Thunder's Place

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Ironaddict69's Log

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
The rule of thumb here is (and 90% of the members who did this, gained and agreed with the theory) that the larger the difference between the two measurements, the higher the chance your smooth muscle is the limiting factor, aka girthwork needs to be done, and the more traction devices and or hanging you do, will only reduce EQ and give very small length gains. Exactly what happened to me considering the mass hours I put in.

Can you elaborate on this data or point me in the direction of where this concensus was reached?

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
I got 1/4” I believe. I got up to HEAVY weight…I think around 15 lbs? I used an extender a lot too after the time being.

The rule of thumb here is (and 90% of the members who did this, gained and agreed with the theory) that the larger the difference between the two measurements, the higher the chance your smooth muscle is the limiting factor, aka girthwork needs to be done, and the more traction devices and or hanging you do, will only reduce EQ and give very small length gains. Exactly what happened to me considering the mass hours I put in.

Have you gained?

So your eq went down also. Mine eq sucks right now can’t stay hard the whole time during sex. As for me no I really haven gained. My bpfsl went up a little that’s about it. Still no real BPEL gains to talk about.

BPFSL is the FIRST thing that always increased. I am always .5” behind it with the BPEL, sometimes it takes a month to grow to it though. Count on that being a signal for gains.

Honestly, I would try the TCG thing. You’ll still hang with it, but only 1-2 sets a day, and 70% girthwork after that meaning hanging will be around 30% of the time spent. I just hang one 20 minute set, then do my jelqs and some squeezes, maybe a little pumping for 20 minutes.

The erection thing really sucks. Do you use any ED drugs to help? Cialis sure is nice. Also PM me dude, I’d love to talk about a few things.

Hey Iron,

How or where would I find out how to use the rice sock while hanging BTC?

Hey man! I have no problem helping you, but that is another thing that could be found using the search button. Bib started the thread. It wouldn’t be a BTC angle, it would be hanging over a fulcrum. It is for when you have exhausted your BTC gains and dropped your LOT to 6, or when you stop seeing gains despite increasing weight. It works, but stick with BTC until needed.

Originally Posted by wayoflife99
Can you elaborate on this data or point me in the direction of where this concensus was reached?

Yeah, search for the “TCG theory focus your routine and gain” thread.

Actually according to Bib you can heat the rice sock, minus the tape, and rest it on the ligs during a BTC set. Something I never knew.

Originally Posted by pauly891
Actually according to Bib you can heat the rice sock, minus the tape, and rest it on the ligs during a BTC set. Something I never knew.

Right which makes it a heating source and having absolutely nothing to do with a RSDT.

Back to MY log…

Had a good workout last night. Trying hard to do the every other day thing. I did hard stretches about all directions, holding for usually 3 minutes at a time, and some fulcrum ones where I used my thumb and then my head pointed towards the ceiling.

I jelqed after that, and it was very hard to stay limp. I then did low pressure pumping for 10 minutes with my small 2” tube.

Got a small amount of soreness I think…Very new concept for me.

Last edited by ironaddict69 : 04-15-2009 at .

How is the new routine going? Anything to report

Havent measured, perhaps I should do a BPFSL measure just to see.

Hey splking, I don’t know if you got my last message? I didn’t get a reply.

BPFSL is past 8.6” right before 8.75” with a strong pull. I am dropping hanging almost completely. Maybe 2-3 sets a week BTC to keep the ligaments loose but my suspensory will just not give up. I will probably try Mems rapid gain mechanism A stretch technique to kill that thing, I can literally see it take all the weight when I Hang straight down, it even makes my head flare forward it’s so tight.

So I am committing 100% to the TCG theory as of now. I will do jelqing and low pressure pumping ONLY besides the occasional A stretch. Hell I should probably do that every day, it’s tunica lengthening I believe.

Someday I might get my ligs cut.

Till then, I am going to let my EQ climb back up (it’s bad right now, the bib kills my EQ) and just get harder and hopefully longer following the TCG theory. IF I hang I will use the vacu-hanger. It gives me a really good flaccid and good PI’s after.

Hey Iron,

Too bad your stopping the hanging, but there are other ways too gain length. I think I have gained length, maybe a half inch, too an inch length wise, the weird thing is, when I noticed the gains, I was doing a lot of kegeling. What about clamped exercises? Guys have gained length from edging and clamping or even clamped edging. Clamped jelqs seem really good.

Do you jelq erect? What other length exercises are good? What about a good stretcher? How much does it cost to get the ligs cut?

Anyways, sorry your giving up the hanging, did you ever gain from hanging?

Pauly, Hey man.
You know I am stopping using the bib for now because I already got up to 20 lbs and it is just fucking annoying that I don’t gain with the time I put in. My septum is just too fucking strong, it stops the weight dead in it’s tracks all of a sudden, there is no stretch given, like I said.

I like clamping. But it is very easy to overdo it. I think 1-2 sets of it is good for me but the 3rd one causes me to shrink. I am just going to jelq pump and do the A stretch. I don’t believe edging gives gains, and I cannot figure out how to balloon, it doesn’t make sense to me.

A good stretcher…That’s a good idea. I would do the vac extender if I were to swing to that spectrum. But right now I am trying to just get my smooth muscle more developed because it definitely seems like I have a gap between the two.

Getting ligs cut…I think 3,000$? Maybe less? Not sure. I am only twenty and this won’t be happening for at least a few years.

I believe I gained about .5” from hanging.

Hey Iron,
Getting ligs cut only $3000? I think I’m seriously going to look into this, although I’m pretty broke right now. What would I look up, Urologist eh?
I wonder if you and I go together we can get a discount lol.

I’m going to give hanging another 2-3 months, just cause I massively screwed up my adjustments on the hanger. I didn’t have a bottom gap, I never adjusted any toe-in,toe-out, it was always tightened 100%, like when you first get it. So hopefully with bit of gap on the bottom, I can get more blood flow or what not. You think that would screw me up? I had 0 toe-in,toe-out with just a massive top gap and 0 bottom gap? I also hung way too heavy weights. I wonder if you just did 2-3 sets a day if that would do anything? Less is more maybe? I am disappointed with hanging but maybe after we apply the tcg theory, we can see some gains? Who knows?

I am confident with advanced clamping exercises, I get some good expansion, PapSmearster says he’s gained at least an 1” length wise doing clamping. I have also turned my masturbation session into a clamp, then masturbate while manually clamped, for 10 mins, then edge/balloon for the last 10-20 mins. I think ballooning is the same as edging, I’d have to double check. I also do 300-400 quick kegels. Hey if I can’t get a long one (til I save for the surgery) I may as well have a fat one. I’m 5.5 EL x 6 EG. I have never purposely worked girth, til I started on May 1 and I think I’ve gained more girth through PE than length.I’ve totally changed my routine as of May 1, adding clamping, kegels,lowering weight with hanging, fixing nuts on the hanger, and edging as well. Hoping!


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