Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

NateTheGreat4's Progress Report

New extender epiphany today!

If I pull as much skin through the base-ring of my extender as possible, it avoids pulling on my stubbornly tight frenulum, takes the stretching pressure off my skin (which is going to stretch alongside my growth anyway), and gives me a DEEP stretch behind my balls. The more skin I can include through the ring, the better the stretch - I’m talking sack skin, above my shaft skin, and any other near-dick skin. The more skin I include, the more I feel it pulling on my actual, internal penile-tissues.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Originally Posted by NateTheGreat4
New extender epiphany today!

If I pull as much skin through the base-ring of my extender as possible, it avoids pulling on my stubbornly tight frenulum, takes the stretching pressure off my skin (which is going to stretch alongside my growth anyway), and gives me a DEEP stretch behind my balls. T

Meaning you attach the head piece/wrap over skin and not right behind the glans skin?

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz

Meaning you attach the head piece/wrap over skin and not right behind the glans skin?

I think he means at the base of the shaft. Imagine being all strapped into the extender then lifting the base away from your body to let off any tension between the head and the base. I would do the same thing most days when I was using it regularly, but some days I would intentionally leave it tight in an effort to just work on stretching just the shaft skin.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Meaning you attach the head piece/wrap over skin and not right behind the glans skin?

I did this a few times in the beginning, but not any longer. I did not enjoy the feeling of primarily stretching skin. Now I get it right behind the glands and get a better pull on the internals.

Originally Posted by cantlook
I think he means at the base of the shaft. Imagine being all strapped into the extender then lifting the base away from your body to let off any tension between the head and the base. I would do the same thing most days when I was using it regularly, but some days I would intentionally leave it tight in an effort to just work on stretching just the shaft skin.

Correct! Just as Cantlook said, I get a better stretch making sure to take the tension off the skin at the base of the shaft.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

I’ve been “doin’ the same ole thang”, which is:

2x 30-40 minute extender sessions in the afternoon
2x 5-10 minute manual stretching sessions, early morning and before I go to sleep

I’ve noticed that the base of my unit is sore all the time now - not painful, just a dull sensation. When I do manual stretches, it gives that satisfying feeling like stretching your hamstrings the day after a really long run. I’m going to keep with it because that sore-stretchiness hasn’t gotten better or worse for the last week and a half or so. My flaccid hang is always much larger than before (no turtles here!). I haven’t measured for 2 weeks now, so I’ll post my BPEL tomorrow and we’ll find out together if this routine has yielded more results. I know my size isn’t as great as a lot of people on here, but I’d really love to hit/exceed 6” BPEL tomorrow. My best previous measurements were at 15cm, or 5.9 inches - so another 0.3cm would be nice. :)

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Alright, measurement is in: BPEL = 14.8cm (5.83in). A 0.2cm gain in the last 2 weeks over last week’s “normal” erect length of 14.6cm. I can measure just over 15cm if the measurement is taken right around the time I get off, but that’s not really an accurate measurement. Gains…but slow ones. I would really like a magical 0.5cm gain in the next 2 weeks, to put me over 6in :)

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

I would do also a manual stretch before the extender session. Also a warm up is good for the extender.

Besides that you are gaining so you shouldnt change much.

My FSL measures way longer after I’ve been in the extender for a session, and measuring while still in the extender. My previous longest FSL in the extender was 16.5cm (6.5in) , and I hit 17cm (6.69in) today. My ligs and shaft are sore, but it’s not painful and my erections are good-to-great. Also, I gained a lot (0.5cm) in the first two weeks, and I just remembered that I was also using my purchased extender during that period. Noob gains? Downward extender gains? Who knows…but now I’m bringing that extender back.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Alright. I figure I’ve been so upbeat, I’m overdue for some complaints.

Complaint #1: I think my upward curve is bending upward even more after all these extender sessions. I’m still going to use my homemade extender, but now I’m going to add in 30-60 minutes each day of the proextender with it pointed downwards (as opposed to straight out, like my homemade does) to see if I can straighten the sucker out. Without that curve, I’d be at least 0.5cm (0.2in) longer. It’s like my corpus spongiosum is a beast, and my corpus carvernosums are slackers.

