Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

NateTheGreat4's Progress Report

LA Pump cylinder came in yesterday - I heard they had slow shipping, but 5 days including the weekends wasn’t bad at all! I picked up a Harbor Freight Pump and now am just waiting for the McMaster and Carr male fittings. Putting my erect penis in there this morning gave me two thoughts:

1) I am way thicker that I perceive myself. I pulled the cylinder out, poked 3 fingers in there, and thought “that is fucking huge! No way am I going to get close to the sidewalls” - but sure enough, my base seems pretty snug in the cylinder (BEG = 5.75 in) and I can’t wait to see what it’s like under vacuum.

2) I am way shorter than I perceive myself. I bought a 2x8in cylinder and thought, I’m near 6in BPEL, so I should have 2 inches to go and can use it as a guide to get me to my ultimate goal of 7”. When I put my erect penis in there, it seemed like I was just barely getting over 5/8ths of the way and that I had at least 3 inches to go until bottoming out. I measured the tube to be sure, and it’s spot on at 8 inches. My last measurement was 5.87”, so it’s not that far off. I’m assuming half of it is in my head, and the other half is because it’s not bone-pressing with the same aggressiveness I do with a ruler. It seems like a much better estimate of “practical” size than a ruler. I guess I should wait until I get the male-hose-coupling and pump it up before I let it get to me.

It blows my mind to think of how much more voluminous an 8x6” is than my current size of 6x5.25”. Oh well, more motivation for me, I guess! I still have 1 inch BPEL and 0.25 MSEG to go until I’m at my goal. Measurement day is a month and 2 weeks away.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Put another spacer in my extender today (0.6cm more), which is exciting because I could barely put the thing together before - a function of the springs being fully compressed up against the spacers (Check out the design on Cantlook’s page, or in the picture of mine a few pages back, to understand what I’m talking about). Now, with the 0.6cm larger spacer, it’s still easier to put on than it was from 1.5 months ago (in the very beginning, I needed shorter rods AND spacers to get in) and it’s compressing the springs a bit more, giving me a more intense stretch. I’d really like to see 16 (+) cm on that ruler when I measure in a month and a half.

I have taken pictures, in my extender, from the very beginning that show my stretched length in the extender growing over time. I haven’t decided if I feel comfortable enough to post those, but I may once I reach my goals. Those pictures should provide pretty clear evidence of gains because the device is home-made and hasn’t changed over time (other than rod length and spacers), so the images could be scaled to each other exactly…and it would be decently hard to photoshop due to the noose and wrap going around my head, as well as the structure of the device (springs, spacers, rods) being nearly impossible to keep in perspective if photoshopped.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

The greatest moment of my PE career just happened. For some reason, I figured it would never happen to me because my girlfriend isn’t too observant, especially towards these types of things. Girlfriend was going down on me, and with my unit in her hand, she said “I feel like it’s getting bigger” - and I jokingly replied, “uh, that’s called an erection”. Her response: “No, not just that. It seems like it’s gotten larger since we’ve been dating”. I laughed it off and changed the subject. She has absolutely no idea I’m doing any PE, so it’s wonderful to hear it from an unsuspecting source.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz

I certainly felt like a winner. :)

So, I’ve been pumping for the last few days after a 10 minute jelq session. 10 minutes, 4 in/HG. I’ve noticed it looks huge in the tube, tons of vasculature, but it doesn’t keep me plumped up the whole day the way just 10-20 minutes of jelqing did. I will continue to pump 5-days on, 2-days off, until one month from now at the very least. I’m still doing 1 hour of extending in the afternoons. I’m excited to measure next month because there are days that it feels like I stole someone elses penis (this one I have seems noticeably larger than the one I used to have) - and I’ve never felt that way about my gains until last week. I’ve been enjoying this process and think I will continue to enjoy it until I reach my goals (and then I might enjoy my free time and my larger dick).

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Quick Update: the plastic piece that helps stabilize the two rods in my extended broke last Thursday. I made a new one Friday, and was back up and extending. I just wanted to document, for potential pictures-sake, why my extender changed ever so slightly.

