Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

AndyJ's Body Enhancement Thread

PE day 575
keto day 81

This morning’s weight: 318#. Still on strict keto diet, averaging a bit less than 10 carbs per day. I look like I’ve lost much more weight than that; my waistline is down more than six inches.

Still doing the flexibility exercises. I wondered if they were necessary after I’d gotten loosened up; after skipping a week, my neck and wrists were crackly again. So every other day now. There’s no reason not to do them other than laziness.

Managed to damage a vein while clamping, about three weeks ago. Normally I combine clamping and edging; feeling for numbness or veins that are distended more than they ought to be. Normally I find clamping to be pleasant. The first two 5-minute sessions were fine. The third, I was experiencing some discomfort. Being stupid, I tried ignoring it and tried to power through. Another few moments and the clamp had to come off Right Now, and my whole shaft was sore. I’m still not sure what made that session any different than any other clamping sessions.

I wound up with a very sore knot about mid-length, beside my urethra. Pumping aggravated it, then I laid off pumping for a while because I pulled a blister with the ADS. (it wasn’t my week, apparently…) The knot mostly went away. I resumed low-intensity pumping a few days ago; the “getting better” part stopped. Okay, I need to stop pumping for a while longer.

This morning I tried jelqing instead of pumping. Running my fingers over the sore spot wasn’t excessively uncomfortable. Probing around, I discovered that I can still feel a slight knot in the shaft, but what is causing the problem is a *second* knot in the skin of the shaft, more or less on top of the deep knot. That particular spot was one of the bad scars left by the infection, and skin had folded up and healed together while flaccid, and I had to rip it apart with my hands when I decided to deal with the problem myself instead of waiting for the medical industry to come back from its Coof vacation. I think it’s more likely that the swelling from the clamp caused another bit of scar tissue to tear loose under the surface, and it’s not healing well because my PE work interferes.

Further in the tale of woe, the raw patches on my upper thighs and scrotum haven’t gone away. They’ve actually gotten slightly worse. They showed up immediately after stretching the “time before washing it off” for the NADS depilatory, so I had assumed they were chemical burns. (stretching the time didn’t dissolve any more hair, BTW) They itch madly and are sore to the touch. They emphatically do not like hydrocortisone cream (my go-to for crotch itch), they don’t like the Red Light Therapy lamp, and they didn’t like my homemade shea butter based cream. (“the Glop”) I made a couple of small batches without various additives; it turns out the magnesium chloride is the irritant. Looks like I’m going to have to see the doctor for this one; it might be some kind of infection instead of a chemical burn, which should surely have healed by now.

A few months ago I noticed some really nasty odors from my pump tubes. That was new, and troublesome. I finally tracked that down to the Glop. TL;DR: cocoa butter doesn’t like the heating pad, and “goes off” after it’s cooked a few times. Leaving the cocoa butter out solved the problem. I could have washed the tubes every day instead of every week, but laziness won out.

Went back to the plugs and sounds, got my urethra stretched out to 30Fr to get plenty of room to work, inserted the Tetherspout bits, and spent half an hour trying to get the damned retainer (27Fr) to turn so I could pull the spout through it. I’m beginning to think I don’t have the olive-sized ‘fossa navicularis” the drawings show; probing around, the urethra seems slightly larger there, but there’s not a noticeable cavity. But still, stretching it to 10mm should have left plenty of room for a 9mm retainer to flip sideways.

It takes about 12 hours to do the stretch; I’m going to start doing it every weekend now, when I’m not on call, and try getting the spout in every week.

[looks at text above] Sounds a bit whiny, but most of my problems were self-inflicted. Everything is actually going just fine; EQ is good, still losing weight, haven’t lost any gains.

Damn Andy,
That’s a lot going on!

I’m glad you’re able to keep the keto going. My dad and a couple of his friends tried it some years ago. Straight up miracle diet for my dad, weight-wise. Not so much for his friends, but I have a feeling they cheated allot.

