Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

AndyJ's Body Enhancement Thread

Originally Posted by AndyJ
A couple of years ago I noticed I was having trouble pronouncing certain words. A few months ago I noticed I can barely stick my tongue out past my lips. I never could touch my nose with my tongue, but I could get close when I was a kid. And sometimes I choke while swallowing now; I never had that problem before.

Apparently the frenum that connects the tongue to your jaw can shrink. Who knew? [sigh] There’s a surgical procedure to correct a tight frenum; the doctor reaches in with a scalpel or scissors and cuts it. Voila! But I didn’t like the idea of little flaps of loose skin under my tongue.

A few days ago I wondered if there were any exercises that might help stretch the frenum. Why yes, there are. Most of them are oriented toward stroke patients trying to get use of their tongue back, and some stretching “tongue enlargement” exercises, some of which had even been discussed on Thunder’s years ago.

I picked a handful of useful-looking tongue exercises and added them to the workout spreadsheet. It seems silly, but even after a few days I’m seeing some positive results.

My youngest son was tongue tied andnhad 6 places that were cauterized when he was about 1 minth old. One of the best pediatric sentists who specialize in that procedure is in my city. PM me.if you want his info.

It i stantly fixed his feedingbissues and although a initally hard to perform the stretches to keep it from regrowing after the surgery (holding down a screaming month old) it was worth it to allow proper feeding and later.speech to develop normally. But im annavid fan of doing things that suck but are worth the reward.

PE anyone????

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

I’ll see how the stretching thing works first.

I’m not completely against surgery, but I’d want the whole thing gone, not just snipped with flaps of skin flopping around. Unfortunately, the way the system works is you have to pay $100-$300 just to ask “will you just snip it or will you cut the whole thing out?”, and keep paying until you get a doc who will do what you want.

I ran into that when I was trying to find a plastic surgeon to deal with the scars on my penis. It appears most of them only know a handful of procedures; if you want a nose bob, giant fish lips, grey alien style slanted eyes, a tummy tuck, breast implants, or to have your dick chopped off and a fake vagina built, sure, no problem. Anything else, they’re anxious to take your money for a consult, but have no intention of ever doing anything.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
I’ll see how the stretching thing works first.

I’m not completely against surgery, but I’d want the whole thing gone, not just snipped with flaps of skin flopping around. Unfortunately, the way the system works is you have to pay $100-$300 just to ask “will you just snip it or will you cut the whole thing out?”, and keep paying until you get a doc who will do what you want.

I ran into that when I was trying to find a plastic surgeon to deal with the scars on my penis. It appears most of them only know a handful of procedures; if you want a nose bob, giant fish lips, grey alien style slanted eyes, a tummy tuck, breast implants, or to have your dick chopped off and a fake vagina built, sure, no problem. Anything else, they’re anxious to take your money for a consult, but have no intention of ever doing anything.

Lawyers too. They need 1500 just to research to say you have no case,.although its a good reason yet not good to pursue. Im assuming they already know this prior to the 1500.

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

11/01/22 day 832
PE sequence 2, day 11
keto cycle 2, day 144

last week - this week

weight 257 -> 260 +3
shoulders 51.5 -> 53 +1.5
chest 47.5 -> 48 +.5
waist 50 -> 48.5 - 1.5
lower abdomen 52 -> 51 -1.0
thighs 27.5 -> 27.5 no change
calves 17.75 -> 17 -.75
biceps 14.75 -> 14.5 -.25
forearms 11.3 -> 11.3 no change
wrists 7.38 -> 7.38 no change
neck 17 -> 17 no change

Shoulders and chest firming up a bit, lost some size most other places. The three pound gain was disappointing, though.

I dug out the Bib Starter and gave it a try today. Wrapping wasn’t as awkward as I expected it to be. I I hung straight-out using the pulley arrangement I use for the vacuum hanger.

I did the first session at 2 pounds, as Bib recommends. I had to take it off a couple of times to reposition and fiddle with the wrap. I was using a long strip of T-shirt material, which turned out not to be the best choice - when you put tension on it, it wants to thin out and curl instead of laying flat. I got some Theraband with the hanger, but I wanted to make straight cuts with a razor and a guide, and I didn’t have access to those at the time.

After some massaging - my shaft got noticeably cold, which doesn’t happen with the vacuum extender - I put the Bib back on and tried it with three pounds. There was some skin discomfort at the “thumb spot” where I used to have a scar; the skin there is very thin, and I damaged it jelquing a couple of weeks ago. It was fully healed, but the Bib puts tension in that area, stretching skin up from the abdomen. That wasn’t a problem with the vacuum hanger, which pulls from the glans, but the Bib basically pulls the skin from the back edge of the Bib.

After two 20-minute sessions the thumb spot was sore, but I don’t think there’s any real damage. I’m keeping some shea butter on it for now, and I’ll see how it feels tomorrow.

