Thunder's Place

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Ironaddict69's Log

I am doing a lot of research tomorrow about clamping and length. I need to do something for EQ, and smooth muscle growth it will either be a lot of jelqing or 1 set of clamping.not sure yet. I am used to my unit being long and floppy, so after girth work it looks shorter and firmer, but it is just swollen and I am not used to it. It definitely does not stretch as well.

It’s funny, my cable clamp can’t even go around my base. Good thing I bought one of those huge blue ones.

Did a lot of great hanging sets today. Will do the same thing tomorrow, I am only using my bib now. I get some discoloration, but it always goes away and I won’t be showing my dick to anyone for at least 2 months (dating new girl) and she is such a sweetheart. I really want to wait till I fall in love with her. She seems like the type to do the same. I am praying, as I am in God’s hands.

Take a look at that Air Clamp if you haven’t already. That thing looks nice. Monty has a large size version.

http://www.pewe … m/products.html

Shit that would be nice! I truly think jelqing would be better though, as it will at least add some length and I’m not exactly sure if clamping is even good at promoting more blood flow?

And uhm. Crap? I just found out I have been clamping wrong, I put it on when erect already I just read you are supposed to do it flaccid, then get 80% erect and push the cable clamp into your pubic bone.DAMNIT.

What are you doing for kegels — the book on “Male Menopause” I’m reading suggests longer duration ones for getting the levitor ani muscles in shape. He recommends 10 to 15 sec reps x 20 to 40 per day.

Then I was reading somewhere else that recommended the same thing, but said every other day to promote recovery and avoid overtraining. Which made sense to me.

Hey Mr 6.5”MSEG, I thought clamping was for girth!?!?!?!

Originally Posted by sta-kool
What are you doing for kegels — the book on “Male Menopause” I’m reading suggests longer duration ones for getting the levitor ani muscles in shape. He recommends 10 to 15 sec reps x 20 to 40 per day.

Then I was reading somewhere else that recommended the same thing, but said every other day to promote recovery and avoid overtraining. Which made sense to me.

Hey Mr 6.5”MSEG, I thought clamping was for girth!!

Yeah I will start doing long ones. When I used to, I had pretty hard erections.

I don’t know, clamping could pull out some length right? I wonder if the way I have been doing it is damaging?

I ordered the Autoxleeve last night. I will wear it practically all day. I am sick of my home-made weakly constructed one, as it had to headpiece but it still kept me extended. I really want flaccid length so I think this was a good investment, another inch flaccid and I would be golden.

I did a ton of hanging sets yesterday and my tunica was so beaten from it I probably shrunk down to 4” limp, it was strange but it happens a lot, and bib said it is actually a positive sign, so I wasn’t worried. I did however order 4 new red sleeves for my vac, as I like how that keeps my flaccid long all day, and my eq last night… Not so great. Love the Bib but it’s a double edge sword when you use it as much as I do.


What is your skull’s circumference?

5.7” why?

Originally Posted by ironaddict69

I ordered the Autoxleeve last night. I will wear it practically all day.

Let us know how it works for you.

Yeah I will for sure dude, I’ll post about it the first thing I notice.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
5.7” why?

I meant the skull on your shoulders not your glands.


Originally Posted by sadistvodka
I meant the skull on your shoulders not your glands.

I really don’t get what you mean, can you just come out and say it?

Iron, look forward to hearing your thoughts on the autoxleeve (or is it autoxsleeve?) thanks for keeping this thread running.


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