My dad is 60, 5’9” and was tipping at 425lbs. He’s down to about 250lbs last I asked, about 3 years later. He’s also #2 diabetic and has some real heart problems looming. The kind that he carries last chance pills. Aside from the diet, he does absolutely nothing. It doesn’t seem to do much to increase his mobility. I really wish he would be more active… but he sits, still, and cites the “I can’t” excuse. The two words I never thought I’d hear him say have become his battle hymn.

Please, Andy, fight your laziness. Even when it seems menial and you know you could do without. Do it anyway. Make the little extra efforts a habit.

You’re doing great things, even with setbacks in one hand. Keep the faith and you’ll get there, my friend.

Originally Posted by 114life
Damn Andy,
That’s a lot going on!

Nah, I just let it pile up into one indigestible chunk instead of spreading it out. Sometimes you only see something noteworthy when looking back.

I’m glad you’re able to keep the keto going.

It really hasn’t been a problem. Not like the various “calorie counter” diets I’ve been on, that left me starving all the time. Didn’t lose any weight on them, so they were a waste of time.

Aside from the diet, he does absolutely nothing. It doesn’t seem to do much to increase his mobility. I really wish he would be more active… but he sits, still, and cites the “I can’t” excuse. The two words I never thought I’d hear him say have become his battle hymn.

I wasn’t quite as bad as your Dad, but close. See if you can have him get his testosterone level checked. TRT has done a lot to change my attitude toward life. I’m still “motivationally deficient”, but it’s getting better.

It may sound sort of morbid, but one of my spurs to keep going is Andreas Katsulas, the actor who played Ambassador G’Kar on “Babylon 5.” He had let himself go downhill, then was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. He got off his ass and quit smoking, cleaned up his diet, lost a bunch of weight, got serious at the gym… he told one of his friends “I’m in the best shape of my life, except I’m going to die.”

And then he did.

By the standard tables, I have maybe five years left. Katsulas made it a year instead of giving up, and he was up and active until the cancer got too bad.. And I don’t even have lung cancer to use as an excuse. Whatever shape I’m in at the end, it’ll be better than where I was in 2020.

Thanks for sharing, I’ll always push him, but it’s him that has to move.

You’re right, though.
That is a little morbid. Even for me, and I can get really damned dark. My hats off to you, man! Take the standard tables and shove em up their ass! You’ve got plenty of life left to go!

Originally Posted by 114life
I’ll always push him, but it’s him that has to move.

I’ve been where your Dad is, and I’m where you are with regard to my wife, who has her own problems she refuses to address. I wish I had an answer for either side. For myself, I got angry and I got lucky; not something you can usefully pass on to others.

Don’t discount the positive model you are showing your wife. Sometimes it just takes a while to show.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

So, I was looking at the “Holy Grail of Cum Load” thread and realized I had everything except pygeum on hand. I ordered some and tried a basic stack six days ago.


I take zinc already. I used to take L-Arginine, stopped before the endocrinologist did the testosterone blood work, and never got around to restarting. I’ve been taking lecithin for a month or so anyway. So I added pygeum and took them all at once.

Day 1: strong wood, big flaccid, and unexpected erections during the day. Yee haw!

Day 2: nothing. Couldn’t even get it up enough to edge.

Days 3-5: same.

No change in pre-cum from normal. I don’t normally make enough to notice. EQ too bad to jack off, so I don’t know about the ejaculate increase.

The only new thing was the pygeum bark. It very obviously does *something*, but it’s not what I was hoping for. I have no idea why the reaction started at one extreme and flipped to the other.

I quit taking everything except the zinc on Day 4. A slight change for the better today. Apparently it’s going to take a while to flush it all out and recover.

I’ve made a note to disassemble the pygeum gelcaps and try a much smaller dose next time. Maybe I’m sensitive to it or something.

Originally Posted by memento
Don’t discount the positive model you are showing your wife. Sometimes it just takes a while to show.

There is that. It’s an odd concept, though - I was always the kid who got pointed out as a bad example.

EQ was back to normal two days ago, and occasional spontaneous wood yesterday. The next TRT shot is today.

From my log, there doesn’t seem to be any correlation between EQ and the TRT schedule. Which is a good thing; it shows splitting the 2x/month dosing into 4x/month is sufficient to avoid the “roller coaster” effect so many guys have reported.

