Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ironaddict69's Log

Still very confused on a routine to pick. Due to the recent gain, I do not know what was responsible. I do not know whether to keep hanging and use the ADS and jelqs or start pumping and jelqing. No idea.

My GF has been on my ass about doing it so much. Not in a negative way but she said she just doesn’t want me to feel insecure. Apparently she thinks I am nine, I corrected her with a picture showing 8.

Thanks for the info, ill order some reds I think now.

It’s so much easier when your girlfriend knows ain’t it.

Ahah, usually yes because then you don’t have to hide the stuff!

Hi ironaddict69,

Congratulations on the gains!

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
The red’s have held up to around 25 lbs for me

Your technique with vacuum hanging is very impressive to handle that much weight.

I have used the blue sleeves with a variety of different caps. I think I need to try these red sleeves you have been using.

Do you get the small or large sleeves? Any chance you could measure the diameter/width of them?


I don’t routinely do 25 lbs. That was in my strict BTC hanging days. Now it’s all upper angles and fulcrum work with between 12.5-15 lbs.

Monkeybar would be the guy for you to PM about the sizing.

Having bad Premature ejaculation the past 2 or so months. I used to be able to go for an hour, easy, and that was at a fast pace. I think I need to lower hystamine levels, and probably stop doing kegels. I used to do them fast, and those cause Premature ejaculation. Maybe I should do long ones though?

Today is day off.

I have been doing some pretty serious jelqing and low pressure (I think) pumping for long durations, I need to order a guage as I have just been using my mouth to suck the air out. I know it’s low because I never got any bloat or a doughnut or anything. I did come out VERY thick though as my sets are usually 30 minutes and I do two of them. Been using my 2.25” and I pack like 65% of it, I cannot wait to buy a USB cord and upload the photos of it.

I am hitting 8” BPEL every time now without straightening my unit or bending it, and I am even using shungas measuring method, where you place the ruler on top, and then flip it to the side and press in (Think reading the measurement from the side of me.)

Good EQ lately. Really want to get my stamina back though…That is very annoying as I used to be able to have sex for over an hour without cumming, I could easily hold it back by just slowing down a little when I got close. No idea what to do! Weird thing is it came out of nowhere really, and it’s off an on.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Today is day off.

I have been doing some pretty serious jelqing and low pressure (I think) pumping for long durations, I need to order a guage as I have just been using my mouth to suck the air out. I know it’s low because I never got any bloat or a doughnut or anything. I did come out VERY thick though as my sets are usually 30 minutes and I do two of them. Been using my 2.25” and I pack like 65% of it, I cannot wait to buy a USB cord and upload the photos of it.

I am hitting 8” BPEL every time now without straightening my unit or bending it, and I am even using shungas measuring method, where you place the ruler on top, and then flip it to the side and press in (Think reading the measurement from the side of me.)

Good EQ lately. Really want to get my stamina back though…That is very annoying as I used to be able to have sex for over an hour without cumming, I could easily hold it back by just slowing down a little when I got close. No idea what to do! Weird thing is it came out of nowhere really, and it’s off an on.

New partner?

Great job on the regular 8” mark.

July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS

No, same one for 6 months! She does feel different though, like it’s more sensitive for me, but I am more sensitive even when I masturbate. It is because of the Autoxsleeve I believe, I won’t be wearing it anymore.

Well me and the Girlfriend broke up. Something about her being too clammed up and our communication sucking. That was on her part I always pushed communication. Pisses me off.

I have only been pumping lately. I need to take a day off though I believe.

Maybe the stamina issue was related to anxiety about your relationship. Regardless it sucks to break up with people. I hope it works out in a good way for you eventually.

July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS

Me and my GF are likewise on shaky ground due to communication issues. It’s kind of ironic, since in most of my previous relationships, I was the one who lacked in communication of my thoughts and feelings. Not so, this time. Maybe I’m suffering my just desserts.

Was the increase in sensitivy by the Xleeve due to blistering? In other words, why do you believe the Xleeve is responsible for your increased sensitivity?

start 1/20/08: 6.0 nbpel, 5.5 eg, 4 fl, 5 fg

now 6/30/12: 6.75 nbpel, 5.875 eg, 5.0 fl, 5.125 fg

Thanks Shunga…

The autoxsleeve made my head skin like brand new. It was used to hanging and rubbing against my pants and my head wasn’t that sensitive, it feels like brand new and I do not like it. It is just going to take some time to bring it back to it’s previous state.

I am sad about the breakup but parts of me knew it needed to happen. I was so sick of her clamming up with talking.

Get the Harbor Freight Brake bleeder pump. It is GREAT and it is $20.00. It is the same as the LapDist brass pump:

Lap pump = harbor freight tools pump

There is probably a store near you. It is what I have. GO GET IT:

Harbor Freight Tools – Quality Tools at Discount Prices Since 1977

Store locator:

Harbor Freight Tools – Quality Tools at Discount Prices Since 1977

Sorry to hear about the girlfriend.

— Oh I missed that: CONGRATS on 8” BPEL! :jumpblue:


Stamina — you know I have been noticing that too. Usually I have super control. I have this crzy theory that in my case it is associated with Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AAKG), especially if I am taking 12g a day as a sport supplement.

One of the effects it has on me is more pre-cum and more ejaculate.

When I am taking the AAKG, it seems like about 5 or so minutes into an erection, I can feel my Cowper’s glands “switch on” and start doing their thing and it feels like I am about to blow. However when I can get past that stage, then it is just like usual and I can go as long as I want.


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