Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Do I really want to do this again ?

Pygeum at 3x 1 pill per week causes headache, mental overstimulation. The minimal increase in precum is not worth it. Going back to semi-weekly.

Increased the intensity of my stretching yesterday, more pull and hot water bottle heat while stretching. The pull felt like the right kind of discomfort. No tenderness or pain today.

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75

Increased stretches to behind the leg left and right, left and right, and behind the leg left and right for a total of 6 stretches at 5 minutes each.

Increased jelqs to 50 left and right, then 50 more right, for a total of 150.

Very little soreness today, more like my balls are sore.

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75

Ball soreness mostly gone today. It was sort of like blue balls, but different. After I ejaculated yesterday they were still sore. Will monitor future occurrences.

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75

Yesterday tried some light fulcrum stretching with a .625 inch diameter dowel. Down from base at approx 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 inches, roughly 2 min each position.

No jelqs. Feels like my grip and position are always inconsistent. Looking into jelq sticks or homemade power jelq device.

Trying to talk myself into quality leluv pump with gauge and leluv slider.

Also interested in golf weights as hanger / fulcrum devices.

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75

Elevated effortless arousal state after PE this morning.

Heat before and during.

Stretch behind leg left right. 5 min ea. Some pron assist.

Stretch left right.

Stretch behind leg left right.

20 jelqs right left. Repeat.

10 jelqs right left.

Mild heat pressing down like down stretch.

This half hard dreamy feeling all day. Like I just have to let it happen.

Then after some weight lifting this afternoon felt like I needed more stretching.

So I rigged an approx half lb hanger using coins and plastic bottle and silicone bracelet.

30 minutes of hanging. It felt so good.

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75

Wow, I had forgotten how much I liked hanging. I mean I remembered it was ok. I had made a noose out of paracord and vinyl tube and it was not the most comfortable. My new setup with the silicone bracelet noose is so much better.

No soreness or tenderness today, so I am trying another 30 min session. Easy enough while standing or sitting on the edge of a chair. Being very careful of numbness or coldness or anything adverse.

The newness and excitement of hanging again probably is making me feel aroused. Is it weird to get a partial erection while hanging?

Pumping will be a whole other level. I started pumping way back when as a purely sexual activity - not even thinking of PE. So I know I am going to love pumping again.

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75

Yesterday I was super curious and even though it was a rest day I used my homemade hanger for 1 hour.

After 30 min the noose slipped off, so I had to reattach. Other than that there were no major issues. Minor issues included some ligament pulling sensation while sitting and the penis tended to hang to one side or the other (I alternated sides every 5 min), some wrinkling below the glans where the noose bunches up the skin, and some very mild soreness almost like itching throughout the entire shaft. The itching feeling persisted into the evening and even today. It actually feels kind of good.

I modified the hanger with a new bottle and new noose to bottle attachment. See pics. The purple elastic cloth is a slider for adjusting the size of the noose. I drilled a hole in the bottle cap and retained the silicone bracelet with a plastic clip. There is enough room in the bottle to get the total weight up to approx 1 lb, but I am trying to give it some time before increasing. Also the cap can fit on a larger bottle up to around 2 lb approx.

Then I did 20 min of hanging. Works great and looks reasonable.

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ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75

The coin bottle noose hanger actually weighed closer to 1 lb. half full. I had to use some known masses and a digital bathroom scale that only displays 0.5 lb increments to guesstimate more accurately. Filled up the hanger weighs 2 lb. which compared by hand to slightly less than my 2.5 lb. weightlifting plates. (I could just count the coins that have a known mass and be even more accurate, but this is close enough. Plus I am too lazy to count 300 odd coins.)

So what did I do with this 2 lb. hanger? Impulsively enough I tried hanging with it to see how it felt. Felt heavier, but okay. First and foremost I am interested in not hurting myself.

So I did 30 min of hanging. Felt okay, like little difference from the 1 lb.

Soooo I continued for another 30 minutes. And then things started to feel different. I could feel more pull throughout the length of my shaft, kind of like a soreness or ache, but not pain. Like there was some real stretching going on. I massaged the base of my penis to help the ligament stretching (if that’s what it was) and also to probe for any sign of tenderness. And I kept checking the head and shaft for tenderness or numbness or coldness. That last 30 minutes felt like a real workout.

