Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

NateTheGreat4's Progress Report

I’ve been trying a new routine for the last two weeks:

M,W, F: Extend for 1-1.5 hours (using the pipe stretcher) in the morning, 30 minute water-pumping session in the afternoon (sometimes I do 30 minutes while cycling the pressure on and off while staying inside the tube, sometimes I do 3 sets of 7 minutes of pumping with 3-5 minutes of jelqing in between - depends on how much non-PE related work I’m doing).

T, TH: 1 hour of extending in the morning, 1 hour of extending in the evening (pipe stretcher).


I’ve just managed to reach 16.5 cm (6.5 in) in the tube (1.75” diameter), and coincidentally, 16.5 cm (6.5 in) with BPFSL. I know it’s been said before, but heat really seems to help. I stopped using heat for a few months because it didn’t seem to help growth, but I’m fairly certain I was just at a plateau period, as heat seems to have reinvigorated my gains. I’m up 1.8 cm in BPFSL since last May. I haven’t taken a BPEL for a few weeks, but I’d like to imagine I’ve tacked on a few mm’s - I want to keep at it without measuring for another few weeks before taking a ruler measurement to ensure a notable difference on the ruler. Flaccid hang has been fantastic.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Originally Posted by NateTheGreat4
I’ve been trying a new routine for the last two weeks:

M,W, F: Extend for 1-1.5 hours (using the pipe stretcher) in the morning, 30 minute water-pumping session in the afternoon (sometimes I do 30 minutes while cycling the pressure on and off while staying inside the tube, sometimes I do 3 sets of 7 minutes of pumping with 3-5 minutes of jelqing in between - depends on how much non-PE related work I’m doing).

T, TH: 1 hour of extending in the morning, 1 hour of extending in the evening (pipe stretcher).


I’ve just managed to reach 16.5 cm (6.5 in) in the tube (1.75” diameter), and coincidentally, 16.5 cm (6.5 in) with BPFSL. I know it’s been said before, but heat really seems to help. I stopped using heat for a few months because it didn’t seem to help growth, but I’m fairly certain I was just at a plateau period, as heat seems to have reinvigorated my gains. I’m up 1.8 cm in BPFSL since last May. I haven’t taken a BPEL for a few weeks, but I’d like to imagine I’ve tacked on a few mm’s - I want to keep at it without measuring for another few weeks before taking a ruler measurement to ensure a notable difference on the ruler. Flaccid hang has been fantastic.

Funny in PE we are happy for even a couple mm’s of gain. Because 25 of them bad boys is an inch and 12.5 is half an inch.

Originally Posted by djrobins
Funny in PE we are happy for even a couple mm’s of gain. Because 25 of them bad boys is an inch and 12.5 is half an inch.

Agreed! It’s just really hard to measure a single mm gain… :)

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Originally Posted by NateTheGreat4
Agreed! It’s just really hard to measure a single mm gain… :)

Yet we strain for each and every one.


Congratulations on your gain’s.
Both of us have the same final goal. :) .

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

Still averaging about two hours a day during the weekday between pumping and extending. I’ve decided I’ll take my next BPEL measurement once my BPSFL hits 16.7 cm (6.575 in) - according to my initial measurements, my BPSFL is ahead of my BPEL by 0.7 cm.

I hope to hit my first big milestone by June, which signifies one year of ultra-dedicated PE. The milestone I hope to hit is a BPEL of 16.5 cm (6.5 in). One year, one inch. After that, it’s just 1.2 cm more (0.5 in) and I’m at my ultimate goal (7.0 in). I’ll keep PEing for a few months after that to try and cement my gains (essentially… Grow a little more since I’ll probably lose a little over time).

