Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

NateTheGreat4's Progress Report

That helps - thanks for your time! I’ve decided that I’ll build your latest design once I’m done with my 2-week deconditioning break (if I built it sooner, I’d have a hard time sticking to my 2-weeks… :D ). I think the larger base will do wonders for me. The stretching mechanism is exactly the same as most of your older designs (which is a good thing), but I love the newer features such as the protected springs, ease of building, and design of the noose attachment. I’ll try out the thinner noose that you’ve been using in the last couple designs, and hopefully rid myself of needing to tape below the glans. Once made, I will post photos of the device to document it’s completion and the start of its use. I’d like to be the first person to replicate your 1.75” gains with a similar device and routine, for science’s sake. :D

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Something else you could try is adding another set of springs on either side. I can’t recall of the top of my head if you have one or two on each side (I think two). One doesn’t give a lot of range and makes it hard to put on, two increases the range quite a bit but requires a longer penis to get to the proper tension. If you have the space though, consider adding a third (and shortening or removing the spacer) and you might be able to spread out the tension over a larger distance so it stays more consistent as you wear it.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Hey Nate. Read through your log. I’m on day 2 of the proextender off alibaba. I’ll be keeping a watch. Appreciate the good read.

Animalwannabe, thanks for reading and for your support - and goodluck with the proextender off alibaba!

After a two-week long break, it’s back to the grind! I just built a second of Cantlook’s designs, the “Pipe-stretcher”, to add to my collection. Now I have an extender for home and an extender for work. Unfortunately, my glans are not too compatible with the noose (I even tried a 1/4” tube), as it just compresses my head down to nothing. Good thing I’ve already figured out that if I tape below my glans, it keeps my head inflated - it’s just not as quick to take off and conceal as I’d hoped.

P.S. I wanted a wider base, so I took the liberty of making the 1/2” PVC tubing 0.5” longer so that the base left a 2” opening as opposed to a 1.5” opening.

(24.1 KB, 60 views)

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Originally Posted by NateTheGreat4
After a two-week long break, it’s back to the grind! I just built a second of Cantlook’s designs, the “Pipe-stretcher”, to add to my collection. Now I have an extender for home and an extender for work. Unfortunately, my glans are not too compatible with the noose (I even tried a 1/4” tube), as it just compresses my head down to nothing. Good thing I’ve already figured out that if I tape below my glans, it keeps my head inflated - it’s just not as quick to take off and conceal as I’d hoped.

Looks great NateTheGreat4!

I remember reading somewhere about issues with slipping in the past and some member have found success by kegel/jelqing a bit of blood into the glans to get a bit of a head swell before and/or while in the noose. I know it’s a technique that is easier said than done when dealing with a flaccid state and too much will affect circulation but if you can pump just enough blood into the glans it may help everything stay in place without tape.

How was the extender to build? Any issues with the tutorial?

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by cantlook
Looks great NateTheGreat4!

I remember reading somewhere about issues with slipping in the past and some member have found success by kegel/jelqing a bit of blood into the glans to get a bit of a head swell before and/or while in the noose. I know it’s a technique that is easier said than done when dealing with a flaccid state and too much will affect circulation but if you can pump just enough blood into the glans it may help everything stay in place without tape.

How was the extender to build? Any issues with the tutorial?

As you can see by my image, I still have some barcode stickers to remove before it’s completely finished :D . The build itself was quite easy and the tutorial was very comprehensive. The white-knight 2 took me much longer to source parts, make, and get everything aligned than this pipe-stretcher. I used a glue (gorilla super-glue) that dried within 10 seconds of the PVC parts being fitted together, so it took me a long time to go and buy new parts and cut lengths of PVC once I messed up and fused a couple 90-elbows non-squarely, but other than that, it was quite pleasant to build and easy to source the parts. It took me less than 2 hours to build, but I could make a second one in under 30 minutes, and probably 4 minutes if I had access to a belt sander, circular cutting saw, and a drill press. Everything was completed with a drill, a dremel, and a hacksaw - so those are a must have for people to make their’s easily. For people who are considering making one of these, here were my part costs (rounded):

1” Chicago Posts = $1ea (6x)
3” Chicago Post Bases = $1.50ea (2x)
2’ 1/2” PVC = $1
1’ 1/4” Fuel Line = $2
2’ 3/8” Hard Tubing for the spacer = $3
90-deg, 1/2” joints = $0.50 ea (7x) [I used 7 because I made a spacer out of one to fill in the gap left by putting 2” PVC lengths between 90-deg joints as opposed to 1.5” as the instructions state]
1’ velcro = $1
1/2” End Caps = $0.50 ea (2x)
Bifold Closet Door Springs = $3 per set of two (2x)
Machine Screws = $0.12 ea (2x)