Complaint #2: You know what’s depressing? Looking at my NPBEL dick (around 13cm, or 5.12in) right after looking at my dick stretched out in the extender (17cm, or 6.69in). That’s a 4cm (1.57in) difference. :(

Complaint #3: 0.8cm (0.32in) of growth in 2 months. I mean, it could be 0, so I can’t complain too much….but it also could be 2.54cm (1in). That’d have been nice.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Although I have no girth plans (I’ve read too many horror stories about going over 6”, and partner discomfort, etc), I still want to keep track of girth. Measured 13.2cm (5.20in) MSEG and 14.6cm (5.75in) BaseEG this morning. It appears my MSEG has remained the same and my base girth is up nearly 0.6cm (0.25in). Now if only I could gain an inch more in length…

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Still chugging away at 1-2 hours of extender use per day. My penis is now at a length where I don’t get a good stretch fully extended out with the Proextender, and it’s nearly impossible for me to put my unit in it with the other, longer rods they provided. A solution would be to buy another ($13 at Alibaba) to obtain more of the shorter rods….OR, just use my homemade extender until my FSL is long enough to use the Proextender comfortably again.

The bad (maybe not) news: I have a 3.5 week long obligation where I won’t have access to my extenders and will have to go (mostly) without PE.
The good news: Not that I need a decon break, but maybe it will provide faster gains once I’m back. Or, maybe I’ll be one of those lucky ones who grows during a few-week-long break. Even with this break, I’ll try to get some manual stretches in when possible.

See you wonderful folks in a month.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Okay…had my last session today, even though I said I would be gone for nearly a month. Measurements are in!

BPEL is still around the same as two weeks ago, at 14.9 cm (5.87 in)…unless I’m going by BPEL-CP (upward curve pressed up against ruler), then I’m at 15.5 cm (6.1 in). I think my predictions were right, I think some of my new length (apparent in my FSL not keeping the same ratio of increase as my BPEL with my gains) went into making my upward curve more pronounced. If you look at my first post, a little over two months ago, I measured 14.3 cm (5.63 in) for my BPEL-CP, and now I’m measuring 15.5 cm (6.1 in) for BPEL-CP, a change of 1.2 cm (0.47 in). My actual BPEL (straight out, non-curve pressed), gained 0.9 cm (.35 in), going from 14 cm (5.52 in) to 14.9 cm (5.87 in).

It’s a slow and stead process, but I’m going to keep at it once I’m back. I still need another 1.6 cm (0.63i in) of BPEL until I’ve met my goals.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

No growth….or shrinkage…over my break. Still measuring in at 14.9cm (5.86 in) BPEL.

I’m going to update, and measure, much less frequently. I feel like I get distracted when I see gains of 0.1 - 0.2 cm every two weeks, and it’s like I can’t see the big picture goals. I think I’d FEEL more successful and less like I have measurement error if I don’t measure for months (instead of weeks with tiny gains) and measure a significant change when I come back (0.5cm or more). I am already dedicated, but I think this will keep me on track for the long haul ahead. New ultimate goal: 17.78 cm (7.0 in) BPEL, 14.0 cm (5.5 in) MSEG

Here will be my routine:
1. Get IR lamp (150 watt) and use for warmup (my previous gains were warmup free).
2. Use homemade extender for two 30 minute sessions every weekday.
3. 100 jelqs after extender session.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Just wanted to keep my log updated. I’ve been very dedicated - 5 days on, 2 days off. By the end of the 5th day, my unit feels quite fatigued, and I welcome the 2 days off. On the other hand, I wonder if I’m giving up some “easy” gains by taking a break once I get to the fatigue point in my week. I don’t have the same availability during my weekend, so it’s not like I can change much anyway.

My routine has changed ever so slightly since nearly 3 weeks ago to try and spread my PE out during the day into multiple sessions. Now it’s:

1) 10-20 minutes jelqing in the morning (manual and some pvc jelq sticks)
2) 1-1:15 hours of extending in my homemade Cantlook W.K. 2 in the afternoon.

I haven’t measured since around August 21st, and last measured in at 14.9cm (5.86in) BPEL. I will not be measuring again until November 21st or so (3 months).

Making a length goal by that date is useless for two reasons: 1) I don’t have much influence in encouraging my gains to accumulate faster than they already are, and 2), I am dedicated to reaching my ultimate goal regardless of what I measure in 3 months. My ultimate goal is 7-7.5in BPEL by 5.5in MSEG. My stats as of a month ago are 5.9in by 5.25in (1.1 - 1.6in by 0.25in to go). Ideally, I can achieve both of these goals in a year’s time.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Well, decided I wanted to try some pumping out every few days or so at night - light vacuum pressure, warm water, etc, so I bought an LA dist Cylinder and a silicone sleeve so I can try to minimize edema and lymph issues and will pick up a brake bleeder from harbor freight in a few days. My base girth is around 5.75 in or so, so I snagged a 2in diameter cylinder, hoping I would pack it fairly easily and could work on mostly length. If I put the silicone sleeve on, I don’t predict a whole lot of lateral expansion. You could say I’m pretty “pumped”. :D

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)


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