Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ironaddict69's Log

Well I would never cheat on my girlfriend now. However if we ever broke up, I would love to screw some of the exes. Unfortunately a good majority all happened when I was AROUND this size, so I don’t think it would be a huge difference…Except the 3 that happened before PE. I will someday.

Basically went back to hanging, the erection problems were from a drug, go figure. I am hanging and clamping now. Mainly hanging though. Only 1-2 sets, won’t let it overtake my life.

I don’t bottom out in my current girl at all.I want to because she told me her exes did. I’m pretty bummed at the moment. We got onto the topic once and she said this exactly “They used magnums too, I am not going to compare you to them that’s terrible, but you’re big and should stop doing your PE exercises.” She has also called me huge etc etc, but I have a feeling she’s had longer and it really kills me. I don’t know what to do about the topic it kinda keeps popping up in my head.

I’m sure she’s enjoying that insane girth more than she enjoyed getting her cervix poked at. Last night my girl had to stop me because I was hitting her cervix too much, kind of a bummer really. Got to think of volume man, you’re a monster!

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
She has also called me huge etc etc, but I have a feeling she’s had longer and it really kills me. I don’t know what to do about the topic it kinda keeps popping up in my head.

You have to let that shit go.

== When she says you are HUGE she means it. Why? Because you are huge. Both length and girth.

== I have seen two studies where women say that girth is more important than length (randomgiant I think is exactly right)

== This kind of thinking popping into your head at the wrong moment is not conducive to hard-ons.

And again it is just crazy — You have a huge dick. Know it, believe it, and never worry about it again.

I’m so lucky to have met you guys, I love how you show up and help me. Unfortunately I did let it slip, she did not say much but she was like ” you are definitely way thicker” but I guess I will just keep working on length and not sweat it. I am just used to my exes saying I was the biggest, a lot of them would like crave it they were so shocked.

I know girth is more important, but she is really tight! She seems to like length more, but she is cumming a lot every time we screw so hell it must be good enough.

B-6 35 mg three times a day improves flaccid hang.
So does Wellbutrin.

Been doing really light PE this week as the GF has been home and I just haven’t had time. Mainly just a few hanging sessions. I am considering using my auto sleeve and hooking to to a leg strap for all night use. I am pretty sure that’s the only way I am going to gain.

You can try some zinc to increase testosterone and also increase your load too.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
I’m so lucky to have met you guys, I love how you show up and help me. Unfortunately I did let it slip, she did not say much but she was like ” you are definitely way thicker” but I guess I will just keep working on length and not sweat it. I am just used to my exes saying I was the biggest, a lot of them would like crave it they were so shocked.

I know girth is more important, but she is really tight! She seems to like length more, but she is cumming a lot every time we screw so hell it must be good enough.

Hey buddy. You are huge. Enough, ok?
If she is cumming you are doing the right things in terms of sex.
How is your relationship? That’s what women really care about.

July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
B-6 35 mg three times a day improves flaccid hang.
So does Wellbutrin.

Been doing really light PE this week as the GF has been home and I just haven’t had time. Mainly just a few hanging sessions. I am considering using my auto sleeve and hooking to to a leg strap for all night use. I am pretty sure that’s the only way I am going to gain.

Do you get any crazy dreams from taking all that B-6? I don’t know how well it’s stored/absorbed in the body, but I hear that some get really vivid dreams taking it before bed.

Thanks shunga, I am trying to catch you! I have been at a pretty bad plateau but I haven’t really been pushing any limits.I will start very soon with the good hanging sessions and ADS right after. I am going to buy one of those vac stretchers they sell on ebay, where it harnesses around your torso to sleep in, I have a feeling the upward pull is really what I need, and they allow for erections.

Kitty-eater: (love your name, I eat babies if we’re being honest) I don’t get any bad dreams to be honest.just a better flaccid hang. Dr. Kevin pezzi put me onto it in his book “The Science Of Sex.”

Made an interesting observation, my pointer finger is long enough to rub against the bulb like thing in my girls pussy (is that the cervix?) But my dick cannot hit it…Interesting.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Made an interesting observation, my pointer finger is long enough to rub against the bulb like thing in my girls pussy (is that the cervix?) But my dick cannot hit it…Interesting.

That is the g spot. And yes your way long enough to reach that with your dick. Your not going to feel that with your penis. That is the spot to were women would have vaginal orgasms. Just going by experience with the wife and what I read.

There is a book called “g spot” and they describe exactly what your talking about. A small bulb like thing. I can also fell it with my finger on the wife.

Ah I see, thank you sir! No wander she cums so quick with that. A few positions I am starting to feel her cervix it’s like I’m poking at something, I remember it happened every time with the exes but this girl is taller.

Still hanging a decent amount. I am not making any gains, I have been at 8” BPEL for quite a while. I think I am going to have to ADS all night to make progress.


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