The $20 eBay vacuum ADS came with a 35mm bell. It seemed to be about the right size, but it was shallow, and the back edge dug painfully into the top of my shaft behind the crown when using the neck strap. I went to the extender subforum and asked if anyone sold a deeper bell; someone pointed me to Total Man.

Total Man didn’t have a 35mm bell, just one a bit smaller and one a bit larger. I bought the next size up, 38mm, since I got a lot of expansion in the Size Doctor and I didn’t think it would be a problem for my glans.

The bell and my glans get along just fine, but an unforseen problem cropped up: I get a mild donut using the Total Man bell.

What I think is happening is, with the shallow eBay bell, only my glans was in the bell, and the sleeve kept the shaft squoze down. The deeper Total Man bell solved the pinching problem, but while my erect girth is much more than 38mm, when both flaccid and extended, it’s a bit less, so a donut forms in the unused space in the bell. The “extreme grower” curse strikes again.

The donuts are undesirable, but they’re small and go away in an hour or so. I’m going to try a piece of cut-off 20mm silicone sleeve pushed up behind the glans, then the bell with the 25mm sleeve over it.

One of the results of the staph infection I had a few years ago was that my right testicle shrank down to the size of a marble, and squishy soft. The right testicle seemed fine. At least when I could feel them; they spent most of their time hiding up in my abdomen, and my scrotum was so tight it was nearly nonexistent.

After a year and a half of intermittent pumping both testicles spend about half their time outside, and the scrotum actually looks like a ballsack, though not as prominent as it used to be. I found that pumping greatly increased the size of the shrunken testicle, until sometimes it was “normal”, or at least the same size as the other one.

I’ve been on testosterone replacement therapy for three months. Having read about testicles shrinking down to marble size, I’ve kept track of their size. They’ve mostly stayed “normal”; sometimes the right one shrinks or softens, but it eventually returns to “normal.” So I’m not getting enough testosterone to shrink my balls, anyway.

One thing I’ve noticed is that my balls change size all the time. Sometimes with noticeable differences in size in just a couple of hours. And the size (and firmness) changes seem unrelated to PE work or time between TRT injections.

Pretty much, they seem to do as they please. Maybe they always did; other than swiping a washcloth down there in the shower, I never paid much attention to them. I don’t even know when they retracted and my scrotum shrank.

I made a note to ask the endocrinologist about the size thing next time I see her.

PE day 586
keto day 92

Weight this morning: 315 pounds. Still going down slowly.

My thick fat pad still makes all length measurements “non-bone-pressed”, but from the mouth of the pump tube where it floats on the fat pad to the tip of the glans was 7.5” this morning. Hopefully some of that will translate to erect length some day.

previously, in AndyJ’s thread:

I think it’s more likely that the swelling from the clamp caused another bit of scar tissue to tear loose under the surface, and it’s not healing well because my PE work interferes.

After giving it some time to heal I began a new routine of PE work; one-hour sessions three times per day. Pumping with heat at a steady 4” Hg with the aquarium pump for 20 minutes, “stayer” ring and edging for 10 minutes, and repeat.

The knotted area has pulled mostly smooth, and the circumferential scar is still improving. It looks like when working with scar tissue, you have to find the sweet spot between “not enough doesn’t do anything” and “too much causes it to crack.” Actually finding that spot seems to be more a matter of luck than anything else, though.

I haven’t felt any pops, twinges, or stabby sensations in a while. The internal scars seem to have all pulled free, finally.

The back-to-back heated pumps in the larger tube did show that there’s still some of the “internal band” depression in the main shaft structure; I can feel it when moving directly from pumping to edging. Not much, but noticeable. It wasn’t showing up in the smaller tube. It doesn’t seem to be hurting anything and it’s not normally detectable, so if it improves, great, if not, no big deal.

