Yesterday. Have been reading threads about exercise routines and making modifications and plans for my routine.
60 min hang at 1.9 lb. Last 10 min included base / groin massage. Considering changing to shorter increasing load sets. Did not precum during hanging.
Later 30 min edge with 10 min of kegels where I start kegel, tight ok grip (like clamp) base as close to pubic bone as possible, hold kegel and grip for 10 to 15 sec., repeat. Very intense pump sensation. This is for blood flow post workout and as general penis blood flow health. Large amount of precum during edging.
Measured my largest so far at 7.25 bpel. Did not measure mseg. Take it all as just a data point after exercise. But I cannot help my curiosity to measure when I look bigger. Probably should measure daily to get more data points for graph. And at a consistent time, like after breakfast.
Starting once per 7 days ejaculation schedule. Fridays only. An attempt to boost testosterone level. Of the two studies most often cited (both have very small sample sizes and other problems) one showed a testosterone peak after seven days of not ejaculating. This is doable.
Some mild soreness today. Kind of an itchiness that I posted earlier. Turns out that other people who experience growth also report an “itchiness” post workout.
Ordered Chiroplax toe tube sleeves per another user for use as sleeve. They are 6 inch silicone sleeve with fabric cover. Sleeves are useful for anti turtling and maintaining stretch after workout and preventing edema when pumping - again, all per other user posts. Will do product review.
Yes I know I still have to review the leluv pump and extender. Thanks for reminding me.
Also ordered boron life extension 3mg. Currently I take approx 1.5 mg boron among my supplements. I should do a listing of my current supplement regimen. Regardless, you are needlessly risking serious health issues if you do supplements without at least a yearly blood panel. I have one liver enzyme that is slightly elevated, and it is not a concern.
This really is turning into a project. But once I get the system custom set up for me then it is mostly just maintenance.