I may have to limit things to a single 20-minute session per day until the area (hopefully) toughens up.

Overall, way simpler and less painful than I expected, and and no vacuum blisters.

A few weeks ago I eased up a bit on the keto thing, allowing 20-50 carbs per day on some days. I gained three pounds. On the scale this morning, I gained another two pounds.

Well, back to almost-carnivore, then. I’ve proven to my satisfaction that carbs, even in small amounts, will make me gain weight even if the calorie values are supposedly well under basal metabolism.

Blood sugar level went from its normal 90-95-ish to 115-125-ish as well. Strange, since it was usually below 100 even when I was eating mostly carbs on the Standard American Diet.

Body dimensions changed a bit in most areas, the most apparent being shoulders down 3”, butt up 3”. I probably ought to measure everything every day instead of once a week, at least until I get an idea of how much “noise” there is from measurement variations, water retention, etc. But it’s a hassle and I’m lazy.

Measuring once a week should provide enough information to create a baseline and track any changes or progress. Once a day would be a pain in the ass.

I wouldn’t say you are lazy with the amount of data you collect and measuring you do, I would say the opposite

So, Thursday afternoon my back started to hurt. The pain seemed to be in the kidney area. By Friday afternoon it hurt to urinate. Yep, another proteus infection. They’re hitting roughly 6 months apart. Naturally, they only hit on Thursdays, and my doctor is semi-retired and doesn’t work on Fridays. It was yesterday before I could get in to see him, and by then it was mostly over.

Ten years ago I would simply have gone to the emergency room, but the “Affordable Care Act” has made that a non-starter for anything less than “might die otherwise.”

I left a urine sample and got a prescription for amoxicillin, which cleared it up the last two times. I asked if there was something we could do to knock this shit out permanently, or if I was going to have to expect recurrences for the rest of my life. He said he’d research it and get back to me.

Yeah, doing PE probably puts me at a higher risk for UTIs than general population, but while I’m not quite a germophobe, I’m rigorous about cleanliness down there, and the cleanliness of anything that touches down there, since the staph infection of 2018. At the last visit he’d mentioned how proteus can sometimes “colonize” a urinary tract; given the fairly even spacing of the attacks, I’m guessing that’s what has happened. I got it a year and a half ago, and it hasn’t actually left.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
So, Thursday afternoon my back started to hurt. The pain seemed to be in the kidney area. By Friday afternoon it hurt to urinate. Yep, another proteus infection. They’re hitting roughly 6 months apart. Naturally, they only hit on Thursdays, and my doctor is semi-retired and doesn’t work on Fridays. It was yesterday before I could get in to see him, and by then it was mostly over.

Ten years ago I would simply have gone to the emergency room, but the “Affordable Care Act” has made that a non-starter for anything less than “might die otherwise.”

I left a urine sample and got a prescription for amoxicillin, which cleared it up the last two times. I asked if there was something we could do to knock this shit out permanently, or if I was going to have to expect recurrences for the rest of my life. He said he’d research it and get back to me.

Yeah, doing PE probably puts me at a higher risk for UTIs than general population, but while I’m not quite a germophobe, I’m rigorous about cleanliness down there, and the cleanliness of anything that touches down there, since the staph infection of 2018. At the last visit he’d mentioned how proteus can sometimes “colonize” a urinary tract; given the fairly even spacing of the attacks, I’m guessing that’s what has happened. I got it a year and a half ago, and it hasn’t actually left.

In college i had a bad case of prostatotis. Did cipro for almost 6 months.

Onlyba 21 day fast with water only cured the yeast that had overwhelmed my body because of that shit medicine.

Maybe it could help.

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

People always recommend cranberry juice.

I wonder if there is some kind of UV method to clear out the urethra. Nothing on a quick brave search.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

The first thing the doc said when he walked in was “You’ve lost a bunch of weight!”. I was 257 on the scale. I was wearing some colorful shorts and a T-shirt he’d seen me in before, right before I started keto. I told him to hold my beer and watch this, fluffed out the shirt to show how loose it was, and then untied the drawstring of the shorts and pulled out the waist. At 63” the shorts would stay up untied; at 48” a skinny person could climb in there with me.

He saw I had the usual file folder with me. “What did you bring me this time?” and reached over and grabbed it. It was why I was there, what else I wanted to talk about, recent medical history, and this time a fresh health spreadsheet.

This was the first time I got to go over the health speadsheet with him. I’d left a couple of earlier ones at the front desk for him when I started doing them, but this is the first office visit since then. He’d just glanced at them and had a clerk scan them into my electronic record. I only printed out the last six months this time.

