Another very nice unusual jelqing session
It is remarkable for me to point that out as I normally feel that jelqing is a waste of time since I don’t get the blood flowing and therefore I don’t work the laterals of the tunica. I normally just move the skin as if inside there was a cord or something.
Today my dick stayed at 70% most of the time and I could jelq for 1 min, change hand 1 min then (yes I jelq with one hand, two hand for me makes no sense) rest a little then go over again for as long as I would have wanted. I jelqed just 20 min the stretch 10 min and the soreness/stretching sensation was also remarkable. Then I went off to the gym, I had once that unusual good jelqing routine and I reported it here so I look it up what things I did previously to get it and see if it matches.
Yesterday: I took a full day off as I had an exam today, but did a lot of edgings and I jerked off twice. And most important I think, I did PE before the gym (other times I have too, but not after a day off from PE that I edged so much)
When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.