New to PE. Ready to commit
Hi everyone I am new here and I have just started PE. I had heard of jelqing before and had tried it but did not have the will to commit probably because I did not have all the knowledge and inspiration that I have gotten from here.
I have done 4 PE sessions now and I am on a rest day. Here is my session:
5Min hot towel
50-75 3sec jelqs
5Min hot towel
A few kegels(just getting used to them)
I stroke at 60-80%
I measured today and I was 5.5NBPEL and 6.25BPEL and 5.0EG. I think I could get some of that length to show maybe if I get back in shape again. I am 25 yrs old and I weigh 193; was 180.
I measured a little while back and was 6.0 BPEL and I definetly noticed a slight + in EQ already so this could be from that.
Anyhow I am glad I found this place and I am looking forward to growing my dick.