Total ~ $27

I will see if I can find a new technique for getting enough blood in the head to make the noose work as desired - I’ve tried, but can never get it to “stick around”. ;)

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Yesterday was the first time since I made the pipe-stretcher that I actually had a chance to use it. It’s like the more I’m dedicated to PE, the more people who normally leave me be want my attention (as if they have a mysterious drive to discover my secret PE life). I have to say, the pipe-stretcher pulls in a way that my white-knight 2 does not. I get a much greater pulling feeling in my base, which I’ve attributed to having a larger diameter hole at the base of the device (2” on the pipe-stretcher). My erect base girth is around 5.5-5.7”, and I feel as though the 1.5” diameter hole in the base of my white-knight 2 was causing too much friction on parts that weren’t helping growth (i.e. base skin, which, no matter how much it stretched and changed, there was more wanting to be stretched without putting pressure on my penis internals). That being said, I’m trying to get 3x 30 minute extending sessions in each day. I can get 2x 30 minute sessions in the morning no problem, but I want, and sometimes can’t have, a 30 minute session in the evening/afternoon. I’ll try to measure on Monday the 15th of December and see if I’ve added anything to my BPEL.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

I think I’ll be able to get 3x 30 minute extender sessions in each weekday, but will probably only be able to manually stretch on the weekends. I was thinking: if I want to gain 1” BPEL in the next 6 months, that’s roughly 1mm every single week, assuming I can keep growing and keep it up in a linear fashion. I plan on going back to my initial plan of measuring every 2 weeks, but it might be hard to judge on the bi-weeklies if I’ve made any gains since I’d only be looking for 2mm every two weeks. If I can make this happen, I’d be on track to hit 24mm in 24 weeks (roughly 6 months), and I’d have spent nearly 400 hours in the cantlook extender (not counting the previous 400 hours or so of PE and my other 0.5” gains).

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

So far so good! 1.5-2 hours of Pipe-Stretcher per day, dedicated as ever. This pipe-stretcher feels like it’s winning a battle of tug-of-war with my inner penis whilst beckoning “come hither”. But seriously, it’s pulling quite nicely. :D

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

I was thinking of doing short high intensity bursts with my extender but I probably won’t get into that until I get a sliding extender after 500 hours. Spring based just doesn’t seem good enough.

Originally Posted by animalwannabe
I was thinking of doing short high intensity bursts with my extender but I probably won’t get into that until I get a sliding extender after 500 hours. Spring based just doesn’t seem good enough.

You’ll have to let me know how that goes once you hit 500 hours. The spring based designs are so much quicker and easier to attach, in my experience. I’m trying to see if I can replicate Cantlook’s results with the same devices, and maybe add some support for these spring based designs.

In other news, I measured today. BPEL=15.3cm. Hard to say if I’ve gained anything over the last two weeks (I mean, the data would suggest “no”, but EQ can vary wildly during measurements for me), but my flaccid appears to be hanging a bit lower these days.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

On a whim, I decided to measure my BPFSL, which is now at 16cm. 6 months ago, my BPFSL was 14.7cm. This leads me to believe that my gains (1.3cm) thus far have been due to tissue elongation (temporary vs permanent, is a discussion for another day), as opposed to EQ differences.

I’ve been stretching/extending as usual. I’m going to keep on stretching until May, at which point, I will go back to pumping and jelqing. I need to get a smaller cylinder (I currently have a 2.0”, and want a 1.75”) so I can pack it sooner and keep focusing on length, but LeLuv has been out of their 1.75x9s for months. After a month or less of pumping, I noticed a difference in vein-age, which is still present today. The ultimate goal is to get my BPEL up to 7” and my MSEG up to 5.5”, with it being healthy and nicely vascular.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Excellent Luck! I just checked the LeLuv’s Ebay for their 1.75 x 9” cylinders and they’re back in stock! $27.99 is a pretty good deal, especially since my LAPdist cylinder was over 3 times that much. Ordered 1, but will keep doing my same old routine. :)

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

BPSFL measurement has consistently been at 16.2cm (6 3/8”) for the past week. I hope to get my BPFSL up to 16.5cm in three weeks. I’m getting in roughly 2 hours a day right now on the pipe-stretcher and it continues to feel excellent. I decided to start using a rice-sock for heat again (I wasn’t using anything for the last 2 months, since I was using IR for the prior 3 months and only saw 0.4cm in BPEL gains).

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

My stretched length in the pipe-stretcher has “grown” by about 0.5cm this past week. Using a rice sock on my shaft during the extending may be beneficial! Time will tell if it translates to BPEL. :)

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)


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