After coming from ten years hiatus back to PE I have reached results I was only dreaming about and encouraged by the progress I will continue to eventually reach my goals.
BPEL 18 cm ->19.9 +1.9 cm
BPSFL 18cm->21.3 +3.3 cm
MSEG 13.15 cm->14.6 +1.45 cm
BPFL 13cm -> 15.5 + 2.5 cm
MSFG 12cm-> 12.8cm +0.8 cm
Volume is now up by 36% so I have now more than 1/3 more cock than what I start with.
Learning curve this has been and a good one.
I have made some mistakes and miscalculations but learned from them. Also happen to found other PE practitioners whom have same kind of mindset about what is happening here. Although I am doing this for my own welness I find it great if someone else appreciate my efforts and if my views on things could be helpful to somebody it would be great.
To summarize my first half of the year I would like to share some elements I have observed and found to be important.
Do but not over do
I have found that I reach no extra gains doing 70 or 50 hours instead of 35 hours a month.
At the other end of the spectrum I found 25 hours a month not to be productive.
Rest with short cycles
I had gains doing 10 days straight but they showed out after only I took some rest.
With five day cycle 3 on 2 off gains come more steadily.
Stress relaxation and reaching plastic zone
This is one of the key elements for stretching effectively with moderate loads. Tissues have to be gradually relaxed to their elastic limits with low loads before introducing moderate loads to stretch just beyond viscoelastic region to reach plastic region of the collagen based tissues.
Heat the cord
I started with a clear memory of steely cord inside my shaft restricting any kind of stretching severely at my previous attempts.
This time it didn’t´t as I heated it with ultrasound and extra heat source. With my current US machine I have managed to come a long way but now it is time to get more powerful unit. Target is to have septum and dorsal thickening of the penis heated to 40 -42 degrees Celsius. With a current one I can probably reach only 40 if everything is done at their very best. This have been time consuming and stressful.
EQ drop as a PI
Workouts are intense and with a method I am using they always reach levels of discomfort. So on EQ drops days I am working and I am not worried about it as it bounces back while resting.
BPFSL gains drop EQ
After biggest jumps on BPFSL EQ has been at its worst. This was where I introduced girth work and everything turned better.
Bodybuilding penis
Introducing kegeling against some external force my EQ skyrocketed and morning woods and nightly erections are rock hard despite how exhausting stretching events have been to my unit.
One cannot force gains
In my case I gain in BPEL maximum of 3mm a month no matter what I try to do. So if I am at this level I feel pleased with the gain rate as I know this is the maximum.
In fact if I gain anything I am pleased with it.
At the time I am writing this gains aren’t´t coming as easily as they were previous months.
Girth and length simultaneously
I know there are people jumping all over the internet and shouting it should not be done but never mind.
Many have done it before and many will in the future.
I like to think my cock expanding in volume and filling up some fortunate women instead of only lengthening it to be shown in internet.