Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging: Ride the Fatigue (Blink's Progress)

Blink you seem to be on the right path. Great job! Remember recovery days. The FIR pad is a game changer. Keep it up!

Originally Posted by BigFinisher
Blink you seem to be on the right path. Great job! Remember recovery days. The FIR pad is a game changer. Keep it up!

thank you!

And, yes, NIR / FIR have been great for my health in general & seem to help with PE too

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG

now: 7.3" BPEL, 5.4" MSEG

got to 7.5" BPEL inside the bathmate for the first time at night & more frequently recently… I seem to be consistently getting better lengths in the tube. Up to 80 minutes ADS per day with StealthForMen device.

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG

now: 7.3" BPEL, 5.4" MSEG

Originally Posted by blink2000
got to 7.5" BPEL inside the bathmate

That’s a great feeling!

Start (8/30/21): 6.5"BPEL X 5.25" MSEG

Now (12/5/22): 8.75" BPEL X 5.75" MSEG

Goal 9.5"BPEL X 7" MSEG My Journey

Yes, it really is. Thank you wanting10. In my view, any signs of progress are good signs.

Still doing my 80 minute ADS & 10 minute bathmate + kegel routine… still doing full-body NIR/FIR; although I primarily do it for general health benefits. However, I’m almost always wearing my ADS while I do it, so it saves time..

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG

now: 7.3" BPEL, 5.4" MSEG


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