Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Duke's new journey

Hung 60min, of which the last 30 were 10lbs. Went to 11 for last 5min to test it out, felt fine. My only worry at this point is blisters, I’m always taping well but the higher weights do seem to cause more swelling in the glans. I want to take my time and fully condition the tissues.

This morning had to skip WK. I am also considering ditching the clamping, reducing the pumping and adding a 30min hang session in the morning after WK. I feel the length coming and I want to get as much of it as I can.

Will WK tonight before hanging, then try out the modified routine tomorrow morning.

Hung 60min yesterday, most of it @ 10lbs, with the last 10min cold @ 11. Felt fine, taped tighter and although there was swelling/deformation induced by the cup in the glans, I felt I was further from blisters. This morning, I gave in and measured, the temptation was too great and I felt like ~10 days between measurements is a good interval since I’m still establishing the routine. I started with BPSFL and was a bit surprised to see only a 1-2mm gain. Then I measure BPEL and saw that same 1-2mm, maybe even more, which to me is very encouraging. I’ve never had BPEL follow BPSFL that fast. I attribute this to the addition of pumping and clamping. MEG was at almost 5.5, let’s say 5 7/16 to be on the prudent side. This again is great considering I haven’t pumped/clamped in over 4 days. Then I measured "usable volume" at 183 mL, which is less than what I reported after my first clamping experiment (185), but more that what I measured before (175). EQ was pretty poor at 6-7, I am betting from the hanging, and the 185 was obtained only 24h after a very intense clamping session (and that bout of clamping was generally much more intense than what I am doing these days).

All in all, am glad to have measured. I was mostly worried about BPSFL having creeped up too fast (due to the slightly reduced EQ), but it doesn’t seem to be the case. What I take from this is that my idea of doing more hanging is sound. I will keep only the pumping as I said, and ditch the clamping. Now off to the WK session!

EQ came way back up later in the day, so I re-measured "usable volume": 192! That’s more in line with how I’ve been perceiving my unit lately (all-time high). WK was good but EQ was still sluggish, around 7. Sometimes it feels like EQ can be lower in the morning for no other reason than circulation not being fully activated yet. Did not measure BPEL again but bet it was a bit higher. Won’t measure again, the whole point is not to get obsessed with measuring.

Also did the 30min morning hanging, most of it at 9-10 and finished with 10min at 11. The vac chamber is starting to feel more comfortable at these weights, looking forward to upping them further when the signs are right. Tonight another 60min session, and 1-2 pump sets.

Hung 60min SO, most of the time spent at 10-11lbs, finished without heat @ 12lbs. Could feel great lig fatigue. 12 lbs is the highest I can go with my current setup, and even though I could simply order more weights (I use a combination of 1lb sandbags and small dumbbells), I think I’ll keep this as my max for now. Then proceeded to pump, first 10min set @ 5.5inHg, second one @ 6inHg. Great expansion again. In a past failed experiment with e-stim, I had inserted a connector in my tube at a place I thought I would never reach in the near future length-wise (around 7" in the tube). I am now reaching within 1/4" of the connector. I remember thinking "if I ever touch that thing, I’ll be thrilled". Well, that moment may now lie in the near future.

This morning had pretty shit EQ, I would say 5-6, WK were much less productive than usual. I attribute this to increased hang time and load, and the pumping. I view this in positive light because I have no other bad indicators, and it fits my theory that lig lengthening invariably drops EQ. The goal of the WK is to combat this effect as best I can, in order to avoid the "limp dick hanger" situation that seems to be more common than people want to admit. In any case, it always resolves within a few days/weeks at most of stopping hanging and working on EQ. I also bet it will be back up tomorrow as I won’t pump tonight. Did my 30min morning hanging, topped @ 9lbs with heat, last 10min 10lbs no heat. Everything felt great.

Hung 60min SO, topped @ 12lbs for the last 20min but had to reduce to 10lbs after around 5min due to reaching peak fatigue. Sluggish EQ during edging.

This morning, EQ still sluggish but "rescuable" during WK, let’s call it 6.5. Still not worried, figure it’s part of the game. Performance on WK still lower than usual, but higher than yesterday. Hung 30min, topping out @ 10 lbs for last 10min. Will hang tonight, no pumping, rest day tomorrow which will be well deserved. Unit is starting to look/feel a tad beat up, with slightly swollen skin and sensitive glans.

So far I like this 2x a day hanging routine supplemented with daily WK and occasional pumping. I was greedy trying to include more dedicated girth work along with length. Seems that everything I "find out" by myself is just what the vets have been saying all along… Also, I consider that I’m officially in proper hanging territory weight-wise, as opposed to the light weights used in the "hanging with FIRe" variations. It’s definitely a much more intense and taxing exercise, and I also feel like it’s targeting girth by itself. Ultimate measure day will be Oct 15, can’t wait to see what I find. 3 more weeks to go!

Hung 60min SO night before yesterday as planned, topped out @ 10 lbs if I remember correctly. Rest day yesterday, EQ jumped back up and everything generally feels fine. I decided that taping 2X a day was too irritating for my glans, so I am going to switch gears once more. The plan is to only do WK in the morning, then hang 60-90min in the evening. Since EQ has suffered a bit lately, I will have an add-on WK session before the evening hanging if I feel it’s needed. Also, I won’t go higher than 10 lbs for this week. Still plan on pumping every now and then, only 1-2 times a week.

Today’s WK went great, could do my usual sets, EQ at 8.

Hung ~85min last night, took a more gradual approach to increasing the weight. I am basically back to the hanging with FIRe protocol, only with slightly bigger weights. The longer time and slower ramp up gave me great fatigue, had to stop early even though I was just at 10lbs. Aiming for 8 tonight, last 20min cold @ 9. I checked my old excel logs from last year and realized that I was already cooling down with 8lbs, so weight-wise it’s just slightly higher. The big difference is that I don’t have to split the session in sets since the blood flow issues completely disappeared. For instance last night, not even a slight discoloration and my glans/prepuce were actually hot to the touch after the 85min.

WK were great, EQ 8.5. Added a last 5min where I was just edging and doing long holds with 1lb, my PC endurance seems to be building as I can now do upwards of 20 seconds holds.

Hung SO, 20min ramp up, 40min @ 8lbs, 20min cold @ 9lbs. Longer times really make a big difference in fatigue, was tempted at first to go to 9lbs during the 40min but stuck to the plan. Good thing I did, at the very end the fatigue was on the verge of becoming painful. Will do a replicate session tonight and until perceived fatigue goes down.

I was rushing WK these past few weeks, went back to a solid 5-10min of edging before starting. Makes a difference in hold long my erection stays during the sets, which allows me to work the muscles more. Right now my PR is 55 reps with 1lb. My usual sets are not just single reps though, I mix in 2-4 sec holds and can do around 30 reps that way (with 10 holds thrown in). I also will do 1 or 2 sets which are a single hold, as long as I can. Haven’t timed ti but I feel like 20-30 seconds is where I’m at.

Liking this length+EQ routine a lot more than AYCE, again, should’ve listened to the vets…

Standard hanging routine last night. Everything fine, even got a bit more fatigue than the day before, which is a sign that stress is accumulating. Only problem is, I feel like I got pretty close to getting a blister right besides my meatus. I had been using a more lax taping where I tape each strip elsewhere on my body first to make it less sticky, so that removal is easier. I guess it’s time to go back to stricter taping. I also noticed that the longer sessions make for easier removal by themselves, probably due to some tiny amount of fluid seeping from the glans. In any case, I did not get a blister - no pain either directly afterwards or this morning, and nothing visible this morning. I will still take tonight off, I’ve never gotten a blister but it doesn’t seem nice.

EQ was rock solid this morning, solid 9+. WK were great, confirmed that my max hold after the session is 30sec @ 1lb. Probably could do 40-45 when the muscles are fresh. Will substitute hanging tonight by a bonus WK round. No pumping as that would also put stress on the glans. Hopefully back to hanging tomorrow, I just want to be on the safe side.

