I am cut, but I too had issues with skin pulling over the head and feeling like it was just going to pull straight off my penis in the captains wench as well as discoloration in the head. The good news is this was all resolved by wrapping really well, it takes a lot of practice to get down good but here is how I do it:
1. using a shoe string or something similar create a noose and tie the none noose end to something waist height.
2. Pull skin back and place noose right behind the ridge of the head and tighten down fairly tight
3. take a step back to create tension in the string and a light stretching of the penis
4. start wrapping about 1” back from the head, first wrap should be pretty loose
5. after the first loose wrap pull the skin back again and wrap over the same area but much tighter (repeat 1 to 2 times)
6. again pull skin back and start wrapping down toward base in a spiral type direction, after each full wrap pull the skin back again.
7. once 1-2” from base begin to spiral back up towards the head with whatever wrap you have left (normally 2-3 full wraps for me)
8. place captains wench on as tight as possible (not clamped yet
9. remove head from noose
10. pull skin back and clamp your cable clamp on the wench as tight as you can (it almost feels like its pinching the inner penis).Once I begin stretching the skin still pulls over the head, but I don’t get discoloration or the sensation that it is going to slip over my head completely and off, and I definitely feel the stretch a lot more on my inner penis than I do the skin.
I hope this helps buddy!
Hey DPU,
thanks for the suggestions. I’ve tried different wrapping procedures about half a dozen times now and I managed to eventually get my unit in the wench being unable to pull it clean off, but the pain makes it entirely impossible to stretch with. I’ll keep trying for some time and see if the pain reduces as my head gets somewhat used to being touched directly, but I’m several decades of experience and conditioning behind you circumcised guys. For the time being it looks like the captains wench is incompatible with my physiology. The simple fact that the wrapping is being held behind the corona via friction causes quite some pain, and pulling it gently slides the entire wrap up or down the shaft, causing severe pain if done for more than a few seconds, even at a pulling strength which is insufficient to stretch anything.
If I find a method to remedy this, I will report it.
I plan to continue with jelqing and clamping on Monday (no stretching) on a 1 on 3 off schedule for 12 weeks. This is because when adding clamping in the last week of my previous “on” period, temporary expansion lengthened my erection by about 1 cm, something stretching has not accomplished in recent exercise schedules.
Yesterday morning I woke up with an 11/10 erection (3rd morning after clamping) after dreaming that my unit woke me up by poking me in the face while I was lying on my back. It’s too bad I’m not a superstitious person.
February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")
November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")
Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse