stretching the various scars that had been left by the infection. It turned out that most “PE” work quickly caused my meatus to go back to “shower head” mode. A few days of plugging would fix that, but it came down to “either PE or pee, but not both.”
I knew plugging worked to reshape my meatus… so I set it aside and continued with PE, using a flattened tube to pee through so I didn’t wet myself and the surrounding area. This has been awkward since I have to carry a bag with the tube and cleanup materials whenever I go anywhere, and it would be really handy to have three hands and a stall with a door when using them… but I’ve made do.
Somewhere along the way I encountered the “Tetherspout”, which is a small hollow tube that sticks just inside the urethra, and is held in place by a “retainer” washer. The manufacturer markets them mostly as jewelry or an ADS attachment method, with the casual mention that the could also solve urination issues. Well, fukmirunnin’, that sounded like what I was looking for.