Other than that, keeping up the routine like usual: 5 days on, 2 days off of one hour of extending, 15 minutes jelqing, 15 minutes 4in/hg pumping each day.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

I modified my extender again: I put in an additional 0.6cm spacer, as well as another 1/2” rod.

One thing I’ve noticed is that the length of my stretched unit in the extender is about 1cm longer than my BPEL. Before increasing the rod size today, the extender was about 17.3cm long and I was getting near the end of it (I haven’t measuring in months), suggesting my BPEL is probably nearing 16cm. Now the extender is about 18.5cm long, so once I reach the end of this new size of the extender, I should be very near to my ultimate goal. Either way, I have about 2-3 cm more I’d like to gain in length. I’ve already gained nearly 2cm, so hopefully I can continue this trend in a linear fashion and have 7-7.5” (18-19cm) by next May. I’m VERY determined, and will continue until I’m at my goal.

My routine is the same as it’s been - 1 hour of extending, 10 minutes of pumping, and 10 minutes of jelqing.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

I water-pumped for the first time today and packed my 2” tube in 20 minutes or so (minus my glans). What an incredible feeling to come out of the cylinder at 6” girth (I was at 5.25” a few months ago when I last measured) - that would be kind of awesome to be that thick all of the time.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

So, I have good news and I have bad news:

The good news is I feel like I’m gaining - I can get a rough estimate of gains from my extender and inside the cylinder (which doesn’t have any markings on it).

The bad news…isn’t all that bad. Even though I said I wouldn’t measure for 3 months (and I’m a week off from the 3-month date I originally set), I’ve decided not to measure at all. It’s just that I came to the realization that I’m not at my goal, but I am planning on continuing PE until I reach my goal (7-7.5 inches, or 18-ish cm BPEL), so measuring does nothing for me - I’m already motivated and know it’s going to be a long process. I PE for 1-2 hours every day, and have incorporated the routines into my daily life.

My plan is to continue what I’m doing with slight variations:

2x 30 minutes extending in cantlook’s white knight 2
Pumping - anywhere from 15 minute sessions around 5-7.5 hg to hour long sessions around 4-5 hg
Jelqing and stretching before and after extender and pump

How will I know when to stop or get curious enough to measure? When the tip of my penis lines up with the ends of the bars in my extender, which would put me at 18.5cm BPFSL in the extender, which, with my previous data, correlates to a 17.5cm BPEL. Another metric would be my length in the cylinder, which is 20cm/8in long. I’ll feel long enough once I’m roughly 2cm from the top (I’m at about 4cm from the top now). It seems I have about 1.5-2cm to go by either of those metrics before I’ll be at my goal (and I’ve already put 1.5-2cm on since 6 months ago).

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Ok, I lied in the above paragraph (ok, lying is a bit extreme, but I realized I was wrong). I measured, and have only gained 0.4cm BPEL in the last 3 months. I’m at 15.3cm, or 6” BPEL - a gain of 1.3cm/0.51in in the last 6 months. I spend so much time PEing, and so much time thinking about PEing, that I’ve come up with a new plan:

I’ve gotten away from my initial goals, and have gotten so into PE that I think I became overzealous and am trying far too many things in far too many directions (pumping, stretching, extending, jelqing). Here is my new (old) plan: Follow Cantlook’s routine - extend for 1 - 2 hours each day (and I might build myself a new extender, one for work, and one for home) and manual stretches for 2-5 minutes every few hours. No jelqing, no pumping. My primary goal is length - I’d be so incredibly happy with 7” and plan on trying until I get there. When/if I ever get to 7” BPEL, I’ll switch over to a girth routine of jelqing/pumping and try to gain a tiny bit of girth before hanging up the towel and moving on with my life. The nice thing is, my routine has become complicated, and since I spend about 2 hours each day PEing anyway, this more simplistic plan should be easier than what I’m doing now.

For the next two weeks, I’m taking a deconditioning break of sorts, I’ll only be doing manual stretches.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

That sounds better, I agree doing all exercises at the same time is counter productive.

But why extend so few?

Originally Posted by Walter5169
That sounds better, I agree doing all exercises at the same time is counter productive.
But why extend so few?

What worked for me was higher intensity, lower time frame extending. Closer akin to hanging than what people think of when you say extending. 5-7 pounds for 1-2 hour sessions. At my peak I was performing one session in the morning and one at night. With quick (2-5min.) manual stretches throughout the day.

