Do you take a Preworkout supplement. Like caffiene and l-arginine. Also creating would benifit you to some extent. Also limit carbs all day practically 0 then post workout smash a protein shake with some honey and have steak and rice about 30 minutes later and see if you don’t start to look different. Your body does not need carbs to live. However it does need insulin to grow. Whether fat or muscle insulin is a key factor in both. It also plays a big roll in igf-1 levels. But here’s the problem people instantly wake up now and spike insulin with sugary drinks or sugary food for breakfast. Worst idea ever. When you first wake up your hgh level is at its highest and will continue to fall for a few hours. As that happens any insulin spike will negate the hgh spike and make your system quit making or using hgh for fat burning and muscle repair. So here is what I have found works best for people around your size. Intermittent fasting combined with carb back loading as a diet plan.
The diet plan kinda goes along. Lines of fast for 16 hours a day. Let’s say you last meal is at ten at night. Your first meal would be at 2 the next day. That leaves you an 8 hour window to eat. Breakfast is not a time of day. But, the time that you break your fast. So as long as you fast for 16 hours it gives your body pleanty enough time to produce loads of hgh. Now the second part is carb back loading. Your first meal is carb free all but green. The second meal is carb free . I don’t feel eating tons of small meals on this diet plan will help ya. This is built around people with busy lives. Normal people who work ect. Then you post workout meal is where you have a huge insulin spike which will shuttle all the nutrients into your muscle. I will go post workout shake then meal. Like stated previously. The best way is to use let’s say
50-60 grams whey protein
Some kinda carbs source that fast obsorbing(dextrose)
I also advise some fruit like blue berries ect for antioxidant support.
This is where you can add creatine if wanted. I don’t take it but has seen benefits in others. I would recommend 5 grams a day. Make sure you are drinking lots of water.
Then I like to add honey for taste and a better insulin spike.
Then the meal about 30 a good protein steak chicken and a simple carb. White rice or white potatoes. You don’t want slow carns or high glycemic index carbs. You want huge spike then nothing. The key is to keep insulin down through the day. Hgh up and hence more fat loss and you can still gain muscle because of the post workout nutrient partioning capabilities.
I recommend fishoil whey protein multivitamin vitamin c and creatine. Also caffeine and l-arginine Preworkout for a more intense workout. But no Preworkout mixes most have sugar or junk you don’t need or want in Your body.
Also on non workout days carbs stay low less than 30 grams per day.
The workout
I believe in training around your compound movements. Which helps the most with building muscle and loosing fat. For example.
Day 1 we will go with bench press
Bench press 3-4 sets between 6-8 reps as heavy as possible.
Incline db press 3-4 sets of 10 as heavy as possible.
Flat bench db just for a good pump I do 3 sets of 16 super set with cable crossovers for 12-16
Then I move to tricepts and do nose breakers and tricept pushdowns for tons of reps and sets. I have found tricepts are a muscle we use alot and to get them to grow huge and take shape it takes tons of volume. I do 400-500 reps . this is just me findings. Also I might add I was taught by world record holders and people who have been considered the strongest people in the world back in the 80-90’s.
Day 2 would be dead lift and total back work lats traps rows ect. Then I do bicepts to finish off that.
Day3 is for squat. I do squats with variations in foot placement. leg extension hamstring work on the machine. Box jumps plyometrics and stuff.
Day 4 I do shoulders calves and abs. 3 muscle groups I feel also need large volume I ha e crazy calves. I have done 1000 reps per workout on just them. Also for abs they are a endurance muscle. Shoulders they just take time and consistency. Make sure you are hitting all three heads of your shoulder. And not working one more than the other.
Now these are just my opinions and what I do. I hope it can help you reach your goals. Also stay away from steroids. I know they are in every gym. The damage they do definitely out weigh the benifits of being bigger muscularly. If you have any more questions feel free to hit me up