Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ironaddict69's Log

Let me know how the vac ADS works.

Try this next time you hang.
Go Over the shoulder or SU for the first set. 20 - 30 minutes
Then hang SO for the second 20-30 minutes
Then SD for the third. 20-30 if you can

July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS

Oh dang, that’s interesting. I bet I should do over the shoulder, do you have a good set up for it? It doesn’t feel like a good pull when I lay a towel over my shoulder and then drape it over that.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69

Oh dang, that’s interesting. I bet I should do over the shoulder, do you have a good set up for it? It doesn’t feel like a good pull when I lay a towel over my shoulder and then drape it over that.

I just throw the strap over my shoulder. I use flat nylon webbing not rope so it is more comfortable. Try wedging a warm rice sock between your base and pubic bone. This gives a bit of an A stretch as well. The progression of all three angles really hits me good.

July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS

I love that idea, I will try that today! THANK YOU!

Been sing my auto sleeve for my ADS, I use the discreet cap and strap it to my leg. I am going to get the harness thing for 10$ and use it upwards during the night I am pretty excited, although I need to get the softer sleeve too.

Shunga, I am hanging upwards using the sock against my dick creating the A stretch. I think you struck gold with this. Here’s to more gaining, this angle is pretty much my last resort, as my lot is pretty low nowadays, around 7:30. I understand a lot of people don’t believe in it but if I gain from going upwards after so little gains from down and straight out, I will somewhat prove it to myself at least.

Can I ask why you do all three angles instead of attacking one?

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Shunga, I am hanging upwards using the sock against my dick creating the A stretch. I think you struck gold with this. Here’s to more gaining, this angle is pretty much my last resort, as my lot is pretty low nowadays, around 7:30. I understand a lot of people don’t believe in it but if I gain from going upwards after so little gains from down and straight out, I will somewhat prove it to myself at least.

Can I ask why you do all three angles instead of attacking one?

It just seems to fatigue my unit more if I start high then finish with low angles. Try that OTS move with the rice sock for several sets in a row. The nice thing is you can walk around and get other stuff done at the same time.

July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS

Hit the end of my girl last night a few times during sex, it has to be reverse cowgirl for it to happen…Go me.

I am looking into this Blakoe ring or ballzinger thing. Looks like it promotes a lot of blood flow and a bigger flaccid.


I bought one from eBay with the Zinc and Silver rods. I wear it about 20 hours a day. Only take it off to workout / sunbed / or while PEing (and of course having sex!)

I have been wearing it about a week now and it difficult to tell if anything is happening.

I have just also bought the Zinc / Copper rod version to see if I notice anything. I have read (somewhere) that their is tiny voltage (not current) measurable at about .5 volt or less.

So just to see what happened I strapped a AA (1.5 volt) battery on either end of the rods.. And guess what.. Still felt nothing.. So for my next trick I am going to rig up 3 volts and progress steadily upwards and see what happens.. Not sure if that’s good or bad.. But trust me I will never use a fence charger !(joke)

Can you let me know if it’s Ok to post the document that I got emailed dot me with the zinger for you to read (and of course the site) I am not 100% on the forum protocol.


Wow dude thank you so much for the reply! Please keep me posted. I am sure you will see more in about 2-3 weeks, keep up the high wear time.

Is it strapped around your balls and dick, like a full cock ring?

Shunga you are the man, I am pretty sure it is already working. My GF said it got bigger. I added in some weird jelq type thing at the end of all my hanging, I encircle the base with one jelq grip after some blood is in it, then jelq the rest of my shaft. I get some fatigue from it it’s nice and I probably only do about 50 reps now, trying to keep it low so I can increase later.


Yes, I wear it behind my testicles. The rods sit in the crease of my thighs & groin.

The only problem is with all of the other PEing I am doing, and with the Z.M.A. I am taking…How will I ever know if it works? How can its effectiveness be measured?

A modest goal, 7" X 6" then I am out of here.!

“Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened." Sir Winston Churchill

Well ZMA did not do much for me. This is supposed to make you way harder, and hang a lot lower and thick full of blood.

Hanging SD with 20 lbs right now. Doesn’t feel too bad at all, really comfortable actually and I would like to remind everyone I am using a VACHANGER doing this. I’ve done it for 15 minutes and will for another ten. I will then do a SU and SO set, going as heavy as comfortable. I figured the reason I am not gaining is I didn’t have weights to increase.Well I just bought another ten lbs yesterday. Here’s to gaining, feeling fatigue in ligs already.

I couldn’t ever feel fatigue from other angles really though…

I gained .1” on my BPFSL. This is good, as my BPEL always follows behind by .5”

I am going to continue hitting the upper angles and the occasional short SD just to keep the ligs slacked.


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