That’s what worked for me anyway. I was highly dedicated and highly consistent.

Good luck NateTheGreat4. :up:

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Fair enough I understand, hope you gain Nate!

Originally Posted by cantlook
What worked for me was higher intensity, lower time frame extending. Closer akin to hanging than what people think of when you say extending. 5-7 pounds for 1-2 hour sessions. At my peak I was performing one session in the morning and one at night. With quick (2-5min.) manual stretches throughout the day.

That’s what worked for me anyway. I was highly dedicated and highly consistent.

Good luck NateTheGreat4. :up:

Thanks for your support and assistance, Cantlook!

If you had to speculate, what part of your penis do you think grew the most during your gaining period? Do you think it was from the base or distributed throughout the shaft (or both)? My concern is that if the majority of the growth comes from the base, that the base-diameter of my extender is too small and the skin at friction at the base of the device is inhibiting my gain potential. It’s almost as if my base is locked in place, and the great stretch I feel is only occurring in my shaft itself. My skin has stretched, but I still think the shaft-base skin sticking to the inside of the extender-base is causing too much friction. I might have to make your latest and greatest extender design to spread out the base and remove any of that unwanted tension at the base.

My other concern is that there is a high range between my initial stretched length and my stretched length at the end of the extending session (a high penile dynamic range, as I call it) - this range is so great that its a constant battle between getting “enough” tension once extended for an hour, and being able to put the device on in the beginning state. Maybe I just need to do more manual stretches before putting the device on. Did you have a metric for how much tension was enough tension - or what wasn’t enough tension? I have the unfortunate anatomical structure that my glans are much smaller than my base and shaft, so the noose does not stay on because I don’t have enough head material to prevent slipping out of the noose - I have to tape right below my glans to get a comfortable and solid grip. Maybe my tension is slightly too high?

I’ve got the dedication and time, now I just need to replicate your results (although I do understand from these forums that everyone responds differently to different exercises).

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Originally Posted by NateTheGreat4
Thanks for your support and assistance, Cantlook!

If you had to speculate, what part of your penis do you think grew the most during your gaining period? Do you think it was from the base or distributed throughout the shaft (or both)? My concern is that if the majority of the growth comes from the base, that the base-diameter of my extender is too small and the skin at friction at the base of the device is inhibiting my gain potential. It’s almost as if my base is locked in place, and the great stretch I feel is only occurring in my shaft itself. My skin has stretched, but I still think the shaft-base skin sticking to the inside of the extender-base is causing too much friction. I might have to make your latest and greatest extender design to spread out the base and remove any of that unwanted tension at the base.

My other concern is that there is a high range between my initial stretched length and my stretched length at the end of the extending session (a high penile dynamic range, as I call it) - this range is so great that its a constant battle between getting “enough” tension once extended for an hour, and being able to put the device on in the beginning state. Maybe I just need to do more manual stretches before putting the device on. Did you have a metric for how much tension was enough tension - or what wasn’t enough tension? I have the unfortunate anatomical structure that my glans are much smaller than my base and shaft, so the noose does not stay on because I don’t have enough head material to prevent slipping out of the noose - I have to tape right below my glans to get a comfortable and solid grip. Maybe my tension is slightly too high?

I’ve got the dedication and time, now I just need to replicate your results (although I do understand from these forums that everyone responds differently to different exercises).

I had a similar issue with the tension reducing during the session as my stretched length slowly increased. One design implemented a base that had a high and low spot to click into so you could start at the low and easily click up to the high once tissues had relaxed. I can’t say if gains come from overcoming the initial tension or pushing the relaxed state harder. I am sure people would swear by one way or the other. I know I kept gaining with later designs that didn’t implement such a feature.

I suppose you could clip in an extra spacer to the rods after you have worn it for 10 or 15 minutes, or prop something between the base and your body, to increase the tension on the springs.

I can’t really say where the gains showed with any certainly, the shaft got longer and girth seemed to have increased pretty uniformly along the whole length so it seems that growth came along the entire shaft.

Busy day, hope that response wasn’t too rushed and helps. :)

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!


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