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

For the last few days, I’ve been using my Cantlook Pipe-Stretcher in a different way to see if there are any effects: I’ve been putting my balls through the base (which is relatively easy, since I made the base of mine larger than in the build-instructions). In doing this, for some reason, I get a much greater stretch in the top-side of my shaft - the tunica, perhaps? I have a moderately pronounced turkey neck (not caused by PE), and the skin seems to have stretched very little on the underside, but ALWAYS is pulled tight when extending. When extending “balls-through”, I don’t get any tension on the skin and seem to get a much “cleaner” stretch. I will continue this for a couple weeks to see if it speeds up my gains. My short term goal is 16.7 cm BPFSL (I’m at 16.4-5 cm now), at which point I will measure BPEL and update my signature stats.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Increased girth seems to be hanging around throughout my weekends that I take off from PE. For the past two weeks, my pumping days (M,W,F) have only been 30 minute sets where I release the pressure and pump back up 10 times or so, instead of doing any jelqing in between - I think I need to reincorporate jelqing in between 7-10 minute pump sets. The only downside is that it takes longer and it’s decently messy (using coconut lotion). Hopefully this routine can get me to 6.5”, if not 7” in BPEL. I keep considering trying out DMSO, and at some point, clamping. I just want this process to speed up, but I know it’s a long, slow road to success.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

I’ve only been able to reach 6 3/8” in the tube for the past two weeks or so, but today I jelqed in between my 3x 8 minute sessions and was able to hit 6 1/2”. It seems jelqing might be a great idea for continuing gaining.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

So, for the sake of keeping myself sane (I’ve been doing a lot of the same for 9 months), I’ve decided to switch up my routine for a month.

I’ve noticed that I get a better stretch if I take breaks more frequently while in my extender. I can normally wear it for 40 minutes until I get a little discomfort, but little breaks and massages in between 15 minute sets lets my tissues relax out a little more - hopefully giving me a more effective stretch. I’ve also noticed I get the greatest temporary length increase (which the evidence seems to suggest correlates to eventual permanent length) after I’ve used my extender for 30 minutes to an hour, then pumping for 30 minutes. I want to focus on this on these things and implement them 3 days a week (M, W, F). Instead of doing long extender days on T/TH, I’m going to try manual stretching, jelqing, Ulis, and bundled stretches - I feel like my dick was built for gaining girth, and I want to give in to its natural tendency for a little bit. I took an unofficial measurement at the beginning of last week (after a pump session), and hit 6.25” BPEL. I’m not sure of my “resting” BPEL, so that number will stay “unofficial”. :)

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

My new routine this week has made my dick lightly sore in all sorts of places it doesn’t normally get sore (mid-shaft, base, the glans). EQ is still good, so I don’t think I’m overdoing it. It will be nice to get a break over the weekend, but then I’ll be back at it for at least 3 more weeks of the same routine. I don’t think I’ll take any measurements until I notice a significant change in the tube (girth or length). Nothing makes me happier than taking a measurement and seeing significant changes on the ruler - and it’s worth waiting months for that.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

I’m still at it, VERY consistently 5 days on, 2 days off. One thing I realized that a lot of people do, when measuring, is press their upward curves flat against the ruler. I never wanted to measure this way, and was more interested in how many inches it sticks straight out from my body; however, if I do press my curve, it adds about 0.3 inches to my measurement. Regardless, my goal is still 7” without pressing my curve. I’ve been seeing a tiny change in my BPEL in the pump, and I think I’m finally getting out of a few month long length-plateau - mostly because I decided to switch up my routine at the beginning of last week. After one of my pumping sessions recently, I threw on a clamp and measured 5.75 - 6.00” girth, and have now modified my ultimate goal, which is 5.75” MSEG x 7.00” BPEL. I’m in it for the long run and think my goals are reasonable, as I would be looking at 0.5” MSEG and 1.5” BPEL gains from my very first measurement. I’m roughly half-way to my ideal length goal and have no idea about where my girth is at (I’ll measure in a few months of clamping).

My new routine:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 1 hour in my Cantlook White Knight 2 (I’ve decided it gives a much stronger, direct pull on my unit than the pipe-stretcher does for me), followed by 45 minutes of pumping with water in my 1.75” tube (which I pack fully within a minute or so). Sometimes I just cycle the pressure on/off for the duration of this exercise, sometimes I take breaks every 10 minutes and jelq for 3-5 minutes in between sets.

Tuesday, Thursday: 10-15 minutes of manual stretching (with a rice sock), 3 sets of 10-15 minutes clamping (this exercise feels INCREDIBLE to me), usually with a single clamp, but occasionally with a second clamp.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Last edited by NateTheGreat4 : 04-10-2015 at . Reason: Signature Change

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