Last night I definitely felt bigger. I measured approx. .125 inches longer, but it is just one measurement and could be within so many errors of variability.

Today I still feel bigger, have that itchy soreness all through my penis, have felt a couple of those twinges again in the top left dorsal part of the shaft. Now for the weekend rest and monitor, but feeling really good about 2 lb. hanging. Looking forward to Monday.

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75

Apologies to readers who saw that thread had attachments and were looking for dick pics. It is unlikely I will ever post dick pics. I am concerned about penile recognition technology. I will post pics of devices or tools or techniques that may be of interest.

Once again curiosity - so I counted the zinc pennies. 316 x 2.5g = 790g ~ 1.74 lb. Tedious numbers, I reduce the count to a simple even 300 and go metric for future hanging (and increases). 750 grams now. Funny how the inch seems to be the standard for penis length.

Last night middle of the night, went to bathroom. Penis felt “odd”. No pain or discoloration or anything discernible. Slight sensitivity around urethral opening. This morning only had continued slight overall itchiness and base soreness. Base soreness is also in surrounding groin area, very mild but noticeable.

And rest until tomorrow.

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75

Super tempted to put on hanger yesterday, but trying to enforce idea of rest. Incredibly difficult not to give in and feel that growth inducing pull and strain.

I distracted myself by purchasing a leluv pump and extender. I will start a thread in the review forum when they get here and I can evaluate.

I put on some jeans that always fit me in a certain way, loose but with a comfortable bulge going down one leg. And I was only wearing one pair of boxer briefs instead of the usual 2 pair setup that I described in another post. And my flaccid bulge felt noticeably tighter. I walked the front of the yard and yeah, definitely a different feeling, a bigger feeling. Very pleasant surprise. Kind of thrilling.

Continuing my distraction I compromised and did 8 sets x 10 ea jelqs with pron assist. Not totally rest, but less intense than hanging.

Then I measured again and the length increase appears to be real. Girth measures about the same. BPEL and EG. My starting length is 6.75. When I initially measured sometimes it was a little more or less, but 6.75 was consistent. Both my recent measurements were 7. There may be measuring errors, variability, etc.; so we will see if the 7 inch measure is consistent going forward. I wrote previously .125 inch increase because I was being both incredulous and conservative.

I guess I am really doing this body modification PE thing. It is not just some different kink kind of masturbation (though I did ejaculate last night after measuring.) My EQ was normal for me last night and this morning. Felt some tip sensitivity again during the middle of the night bathroom visit. Also some momentary twinging sensation in the glans this morning. Erection / rubbing / friction while I am asleep?

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75


Morning hang 60 min @ 750 g. Standing and sitting. Felt not as intense as before.

10 min massage groin and penis base after. Helps relieve mild soreness.

Afternoon hang 10 min @750 g. Standing. Massage groin and penis base during entire session.

Read up on BIB workouts and Tom Hubbard in PE manual. Much good info.

Mild groin and base soreness today, glans sensitivity, no meatus sensitivity in middle of night (changed to looser underwear?).

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75

Yesterday some pron. 40 jelqs, 10 min hanging with base massage. Even on a rest day I can’t resist at least a little hanging.

While edging and doing a little pull down stretching motion I had a sensation like a cracking knuckle right side mid shaft. No pain or discoloration. I was wearing a pair of old underwear with my cock and balls hanging out, so it could have been a rip or tear in the cloth or seam. Will monitor.

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75


Just did 200 slow jelqs. Sets of 20 right and heat for a minute, then 20 left and heat for a minute.

Don’t know if my grip is getting stronger or my technique is getting better, but I feel much more consistent than previously.

Also added a wednesday dose to my pygeum again. Took with other vitamins directly after breakfast. Had been only monday and friday. Precum flow had been good but I really want that leaky dripping out of control feeling.

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75

Also today.

Hang 60 min. 5 min intense base massage at end. 2x 10 bend overs and 2x 10 squats to work against retraction when bending over.

Increased weight to 875g ~ 1.92 lb. Felt intense and correct.

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75

Leluv pump and extender arrived today. That was fast. Everything appears to have survived the shipping undamaged (particularly the cylinder). I will figure out a way to write up some not too labor intensive reviews and post.

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75


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