Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Buckfever's "It's The Final Countdown" Journal


48 @ 60 minutes

2.5 minutes lower to down position
5 minutes reset attachment to gain forward position
7.5 add 12 half turns
10 add 12
12.5 add 12
15 add 12
17.5 add Total Man heat pad high
36 low heat
58 remove pad
60 end

So right now the problem is the head swell. I am not recovered fully from the contaminated water. My eyes are still puffy, still not feeling right. Water retention is coming off though, weight is down to 189.2. Right now all I can do is maintenance until this issue is resolved. Just trying to keep the duration up. Tension at end of session is light, it’s just the attachment is not good, We’ll see if it’s better tomorrow.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


48 @ 60 minutes

2.5 minutes lower to down position
5 minutes reset attachment to gain forward position
7.5 add 12 half turns
10 add 12
12.5 add 12
15 add 12
17.5 add Total Man heat pad high
35 end

The attachment did not feel good at 35 minutes so ended the session. Same issue with the lack of head swell.

Weight: 188.

The water retention continues to come off from the reaction to the contaminated water, I still feel the bloat so we’re not there yet. I’ll push water today to see if I can help that. We’ll get a run in today and see if the structure is recovering. I think the only reason that this is not feeling quite futile is that it isn’t a matter of the tension being too high as it is not. It is simply that I can not establish a sound connection since the bloat. Which isn’t to say that it isn’t hasn’t become futile at this time, but I put a huge effort into this and I believe I’m close so don’t want to call it yet.

If we’re still here a month from now though…

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


48 @ 51 minutes

2.5 minutes lower to down position
5 minutes reset attachment to gain forward position
7.5 add 12 half turns
10 add 12
12.5 add 12
15 add 12
17.5 add Total Man heat pad high
36 low heat
45 remove start manual stretching
51 end session.

Went a little better than yesterday.

Weight: 187.4

Ran 11.5 miles yesterday, slow but we got it in. Could be dehydrated today so have to take the weight with a grain of salt. Feeling behind on where I hoped to be at this point, but all we can do is keep chipping away.

I’m killing it at work, but a new situation is developing. I think one of the staff members has a drinking problem. They have incidentally revealed to me that they have been going out drinking at least 4-5 times a week. It’s none of my business what they do in their personal life, BUT their cognitive function is getting severely impaired. I don’t know that I have a position on it, I know a lot of colleagues who are heavy drinkers and it does not impact them, but I’ve also seen others get really cloudy from heavy use. Anyway the girl in question, she’s very hard working and has great social skills, but her analytical abilities are falling off hard. I may have to change her role.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


60 @ 60 minutes

2.5 minutes lower to down position
5 minutes reset attachment to gain forward position
7.5 add 12 half turns
10 add 12
12.5 add 12
15 add 12
17.5 add 12
17.5 add Total Man heat pad high
34 low heat
57 heat off
60 end

First day where we had an improved head swell. Last 5 minutes were a little rough.

Weight: 188.4 @ 20.4%BF

Pushed water yesterday to rehydrate. I think that’s a fair read of where the weight is. I think we can start pushing now.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


60 @ 60 minutes

2.5 minutes lower to down position
5 minutes reset attachment to gain forward position
7.5 add 12 half turns
10 add 12
12.5 add 12
15 add 12
17.5 add 12
17.5 add Total Man heat pad high
34 low heat
49 remove device start manual stretching
60 end

At 49 minutes felt a twinge at the attachment so removed the device and started manual stretching. Spent over 8 hours driving yesterday, probably dehydrated. Given the twinge, changing out the noose to make sure the noose integrity isn’t an issue. Pretty frustrating 6 weeks. Basically have made no progress at all, except for the running.

Yesterday Weight: 186@ 20.1%
Today: 187.2 @ 20.3%

The nature of my life these past few months is such that I have been eating out too much. Yesterday the main course was an oil laden breaded chicken breast or pasta. These set menus there’s no way to get proper nutrition and not over eat. Actually I think you over eat and still don’t get proper nutrition.
And I have 3 dinners and Father’s day coming up, so no let up short term. BUT, after that no more meetings for the Summer and the girl will be out of the country travelling several times for over a month total, so I should have complete control, for about 10 weeks. They’ll be no excuses.

I sill eat well and get some exercise in today.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


20 minutes @ 0

New noose brought glans position well ahead of the end of the cradle. The glans tissues appeared stressed as I added 24 half turns, so I took the tension off and did a short 20 minutes session. We will see where we go from here. We should know here soon if this campaign has reached the point of futility. I’m wondering if this is related to the running and the constant state of dehydration. Also the lack of intimacy I think anecdotally is not healthy for the tissues. I can fix the intimacy issues, I’m not going to stop the running. I’m committing this year to emphasizing cardio. I can always come back to the extender, if we can’t get this going here and now.

Weight: 185.8

Ran 8.9 miles yesterday, rather slow but we got it in. So that was 11.5 on Wednesday, 3.5 on Friday and the 8.9 yesterday. That’s a high water mark on the running, I have fallen off on the weight lifting though. There’s only so much I can do, I need more time.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


48 @ 60 minutes

2.5 minutes lower to down position
5 minutes reset attachment to gain forward position
7.5 add 12 half turns
10 add 12
12.5 add 12
15 add 12
17.5 add Total Man heat pad high
36 low heat
53.5 heat off
60 end

I really thought I was going to have to pause this campaign, but today went really well. If nothing else I have been convinced that regular intimacy is important for penile health and I can appreciate that the use of the pump where that is lacking could be very useful. Maybe the benefit of edging too. Just a thought.

Weight: 187 @ 20.3% body fat.

Really pushed fluids yesterday should be well hydrated. Need a little more sleep and to keep the exercise going. Work is too much with no end in sight. A colleague just informed me that he’s moving a segment of his work to me. Already saw 2 of the clients with 2 more coming. It’s work that I want and I can’t say no. Planning 5 days off in a month. I’m going to take more short vacations.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.



I was looking at the glans tissues after 48 half turns this morning and decided to pause this campaign. In retrospect I made a mistake when I had reached full extension in the extender and then increased the rate of tension increases. I overstressed the glans tissues at the attachment and they are collapsing in response to the tension increases. They are just going to need an extended period of time to heal so that I can get back up there This is not an issue of the tension being too much on the shaft, it’s that the attachment tissues are the weak link.

The other factor is that this is a time period the next 3.5 months in which I need to focus on cardio and overall fitness. I have noticed that when I do the long runs I get dehydrated and that compromises the sessions the next day. So this is just not a good time period. So I’ll pick this back up come October.

In the meantime I’ll explore that VED protocol that recent clinical research has suggested.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


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