The break from hanging was the good call. Tonight I’ll be back at it, with extra taping caution around the meatus.

Ended up not doing the extra WK session, but this morning’s session was great. Again, EQ at 9, and broke my PR with 60 reps @ 1lb at the very end of the session. I think 1lb may be the optimal weight, because the goal after all is endurance of the muscle. It is still possible to fatigue the PC very well with 1lb, even if one can’t hold a peak erection very long: in that case, simply doing max holds and edging back to peak erection in between would do the trick.

Standard hanging session last night, everything went great. The taping was fine, no alarming signs like the other time.

WK were good again this morning, EQ 8.5. Currently hanging again, same standard session. Will not take a break tomorrow since I took one two days ago.

The pseudo-blister thing came back again last night. Again, no real pain, and almost all traces had disappeared this morning. Still has me worried as according to the reading I’ve done, a real glans blister is a bitch to heal/deal with. So I was debating various solutions this morning, including stopping trying to gain length. Despite having make considerable gains since the start according to my reported stats, I always doubt my own measurements and sometimes question that PE has worked at all for me, even though I know it has and I know I am as rigorous as I can be with my measurements. So I decided to first measure before deciding what to do. BPSFL came in at another mm gained since last time, a total of 3mm gain since starting hanging again. That was very encouraging to me. Then I proceeded with my usual pre-WK edging, taking my time to really get to a full erection. I measure a very consistent 6.84" BPEL, which would easily be equivalent 6.96" BPEL when "straightening" my dick like I was doing for a while (which I ultimately decided against). That was also encouraging, but equivalent to the measurement I had taken last time. I was maybe more conservative in the measurement though, so I’m confident calling it a minuscule BPEL gain. The real surprise came when measuring girth: 5 5/8" MEG! Considering I have done no pumping and no clamping for over a week, this is actually a crazy girth gain. I also have no swelling of the skin/glans/foreskin, it’s a pure "solid" MEG. My EQ is particularly high today, I would rate it a 9.5, but still, this is uncharted girth territory for me. I then proceeded with an amazing WK session, broke my PR for 1lb hold with 35s at the very end of the session.

The measurements make me want to continue the hanging, and try to come up with a solution for the pseudo-blister situation. I think the problem in fact arises from my girth gains, as my glans is now much snugger in the cup, which prevents is from reaching the very bottom as the glans is more "square" than the tapered cup. This creates a tiny vacuum which didn’t seem to cause problems for a while, but over time I am convinced this is what led to the pseudo-blister. I will try to counteract this tonight by inserting a compacted piece of cut-up sock to fill the tapered end. The goal is to have my taped glans pack the cup all the way, with little to no air left. Provided I am successful, I will proceed with a reduced session: gradual warmup with 3min for each weight instead of 4, stopping at 7lbs, holding it for 30min instead of 40min and cooling down with 8lbs, 15min instead of 20min.

Quick update: decided to skip hanging today, seemed smarter. Back with the reduced session and fabric buffer tomorrow.

Wk went good, EQ around 8. Probably because I pushed them hard yesterday because of the diamond EQ I had. Still plan on hanging tonight, nothing worrying on the glans.

Ended up skipping hanging last night for time reasons. Decided to change my approach again as the "more edging" WK session was making me too horny throughout the day, disrupting my work. Also figured I might try for more of a semen retention (SR) approach, had been releasing pretty much daily, which isn’t necessarily bad but I wanna see how EQ reacts to SR. So I am doing standard Kegels in the morning, followed by some lighter WK, with just minimal stimulation to get a working erection, but nothing more. Basically staying clear of the "deep arousal" stage, or plateau, or however one might want to call this. So far it seems to have worked in terms of not triggering horniness but still allowing me good WK sets with 1lb.

I also will be aiming for a hanging session every 2 days, again mostly for time constraints reasons. Pretty busy with work and the 90min hanging a day just wasn’t cutting it. My work requires a lot of concentration and I just can’t hang at the same time, so that time is basically spent gaming/watching TV shows. Will report on the fabric padding tomorrow as I intend to hang tonight.


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