Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ironaddict69's Log

Thanks man I’ll post them as soon as possible.

Especially let us know about the reliability of the autoxleeve, there’s a few reports in the thread of them breaking and dying already, they do sound like a delicate product.

Yo, you ever end up going on the accutane? I’ve been off for 2 months, my face looks amazing. But only downside i’ve noticed is that my eyes are dryer than what they used to be, which sucks. But its a trade i’d make, any day of the fuckin’ week.


Okay autoxsleeve came today, thing is fucking cool. It keeps my dick warm (already worth it) and when standing or it hanging in general, with the 5.5 oz weight it hangs at 6 1/2” which is cool. Pretty hard to wear outside though, it makes it look like you’ve got an elephant trunk including the weight which brings it to a total of about 7 1/2 maybe 8”

It’s extremely comfortable, boners could happen, and this thing even promotes blood flow it seems. Monkey bar really hit it on the head with this one, I cannot wait to see what happens with it! I would love to try the heavier weight even though this one feels good.

I am writing this in segments, I have now had it on for 13 hours straight, only 2-3 piss breaks and it literally was only off as long as it took to pee, this thing is golden. I will report more later.

My sleeves also came for hanging, so I will be getting all my vac hanging sets in again. As much as I believe in the Bib, the Bib does not believe in my erections.

Originally Posted by inches-au
Especially let us know about the reliability of the autoxleeve, there’s a few reports in the thread of them breaking and dying already, they do sound like a delicate product.

The material is really soft, I would have gone with the hard version looking back on it. I even wear it at work though, and it’s very comfortable with no problems, as a bouncer it is physically demanding but even in fights there is no issue.

I’d like to clear a few things up.

You cannot piss with it on, that’s a lie. You have to roll it back past your head to avoid it getting pissed all over, and that puts pressure on your urethra, and you won’t be able to piss through the closed hole, obviously.

It does not put any force against your pubic bone. This material is SOFT. Although mine is all the way unrolled except 1 cm of it, there is no way even an extra 6 inches of this stuff could provide any pushing force. However it DOES keep you elongated fairly well, and adds some weight. It hangs me right at 7 inches NBP, and my max stretched length is 7 1/2 NBP, being as it does that all day, this is a pretty kick ass ads huh? YES.

It makes your skin really soft. My dick got a little tough from all the pulling and wraps from other ADS’s and it sucked, I was less sensitive.

It is great how it keeps your unit warm, that alone has a ton of benefits, it doesn’t get cold in cold weather (40-65) I have been exposed to and I think it could handle lower.

I will add that at best, this is a deconditioning unit, and an addition to hanging. I don’t really know if it alone could make your flaccid permanently longer but who knows! I won’t knock it at all, I really like it.

Iron: appreciate another update.

I’m really hoping to be able to wear them out, my package isn’t so big so I figure even with this on I might be able to get away with.

Still not sold yet considering price though, will continue to read posts.

Yeah the pricing needs to be brought WAY down. There’s not much material here, I am willing to bet it cost about 15$ max for my sleeve and the lead weight. However, that is typical “new product” upscale pricing, as he put a lot of time and effort and probably a few different prototypes into this.

Being a bit of a tech gadget guy, the bad thing about being an “early adopter” is that prices are higher. The good thing about being an “early adopter” is that you get the benefits of the product immediately while others are waiting on the sidelines. So you kinda just figure out what is more important — $$$$ or the benefits ASAP.

I can’t imagine him dropping the price as time goes by, I know I wouldn’t.

Most PE devices are very expensive, it’s just how it is.

Oh I don’t think he will either, time=money and this probably took a while to figure out.

I am much more interested in his new hanger.

I am considering getting some DHT cream from my doctor and using that on my dick. I hear it gives a lot of erections, so that is good, plus it has gotta increase size somewhat right?

I was TRYING to read through the chemical PE threads but so many people post and ugh it was a nightmare trying to find out what worked. However one guy gained 1/2 in a month…WOW! I am going to try and figure this out, I don’t really want to inject anything into my dick though.

I would avoid chemical PE - you only get one dick, look after it.

What’s wrong with it?

As it was Valentines day yesterday, a girl I had been seeing and am totally head over heels for asked me to be her boyfriend, it was really amazing, I had already told her I wanted it, but she said it would be a while as she was adjusting to being away at school still. Then after the proposal, she admitted she had just been waiting for the 14’th to roll around. I’m really happy.

So I Told the girlfriend about PE today. She was totally cool about it! She thought it was interesting and never heard of it before. She also said shortly after that I should just stop and she thinks it’s perfect but on the verge of hurting especially if I gain anymore. I told her to get to 9” was my goal and she was not agreeing! But very respectful and did not tell me not to.

Using my autoxsleeve all the time now, it is pretty cool. Seems to keep me a little softer and more pliable, which is a huge problem with my body, my smooth muscle in my tunica is always tough, but I am finding a solution for it.

I am experimenting with hanging angles, V hanging meaning the fulcrum is over my dick instead of over, it was interesting. More than anything I should be hanging to the right, If I could loosen my left lig I would be bigger. Here’s to trying, I will do a set right now.

Hung for about 3 hours today total. I don’t even time it anymore, every second I am sitting at my house not cooking, I am hanging or using my autoxsleeve in between sets when it starts to get to be too much for my head.


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