The larger tube with higher vacuum does cause some discomfort, but not what I would have expected. As the glans expands, the urethral opening begins to hurt. It feels like trying to insert a too-large sound or plug. Two or three times in a 20-minute session I’ll have to bleed vaccuum for a few moments to give it a break, then resume. Looking through the tube there’s nothing visible. I’ve never had that feeling before, even years ago when I was pumping at much higher vacuums and duration. It doesn’t seem like anything is being damaged - the discomfort goes away immediately when I let off some vacuum - so I’m just making a note and continuing.

One thing is, my glans used to be very pointy. Since I’ve begun using the vacuum ADS, it has assumed a nearly hemispherical rounded shape like the ADS bell. This lasts for more than a day, and it keeps the rounded shape even when pumping. Next time I take a break I expect it will resume its normal pointy shape; permanent changes of glans shape or size don’t seem to happen much. If it stays sounded, I guess I can live with that, too. It still feels strange to look down at it, or feel it when edging.

The “pump and edge” thing has been doing wonders for EQ. I started off using a “stayer” ED ring to maintain erection after pumping; after a few days I found I didn’t need that any more. With the rings I was getting 100% wood; without, usually about 75%. EQ has been good enough I’ve been doing a 10-minute edge session before pumping as well as one afterward. I’m not sure the first edge is doing anything useful for PE, but I’m delighted it’s rising to the occasion.

I finally got another tee fitting and an aquarium valve and spliced it into the vacuum line, adjusting the vacuum down to 3” Hg. I guess the tube and plumbing didn’t hold vacuum with the hand pump for long enough for 5-6” to be an issue, but apparently “pump and leak down” isn’t the same thing as a steady 4” of vacuum. At 3” I don’t get the discomfort I’ve been feeling at 4”, and I can do a 20-minute session without having to dump vacuum and recover during the session.

I still haven’t mastered getting the vacuum ADS on. I have to work up at least a partial erection, get the bell on, and pump the air out to keep it on enough to pull out the flaccid shaft enough to unfold the sleeve. That works OK when laying down without clothes on; standing in a bathroom, not so much. So I put it on in the morning, get anywhere from 3 to 5 hours before I have to take it off to pee, and then it’s off until maybe another session in the evening.

The Gear Keeper keeps a steady 3/4 pound tension when using the bell and sleeve as an ADS. Last night I set it up as a hanger and used it for 3.5 hours with a 1-pound weight while sitting at the computer. The glans was a bit sore afterward, but it wasn’t bad. I’ll stay at 1 pound until it doesn’t happen any more. 3/4 pound did the same thing when I moved up to that.

No ball pumping recently. Things were moving along quite well, until they both decided to retract up into my body again. Pumping the scrotum would be worthwhile, except the mouth of the tube presses on my retracted balls. Not enough for blazing agony, just enough to be distinctly uncomfortable.

The rash I got after the last depilatory use has finally gone away. I had cut my zinc supplement down to 25mg, which had worked okay until then. On a whim I went back to 50mg, split morning/evening. In a few days the itch and rash were gone. So I guess I was just on the edge of “keto rash” and the depilatory was enough to bring it up.

PE day: 593
keto day: 99

I have been using the vacuum ADS since late last year. Due to blisters and shaft skin tenderness, I used a 9 oz Gear Keeper (tool/key/microphone retractor) at the end of the neck strap. Later I stepped up to a 12oz Gear Keeper, and I can wear it three or four hours without problems.

Yesterday I used it as a hanger with a 16 oz weight while working. I put the weight in one of those little “tobacco pouches” some penis jewelry comes in, hooked the pouch to the bell with a carabiner, and pulled some shorts on. The pouch hung out the bottom of the legs a bit, but it didn’t swing enough to be a problem when walking. When sitting for breaks, I sat forward in the chair so it could still hang down.

I split my work time between clearing a space for the exercise machine (purchased 12/9/2019…) and working on the stalled hanging chair project. I love multitasking.

After 4-1/2 hours my knees were done and my bladder was full, so I returned to the house and took it off. No blisters, no soreness, no lymph pulled through.

My immediate thought was to add more weight today, but the annoying Karen-ish voice of Reason advises staying with the 16oz weight for a while before stepping up, since I’ve been prone to blisters in the past.


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