I unrolled the spreadsheet and taped it to the door. (yes, I brought my own tape…) It was two feet wide and four feet tall. “Yes, I know this is just a wall of numbers, but here at these gaps are the monthly averages… skip down and you can see how blood pressure has dropped, pulse pressure is mostly the same, lung capacity is up, weight is down, these are the BMI numbers, this stuff is all from the CPAP machine….” I gave him a sheet with explanations of all the columns in case my homemade abbreviations weren’t clear.

I should have printed out another lab sheet; I didn’t because I hadn’t had any more labs since I’d dropped off the last lab spreadsheet, but they’d cut it up and scanned it in. Having someone find the files, print them, and tape a copy together wasn’t worth the time.

The cardiologist thought the spreadsheets were wonderful; the doc sees where they can be useful, but it’s not a format he’s familiar with, and I think he found it slightly confusing. I pointed out that he could simply ignore the majority of the information; he only needed to look at the six monthly average lines; he only needed to look at the rest if something looked ‘off’.

The lab sheet would have been much better to use, where he could see all the labs at once instead of switching between multiple files on his computer and paper files for the older stuff.

We had a talk about looking at printed sheets vs. panning around in an Excel window, and a discussion - well, mostly me trying not to lecture - about data security. I probably sounded like some kind of paranoid anyway. There’s a certain amount of information his office has, that I can’t do anything about. Thirty years ago, that was all between me and my doctor, and any nosy staff who had time to poke around in the files. HIPAA was sold as a “medical privacy act”, but basically what it did was open up patient records to, basically, any government official, and make it legal for medical practices to “share” patient information with “partners”, which are generally the insurance companies and drug manufacturers. In recent years Google and Amazon have gotten into the healthcase business, and they’ve made serious inroads into medical IT, primarily their “cloud storage” products, though Amazon is now pushing toward patient care too. You can trust all that data is safe and secure in Google’s hands, anon. Almost as safe as letting a junkie hold your stash while you’re on vacation. Selling data is their *business*.

I worked in medical IT in the 1990s, right when HIPAA came in. There was a lot of WTF! involved.

“Doctor-patient privilege” is stone dead in the 21st century. Most people don’t know that. And their offices leak confidential information like a busted rubber.

But if he wanted the data anyway, I’d be happy to give it to him. As far as I know there’s nothing there that an insurance company could use against me. He said the paper sheet would be fine; he seemed more amenable after I told him to just throw them away after he looked at them and I’d bring a new one each visit.

Anyway, he carried the sheet into his office and taped it to the wall as I was leaving, so maybe he’s coming to terms with it.

While I was there I asked for a prescription for an ED drug, preferably taladafil. I guess he’s used to dealing with me now; he asked what dosage I wanted. I suggested a large one, and I could cut it in half if needed. He said that wasn’t always a good idea with prescription drugs; some of them have an oxygen barrier coating for storage, and when you cut them in half they start to oxidize from the open end and deteriorate. He didn’t know if taladafil was one of those; it’s sort of a generic pharmaceutical warning. I suggested we just go with the medium-size dose, then. Then he asked how many I wanted. Fuck if I know. A dozen? Sure, no problem.

Mostly I just wanted to give the drug a try; I’ve been tracking night and morning wood and erection quality for a couple of years now, and while I’m doing pretty good for my age, a little better EQ couldn’t hurt. The doc asked me to give him a report of how it worked out next time I saw him; he might give it a try himself.

He mentioned that taladafil is sometimes prescribed for prostate problems, and those patients take it every day.

So, another toy for the PE box, anyway.

Originally Posted by memento
I wonder if there is some kind of UV method to clear out the urethra. Nothing on a quick brave search.

Since the majority of the pain is in the kidneys, it’s probably the entire system from there down to the meatus. I can visualize a UV probe through the urethra and into the bladder, but the kidneys are separate by the ureter passages, which are tiny, and the kidneys themselves are full of semi-solid perfusion membranes.

The doc said that proteus creeped him out when he was in medical school; they looked at slides with live proteus, and that shit *crawls*. He could actually watch them move in the microscope. Wikipedia has an explanation of how it does that. Most bacteria just sit there and get carried along by body fluids or direct contact; proteus attaches itself to a surface and then takes off like a roach on a countertop, so once you get it, it quickly spreads to every compatible environment it can reach.

I had a UTI in 2019-ish that I rode out; I’m pretty sure it was the first proteus attack.

Last Tuesday my blood pressure started going up, as did my pulse rate. By the time the UTI became apparent on Thursday, BP had gone up 20 points and heartbeat 20 BPM.

Right about the time I suddenly started feeling better Monday evening, they both abruptly dropped back to normal.

I had noted this with the UTI earlier this year. I need to look at 2021’s file and see if it shows up there, too.

This time, I was taking my temperature every day. It stayed within my normal range the whole time.

BP and pulse may be a more reliable indicator of a problem than temperature.


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