Thank you Hillclimb89!
I have to go pretty high pressure in bathmate for a faux 7.75" BPEL and (possibly?) close to max pressure for faux 7.9" BPEL (only in the bathmate). My max BPEL outside the bathmate is less as you know — 7.625".
Also, Bathmate has been helping me stretch my scrotum skin & seems to be at least preventing my mild case of turkeyneck from getting worse.. I always keep my balls outside the bathmate & use it to stretch the scrotum skin.. The skin stretching was intense for the first several months, but I hardly notice it now… In fact, if it wasn’t for the Bathmate, I would have serious skin issues (not enough skin on the underside of my shaft due to so much growth over the years). My primary purpose with the bathmate was originally to help stretch the skin (which it’s done) but the flaccid gains have been shockingly great too (my bone pressed flaccid is actually slightly bigger than my original full erect size on both length and girth — due to water pumping / bathmate).
I always do my kegels while I slowly increase my bathmate pressure, and I slowly push to keep increasing blood flow into my penis.. It’s helped my EQ tremendously (my wife used to be able to push me out during sex during her "happy moments", but she can’t anymore, even though I’m a lot bigger now — both longer & thicker). In fact, Bathmate is the only time I do kegels (just a little multitasking). I don’t use a sleeve or anything special in the tube. I might do 80 to 100 kegels & try not to over-do it (I’ve seen too many guys go crazy with 1000+ kegels & damage their pelvic floor muscles… scary stuff).
My routine is pretty simple. 10 minute Bathmate + Kegel warmup and 2.5 hours vac ADS. My goal has been minimum effort to reach my goals (and vac ADS has been great for that).. My only complaint with vac ADS is I keep having to replace parts for my stealthformen device, because they keep wearing out (so it hasn’t been cheap - I’ve probably spent $250 or more over the last year on replacement parts.. two orders of around $125).
then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG
now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG
Last edited by blink2000 : 12-11-2024 at .