Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Buckfever's progress report/bananaman story.


60 minutes @ max tension

Because of interruptions I’m going to prolong increasing the extender length until I have well consolidated the current length. In July I’ll have a lot of privacy which will allow for a more robust effort. No set timeline but I think I’m going to hold off till then. Long term I think that will be a better approach.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

7/3/2018 Update

Max tension @ 60 minutes

Times been very limited and so sessions have been sporadic. During the interuptions I lose a little progress, just get in what I can and periodically work back up. Keeping myself in it, till I have more time.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

7/13/2018 Update

Wound up missing 6/13 days and even on the on days the effort was tepid, just way too busy. But the last couple days and today I’ve gotten back on it and am logging in good minutes to build back up.

EQ definitely climbed through the roof during the layoff and I wasn’t bothered by taking the time off, so I do think that is healthy.

That said, I have it in the back of my mind that I would like to put in a robust 3 month effort with the extender where we average 3 hours a day, simply because I want to explore the validity of what some of the research suggests. I just don’t know when that will happen.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Perused the “best tits” thread and I’ll post my thoughts here rather than go off topic there:

Interesting thread. Not something I’ve thought about before, because aside from basic physical features (I don’t like fat girls), it’s always that I’ve been attracted to the girl’s presence and how she would respond. But it’s an interesting contrast in preferences considering the comments.

I’m much more into a woman ass so I’m surprised as I definitely have preferences. I definitely don’t like large breasts, I would say that an a cup isn’t enough, a b cup is perfect and a c cup is about as large as I’d want, beyong that they look sloppy to me. I don’t like fake unless a woman is doing that just to restore things. I prefer darker pointy nipples but my greatest preference is so that the shape to the breast is such that the nipple points up.

The shit we contemplate here.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


5th day back at it and we were able to get back to Max tension in the extender. If I can just stay consistent now for a few weeks should be able to consolidate this level.

7/17/2018 update

Time is limited once again, however today was able to get to max tension in 15 minutes as the tissues are definitely more compliant. Recently it’s been taking 20 minutes for point of reference. So despite the inconsistencies, slow progress is still being made.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
7/17/2018 update

Time is limited once again, however today was able to get to max tension in 15 minutes as the tissues are definitely more compliant. Recently it’s been taking 20 minutes for point of reference. So despite the inconsistencies, slow progress is still being made.

Exactly, it’s one minute at a time! That thing called life always wants to get in the way of what could be good PE time.

We keep pushing forward!

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
Exactly, it’s one minute at a time! That thing called life always wants to get in the way of what could be good PE time.

We keep pushing forward!

Yes exactly. And your postings have helped me with that, a patient resolve. It’s a good example.

Over 3 hours in the extender today.

Added 1/8” length to the extender.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
Over 3 hours in the extender today.

Added 1/8” length to the extender.

3 hours is a solid day! Congrats on the rod increase, that’s always super exciting!

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb


Review of the latest data. It took just under 4 months to consolidate the last 1/8” addition to the extender. But more precisely 105 hours. This was for sure the least consistent time, meaning that there were few periods of successive days without interruption. Which at least anecdotally are where I make the best progress.

That said not a whole hell of a lot I can do about it. I’ll just take the time as I can get it.

Goals remain unchanged, plan is to consolidate the 1/8” addition just made, add another 1/8” consolidate that and measure the max stretched length in the extender and see where we’re at. At that point I will revisit long term goals.

This has taken longer than I figured initially, but part of that is that I’m more relaxed about the whole process and am just tucking it into my life now.

In use feedback remains positive depending on your perspective. Just a few minutes into it: “Hold on I need a break” required that I adjust the vigor. And more recently “You have an abnormal dick, it’s too fucking huge”.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


57% Max Tension @ 35 Minutes - had limited time, establishing a new baseline.

7/22/2108 Update

71% Max tensions @ 23 minutes; followed up with 2 one hour sessions at low tension.

So far so good at the new extender length. It could be that the 100+ hours over 4 months at the previous length set a good foundation.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

7/24/2018 update

71% max tension @ 23 minutes, followed up with 28% max tension @ 22 minutes and had to discontinue the session due to time constraints.

Sessions remain sporadic but that I was able to add tension to the second session is a good sign. And that’s basically the process, gaining time or tension on the sessions and very slowly grabbing incremental progress. I think about where I will be a year from now and I gain determination.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
7/24/2018 update

71% max tension @ 23 minutes, followed up with 28% max tension @ 22 minutes and had to discontinue the session due to time constraints.

Sessions remain sporadic but that I was able to add tension to the second session is a good sign. And that’s basically the process, gaining time or tension on the sessions and very slowly grabbing incremental progress. I think about where I will be a year from now and I gain determination.

Do you have a glans bigger than your shaft? I started out with a typical extender but my penis physiology only allows me to use vaccuum based devices. What is the brand of your extender, if you want to share?

Start 7.28

Goal 9.2 nbp


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